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Life-Giving Wounds - Healing for Adult Children of Divorce Part 2

The Quest

Release Date: 08/29/2024

News Roundup - Voter Polls, Pope on Other Religions, The Future of Notre Dame show art News Roundup - Voter Polls, Pope on Other Religions, The Future of Notre Dame

The Quest

Today's News roundup with Monsignor Charles Pope looks at a new religious voter poll, a Protestant ministry filing a brief in support of Catholic Charities, what Pope Francis had to say about interreligious dialogue, and the future of Notre Dame University. Show Links: 

Helping Catholic Youth in a World of Confusion show art Helping Catholic Youth in a World of Confusion

The Quest

Sarah Soto discusses what the youth need, what they are struggling with, and why Christ is the answer.

News & Faith - Trouble in Eastern Churches, Georgia Shooting , & Trans Tolerance show art News & Faith - Trouble in Eastern Churches, Georgia Shooting , & Trans Tolerance

The Quest

Monsignor Charles Pope takes a look at this coming Sunday's Readings and then digs into headlines including some problems in the Eastern Churches, more trans "tolerance", and the Atlanta Bishops' response to the Apalachee school shooting. Show Links: 

Do You Know of a Christianity that Doesn't Require Works? show art Do You Know of a Christianity that Doesn't Require Works?

The Quest

Faith and Works. 14 What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and has no food for the day, 16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well,” but you do not give them the necessities of the body, what good is it? 17 So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead.  18 Indeed someone may say, “You have faith and I have works.” Demonstrate your faith to me without works, and I will demonstrate my faith to you from my...

News Roundup -BCE, Technology, Spells, & Chapel Veils show art News Roundup -BCE, Technology, Spells, & Chapel Veils

The Quest

Monsignor Charles Pope explores some headlines including the Vatican dropping ‘BC’ for ‘BCE’, Prophets of Technocracy, Yale’s Divinity School forcing students to read from a “spell”, and a look at Veils in Church Show Links: 

News & Faith -Law of Love, Trump on IVF, & The African Church show art News & Faith -Law of Love, Trump on IVF, & The African Church

The Quest

Monsignor Charles Pope gets us ready for the Sunday Gospel then digs into headlines including Trump on IVF, 'Missionaries of Evil' in Africa, and a lawsuit against Fr. Thomas Rosica. Show Links: 

Life-Giving Wounds - Healing for Adult Children of Divorce Part 2 show art Life-Giving Wounds - Healing for Adult Children of Divorce Part 2

The Quest

Sarah Soto continues the conversation with Dr. Daniel Meola about helping young adults and adults with divorced and separated parents give voice to their pain and find transformative healing in Christ. Show Links:

Can A Whisper Be Louder Than A Shout?  show art Can A Whisper Be Louder Than A Shout?

The Quest

The Quest - A Pilgrimage of Faith

News Roundup Ectopic Pregnancies, Parish Life, & more show art News Roundup Ectopic Pregnancies, Parish Life, & more

The Quest

Monsignor Charles Pope takes a look at recent headlines affecting the church and world including the legal battle over alleged refusal to treat ectopic pregnancy since Dobbs, Rethinking Parish Life, a Canadian pastor found guilty of ‘criminal harassment’ for expressing his opposition toward a ‘drag queen story hour’ targeting children, and a priest who is asking Pope Francis to restore his priestly faculties. Show Links: 

Understanding The Second Coming of Christ show art Understanding The Second Coming of Christ

The Quest

Monsignor Charles Pope clears up confusion about what the Church teaches us about the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  

More Episodes

Sarah Soto continues the conversation with Dr. Daniel Meola about helping young adults and adults with divorced and separated parents give voice to their pain and find transformative healing in Christ.

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