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Climate Denial in Government: The Need for Voter Awareness

How To Protect The Ocean

Release Date: 08/16/2024

Unraveling the Mystery: Why Sawfish Were Spinning and Dying in Florida show art Unraveling the Mystery: Why Sawfish Were Spinning and Dying in Florida

How To Protect The Ocean

In this episode of the How to Protect the Ocean podcast, host Andrew Lewin discusses the recent phenomenon of sawfish displaying unusual behavior in Florida waters, leading to their deaths. While scientists have identified the behavior and its effects, the underlying cause remains uncertain. Andrew shares his personal experiences from a beautiful weekend in North Bay, reflecting on the warmer-than-usual September weather and its implications. Tune in to learn more about this intriguing issue affecting ocean life and stay informed on how to advocate for a healthier ocean. Link to article: ...

Tuna Fisheries and Forced Labor: A Deep Dive into Eco-Label Shortcomings show art Tuna Fisheries and Forced Labor: A Deep Dive into Eco-Label Shortcomings

How To Protect The Ocean

In this episode of the How to Protect the Ocean podcast, host Andrew Lewin dives into the topic of ecolabels in seafood consumption. Picture yourself enjoying a delicious sushi lunch, knowing you've made an eco-conscious choice by selecting certified sustainable seafood. Andrew discusses the importance of following organizations like Seafood Watch and the Marine Stewardship Council to ensure responsible seafood sourcing. However, he also addresses the imperfections of these ecolabels and raises critical questions about their effectiveness and future. Join the conversation as Andrew explores...

From Whales to Words: The Role of Environmental Communication in North Atlantic Right Whale Conservation show art From Whales to Words: The Role of Environmental Communication in North Atlantic Right Whale Conservation

How To Protect The Ocean

In this episode of the How to Protect the Ocean podcast, host Andrew Lewin sits down with Marcus Reamer, a PhD candidate at the University of Miami specializing in environmental communication. They delve into the critical role of effective messaging in conservation efforts, particularly concerning the North Atlantic right whales. The discussion covers the evolution of communication strategies over the last two decades, the impact of media coverage on conservation stories, and the conflicts that can arise in journalism related to environmental issues. Listeners will gain insights into the...

The State of Tuna Fishing: What You Need to Know show art The State of Tuna Fishing: What You Need to Know

How To Protect The Ocean

In this episode of "How to Protect the Ocean," host Andrew Lewin dives into the intricate world of fisheries management, focusing specifically on tuna fishing. Joined by Dr. Victor Restrepo from the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF), the discussion revolves around the recently released report titled "Snapshot of Large-Scale Tuna Per Seine Fishing Vessels." Andrew and Victor explore key topics such as the current state of tuna fishing, the number of fishing vessels in operation, and the countries they represent. Victor shares insights on the surprising stability in vessel...

National Park Scandal and Whale Encounter Updates show art National Park Scandal and Whale Encounter Updates

How To Protect The Ocean

In this episode of the How to Protect the Ocean podcast, host Andrew Lewin provides updates on the Florida National Park developments and a swim with whales story. The episode also includes reflections on the host's birthday and upcoming goals for the podcast. Tune in for a mishmash of updates and insights on ocean conservation efforts. Call the Queensland Government to let them know they need to put in better regulations for swim with whale tourism. Contact: Follow a career in conservation: Use the code SUFB to get 33% off courses and the careers program.   Do you want to join...

Protecting Blue Carbon Ecosystems: A Global Perspective show art Protecting Blue Carbon Ecosystems: A Global Perspective

How To Protect The Ocean

In this episode of the How to Protect the Ocean podcast, host Andrew Lewin speaks with Emily Kelly from the Blue Carbon Action Network at the World Economic Forum. They discuss the tangible actions to combat climate change through restoration and blue carbon projects, focusing on restoring mangroves, salt marshes, and seagrasses. Emily highlights the human-centric approach of these projects, which not only benefit the environment but also support local communities. Tune in to learn more about the global, national, and local efforts to protect the ocean and combat climate change. Website: ...

The Controversy of Swimming with Humpback Whales show art The Controversy of Swimming with Humpback Whales

How To Protect The Ocean

Andrew Lewin discusses a controversial incident in Australia involving a humpback whale and a swimmer. The incident has raised concerns about the impact of swim-with-whale tourism on humpback whale behavior. Join Andrew as he delves into the story and explores potential actions that could be taken, possibly starting with government intervention. Tune in to learn more about protecting our oceans and how you can make a difference. Links: Contact the Queensland Department of Environment, Science, and Innovation: Queensland Rules around whale watching: Stephanie Stack's TikTok Video: ...

Navigating Marine Science Careers: Building Your Resume Beyond Courses and Internships show art Navigating Marine Science Careers: Building Your Resume Beyond Courses and Internships

How To Protect The Ocean

In this episode, the host shares insights on preparing for a career in wildlife biology, drawing from personal experiences and discussions with his daughter. He also mentions feedback received from listeners and a suggestion from a colleague about enhancing resumes with additional experiences beyond courses and internships. Follow a career in conservation: Use the code SUFB to get 33% off courses and the careers program.   Do you want to join my Ocean Community? Sign Up for Updates on the process:   Sign up for our Newsletter:    Facebook Group: Connect with...

