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Meet Scott Sklar, a renewable energy enthusiast in Arlington, Virginia

Climate Connections

Release Date: 09/23/2024

Cutting climate pollution could save tens of thousands of lives, study finds show art Cutting climate pollution could save tens of thousands of lives, study finds

Climate Connections

New research links cleaner air to significant health benefits. Learn more at .

Denied FEMA Assistance? You can appeal show art Denied FEMA Assistance? You can appeal

Climate Connections

A free online tool, available in both English and Spanish, can help. Learn more at . 

A new financing model could speed up forest thinning projects show art A new financing model could speed up forest thinning projects

Climate Connections

The projects can help reduce the risk of intense wildfires. Learn more at .

Geoscientist David Padgett turns science into a tool for environmental justice show art Geoscientist David Padgett turns science into a tool for environmental justice

Climate Connections

He offers his expertise to communities struggling with pollution and flooding. Learn more at . 

Meet Scott Sklar, a renewable energy enthusiast in Arlington, Virginia show art Meet Scott Sklar, a renewable energy enthusiast in Arlington, Virginia

Climate Connections

When there’s a power outage, people gather at Sklar’s place. During good weather, they take tours and check out what kids call his ‘Back to the Future’ van. Learn more at .

Tofu manufacturer turns waste into energy with a biodigester show art Tofu manufacturer turns waste into energy with a biodigester

Climate Connections

Island Spring Organics on Vashon Island, Washington, uses soybean pulp and whey to help power its tofu production. Learn more at .

Hospitals commit to cutting climate pollution from their food supply chain show art Hospitals commit to cutting climate pollution from their food supply chain

Climate Connections

Over 100 hospitals and medical centers have signed up. Learn more at .

What to ask when you’re hiring a solar company show art What to ask when you’re hiring a solar company

Climate Connections

It can be hard to know which claims to believe. Learn more at .

Photos show how climate change is shaping the Louisiana coast show art Photos show how climate change is shaping the Louisiana coast

Climate Connections

Virginia Hanusik’s new book, ‘Into the Quiet and the Light,’ pairs photos with essays and reflections from community members. Learn more at .

Old apartment building in Santa Monica transformed into all-electric affordable housing show art Old apartment building in Santa Monica transformed into all-electric affordable housing

Climate Connections

Rooftop solar plus other upgrades add up to lower bills for residents. Learn more at . 

More Episodes

When there’s a power outage, people gather at Sklar’s place. During good weather, they take tours and check out what kids call his ‘Back to the Future’ van. Learn more at https://www.yaleclimateconnections.org/.