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Fran Everitt

Stories of Hope

Release Date: 06/20/2024

Mike Frost show art Mike Frost

Stories of Hope

Mike is a prolific author, an internationally sought after speaker and one of the leading voices on the authentic mission of the church. Mike is not afraid to debate the tough issues and as he shares his story we see some of the experiences that have shaped his views and given him the courage to speak out.

Encouragement show art Encouragement

Stories of Hope

When you think about encouragement in the bible you think Barnabus. He was instrumental in helping the Apostle Paul in the early days of his ministry. To give and receive encouragement is life giving. Who can you encourage today?

Leisa Humbley show art Leisa Humbley

Stories of Hope

Leisa grew up in Broken Hill and luckily needed to go to the bathroom when she was a child at church which cleared a pathway in the pew for her father to go forward and embrace Christian faith. Her beautiful heart and love for God and people has been key through the challenges of family life and Salvo ministry. Today she serves young people in the Salvos in Brisbane.  

Everyone Needs an Ananias show art Everyone Needs an Ananias

Stories of Hope

In Acts ch 9 we see Ananias going to Saul after his Damascus Road experience and helping him, even though he thought he was dangerous. We are all prompted at times to help people who we have doubts about, but who knows what a difference this might make, both to them and to you!

Fran Everitt show art Fran Everitt

Stories of Hope

Fran Everitt didn't really want to come to Australia when she was 15 years old as the upheaval was significant. But thanks, in part to the beautiful community of the Salvos, her strength of character and love for people has flourished and she now cares for Aussie Salvo Officers from all over the world.

Wake Up Calls show art Wake Up Calls

Stories of Hope

Sometimes we get stuck in a rut or feel trapped and it takes a dramatic moment for us to wake up. For Saul on the Damascus Road it was a blinding light, for the lovely Sue it was a persistent inkling to move to Melbourne. Both resulted in significant changes!

Tom Austin show art Tom Austin

Stories of Hope

Tom Austin is the NSW manager of youth services for the Salvos and he and I worked together for a while at OASIS in Sydney. He has a fascinating story and has been shaped by both loving stability and personal tragedy. He has a surprising devotion to growing, preserving and making sauces from chillies!

Guidance and Encounters Along the Way show art Guidance and Encounters Along the Way

Stories of Hope

In life, if we are open to it, we might receive divine guidance, we might meet people from far off lands who are different and we might participate in life together in wonderful ways. This happened to Phillip in Acts chapter 8 and I'm hoping it will happen to me on the Camino De Santiago later this year.

David Collinson show art David Collinson

Stories of Hope

Dave Collinson, also known as Captain Collo, is a Salvo officer who never gets bored. He has written a book, led big bands, started Just Brass which is a music program for kids and is even an iron man. Always up for a challenge, his story is inspiring and uplifting.

Receiving the Holy Spirit show art Receiving the Holy Spirit

Stories of Hope

To be filled with the Holy Spirit suggests we are not mere spectators of the faith. We have 100% skin in the game. It's like Collingwood on a great day where every player doing his part to create the magic. But is full surrender moving to Africa and working in a children's home or just making a cup of tea for the lovely Sue when I am tired? Or both?

More Episodes

Fran Everitt didn't really want to come to Australia when she was 15 years old as the upheaval was significant. But thanks, in part to the beautiful community of the Salvos, her strength of character and love for people has flourished and she now cares for Aussie Salvo Officers from all over the world.