Be Curious: Exploring Ocean and Atmosphere Questions show art Be Curious: Exploring Ocean and Atmosphere Questions

How To Protect The Ocean

Tune in to the latest episode of the How to Protect the Ocean podcast where host Andrew Lewin is joined by authors Ellen Prager and Dave Jones to discuss their new book, "Megalodons, Mermaids, and Climate Change." They answer common and uncommon questions about the ocean and atmosphere, addressing topics such as megalodons, mermaids, and climate change. Get ready to dive into a mix of serious and fun questions with insightful and entertaining answers! Pre-order the book: Follow a career in conservation: Use the code SUFB to get 33% off courses and the careers program.   Do you...

Defending Florida's State Parks: A Call to Action to Prevent Proposed Development show art Defending Florida's State Parks: A Call to Action to Prevent Proposed Development

How To Protect The Ocean

Andrew Lewin discusses the beauty of Florida's natural landscapes and the importance of defending state parks. You are all encouraged to come together as a community to protect these parks. The episode addresses a listener-requested story and emphasizes the significance of taking action to preserve the ocean. Andrew welcomes story suggestions from the audience and invites them to connect on LinkedIn or Instagram at @HowToProtectTheOcean. Tune in to learn more about protecting parks and advocating for a better ocean. Link:  Follow a career in conservation: Use the code SUFB to get...

More Episodes

This episode of the How to Protect the Ocean podcast delves into the critical issue of climate denial among politicians in the US and its impact on climate action. Despite the urgent need for eco-solutions and renewable energy, a significant number of politicians are climate deniers, hindering progress. The episode explores the importance of enacting laws and regulations to incentivize individuals, businesses, and governments to adopt sustainable practices.

Tune in to learn more about the challenges posed by climate deniers and the actions needed to drive positive change for our planet.

Link to article: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/aug/05/climate-change-denial-congress

Follow a career in conservation: https://www.conservation-careers.com/online-training/ Use the code SUFB to get 33% off courses and the careers program.
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Climate deniers in the US government are significantly impeding progress on climate action. The episode highlights how 123 elected officials in the US, including 100 members of the House of Representatives and 23 Senators, deny the existence of human-caused climate change. This denial is a major obstacle to enacting laws and regulations that would incentivize individuals, businesses, and governments to adopt eco-friendly solutions and renewable energy sources.

The presence of climate deniers in the government is concerning, especially given the US's status as a superpower. These deniers not only reject the reality of climate change but also hinder efforts to address it effectively. The episode points out that these lawmakers have received a combined $52 million in campaign donations from the fossil fuel industry, which further influences their stance on climate issues.

While the American public is increasingly recognizing the urgency of climate change, with fewer people rejecting climate science, the representation in the government does not reflect this shift. The discrepancy between public opinion and the views of elected officials underscores the need for change in leadership to align with the public's concerns about climate change.

The episode emphasizes the importance of voting for candidates who prioritize climate action and are willing to take steps to combat climate change. It also discusses how the fossil fuel industry and its allies have used various messaging tactics to undermine concerns about climate change, including attacking renewable energy solutions and spreading misinformation about their environmental impact.

Overall, the presence of climate deniers in the US government poses a significant challenge to advancing climate action and addressing the pressing issues related to climate change. It underscores the importance of electing officials who are committed to environmental protection and sustainability to drive meaningful progress in combating climate change.

One of the key issues highlighted in the podcast episode is the disconnect between the American public's growing concern about climate change and the lack of representation of this sentiment in their elected representatives. The episode discusses how polls show that a significant proportion of Americans are now alarmed or concerned about climate change, with fewer than one in five people in the U.S. rejecting the findings of climate science. This shift in public opinion is significant, with more people recognizing the impacts of climate change on their lives and communities.

However, the episode points out that this sentiment is not adequately reflected in the U.S. Congress. The transcript reveals that a quarter of U.S. lawmakers deny the climate crisis, with 123 elected officials, all Republicans, dismissing the existence of human-caused climate change. This discrepancy between the views of the American public and their representatives is concerning, especially given the power and influence the U.S. holds as a superpower.

The episode emphasizes the importance of having elected officials who represent the values and concerns of their constituents. It highlights the need for politicians who acknowledge the reality of climate change and are willing to take action to address it. The podcast suggests that the current composition of climate-denying lawmakers in Congress, who have received significant campaign donations from the fossil fuel industry, is hindering progress on climate action.

In conclusion, the episode underscores the urgency of aligning political representation with the public's increasing concern about climate change. It calls for voters to be informed about the climate stances of their candidates and to support those who prioritize climate action. By electing officials who reflect the public's concerns about climate change, there is a greater likelihood of enacting meaningful legislation and policies to address this pressing global issue.

Importance of Voting for Politicians Prioritizing Climate Action

In the podcast episode, it was highlighted that individuals play a crucial role in shaping climate action by voting for politicians who prioritize environmental efforts. The episode discussed how 123 politicians in the US government are climate deniers, hindering progress in climate change legislation. This emphasizes the importance of individuals making informed decisions when voting to ensure that elected officials align with their values and prioritize climate action.

The episode also touched upon the tactics used by some individuals and groups to spread misinformation and attack environmental efforts. It was mentioned that the fossil fuel industry and its allies have long used messaging to rebuff concerns of climate change, creating confusion and hindering progress. This underscores the need for individuals to combat misinformation by staying informed, fact-checking claims, and supporting politicians who advocate for science-based solutions to climate change.

By voting for politicians who prioritize climate action and combating misinformation and attacks on environmental efforts, individuals can contribute to driving positive change and ensuring a sustainable future for the planet. It is essential for individuals to engage in the political process, advocate for science-based policies, and hold elected officials accountable for their actions on climate change. Through collective action and informed voting, individuals can play a significant role in addressing the climate crisis and protecting the environment for future generations.