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Episode 346 We Need To Village

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

Release Date: 03/10/2025

Episode 346 We Need To Village show art Episode 346 We Need To Village

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

On this week’s episode, I explore the use of the word “village” as a noun and a verb. From the African proverb “it takes a village to raise a child” to why we, as a country in crisis, need to “village”. We need social connectedness, safe circles, groups and villages, where we can be held and hold others. In our village and as we village, we need to create and use ‘“alternative economies”, based on mutuality and the common good. I also explain how strong communities and living with joy are forms of resistance. May we village with one another, strengthen our communities and...

Episode 345 Wouldn't It Be Nice If...... show art Episode 345 Wouldn't It Be Nice If......

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

On this week’s episode, I share a personal experience of the uplifting “Wouldn’t It Be Nice If…”  mindset exercise. This simple phrase is a powerful bridge to move our thoughts from what we don’t what to what we do want. “Wouldn’t It Be Nice If…”  helps align our thoughts with what is in our highest interest, so the Universe has a better chance of helping us manifest what serves our highest good. When my friend Cynthia and I brainstormed and implemented the ““Wouldn’t It Be Nice If…”  possibilities, it shifted our thoughts, our feelings and...

Episode 344 Black History to $ Black Out show art Episode 344 Black History to $ Black Out

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

On this week’s episode, I acknowledge the informative, inspiring Black History posts from Kimberly Jones and all I continue to learn from her. We fill the month of February honoring the Black innovators, pioneers, and trailblazers that have shaped our country. We can end the month in solidarity by joining millions of people to boycott the corruption and greed of corporations. On the last day of this month, Friday February 28th, join me in participating in the Economic Black Out refusing to shop at any major corporation: NO Walmart, NO Amazon, NO McDonalds!! Check out the show notes...

Episode 343 Moment of Resistance show art Episode 343 Moment of Resistance

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

On this week’s episode, I continue the theme of “Listen and Learn” for Black History Month. I was so grateful for the ‘moment of resistance” that Keith Boykin illuminates in his commentary of Kendrick Lamar’s incredible half time show at the Super Bowl last week. I’ve transcribed Boykin’s commentary in hopes that my listeners will further understand the symbolism, history and meaningful context of Lamar’s powerful performance. Check out the show notes for Keith Boykin’s IG account so you can regularly take in more opportunities for listening and learning. May we honor...

Episode 342 Listen and Learn show art Episode 342 Listen and Learn

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

On this week’s episode, as we kick off the month of February and Black History Month, I share Nikole Hannah-Jones’ poignant explanation of why people want to ban Black History. They want Black people to believe there is something wrong with them, rather than there is something wrong with our country. They don’t want people to be educated and empowered to reveal the lie of our country. With our current political chaos, I know we have to sift through a lot of lies. We are all learning how to limit how much news we take in and be intentional about the sources we trust. In this racially...

Episode 341 Humility Seeping In show art Episode 341 Humility Seeping In

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

I saved 3 quotes this past month that struck me. Without realizing it at the time, each quote lines up with my word for the year: humility. I’m grateful that humility is seeping into my consciousness and unconsciousness.  Are you finding synchronicities and signs that remind you of the word you chose for the year? May you notice the ways your word of the year is showing up for you. May your word of the year seep in…so it can guide you and inspire you. Enjoy the podcast! 

Episode 340 Humility show art Episode 340 Humility

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

Have you ever chosen a word to guide you through the year? This was the first time I’ve tried it. An inner voice popped the word HUMILITY into my mind. I’ve been thinking about humility, feeling into humility and on this week’s episode, I share some of my early reflections on the word humility.   What word comes to mind for you? What word does your inner voice whisper to you for guidance and growth? Whatever your 2025 word might be, may it enlighten, uplift and inspire you. Enjoy the podcast!

Episode 339 King & Carter show art Episode 339 King & Carter

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

As we remember and celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. today, I want to continue to learn about MLK and discover ways to continue his legacy in my daily life. I am struck by how much MLK had in common with Jimmy Carter. They were only four years apart in age, and even though the late President Jimmy Carter and Martin Luther King, Jr. never met each other, their philosophies were in alignment. It feels incongruent to honor MLK on the same day as Trump’s inauguration, but hold onto MLK’s words that ring truer today than ever before!  “We need leaders not in love with money but in...

Episode 338 Feed Both show art Episode 338 Feed Both

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

On this week’s episode, I share the familiar Native American parable of the Two Wolves. You probably know the common version of a Cherokee grandfather acknowledging to his grandson that there is a battle of two wolves inside all of us, one dark and one light. The grandson asked which wolf wins and the grandfather replies “The one we feed.” As much as this version is a gentle reminder that we have a choice, we can choose to feed just the light wolf, I discovered another version of the Two Wolves story. Listen to the podcast to hear the new version, where the grandfather tells his...

Episode 337 Reflections of 2024 show art Episode 337 Reflections of 2024

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

As we start off 2025, I’d like to take a moment today to acknowledge our 7 year milestone and reflect on this past year. We launched the podcast in January 2018, so here’s to completing 7 years of Enlighten!  January 2025 marks the beginning of our 8th year of the podcast. Wow! In 2024, I continued to cultivate my intimacy with nature, and took great pleasure in the everyday miracles that surround us. I delight in subtle and blatant glimmers of resilience, growth and transformation both individually and collectively. Thank you, 2024 for another year of inspiring guests, personal...

More Episodes

On this week’s episode, I explore the use of the word “village” as a noun and a verb. From the African proverb “it takes a village to raise a child” to why we, as a country in crisis, need to “village”. We need social connectedness, safe circles, groups and villages, where we can be held and hold others. In our village and as we village, we need to create and use ‘“alternative economies”, based on mutuality and the common good. I also explain how strong communities and living with joy are forms of resistance.

May we village with one another, strengthen our communities and truly nurture ourselves and the world. May we unify, collaborate, organize, and village in resistance.

Check out the show notes for links to Melina Rudman’s Substack post, Heather Cox Richardson’s IG and the economic blackouts and boycotts. Enjoy the podcast!  

Melina Rudman Substack
IG: Heather Cox Richardson
IG: The One Called Jai
IG: The People's Union USA