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Episode 25: Being Fully Visible, Letting Go of Fear, Changing the World with Your Biz Just by Being You with Caitrìona Reed

The Art of Feminine Business with Julie Foucht

Release Date: 12/17/2015

Tapping into Your Intuition to Find Success with Allyson Scammell show art Tapping into Your Intuition to Find Success with Allyson Scammell

The Art of Feminine Business with Julie Foucht

    I'm thrilled to share my second conversation with the incredible Allyson Scammell. Our chat today was a powerful reminder of the profound growth that awaits when we learn to truly trust our intuition—whether you call it a gut feeling, inner knowing, or something else entirely. The key lies in having the right tools and the right mentor to guide you on this journey. Tune in to discover why this is so essential.    In this episode, I sit down with Allyson, a master intuitive business coach, expert energy healer, and psychic medium to get reacquainted. Allyson is...

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The Art of Feminine Business with Julie Foucht

This is a delightful episode with a woman whose ideas and magic resonate so deeply with my own.    Michal Spiegelman is the visionary behind Beacons of Change, a transformative platform dedicated to guiding women and healing professionals toward a soul-fueled life lived at full power. As the founder and creator of the Soulful Healer Method for Profound Transformation, Michal empowers a diverse community to find their authentic voice and develop a distinctive identity.    She is a certified professional life coach, Reiki master, spiritual mentor, medical...

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The Art of Feminine Business with Julie Foucht

The world is changing, and for women to stay ahead, we must choose to evolve and grow with it. Creating the life of your dreams takes dedicated effort and a sprinkle of magic. To achieve that, we need to acknowledge where we are and recognize the gap between our current state and our aspirations. My guest today and I have walked this path, done the work, and are here to share our stories. Tune in...    As a solo business owner, Certified Business and Life Coach, and single mom, Carol Williams knows the art of prioritizing and pivoting while building a life she loves. After 18...

Special Solo Episode - Tapping into Your Creative Energy as a Witchpreneur with Julie Foucht show art Special Solo Episode - Tapping into Your Creative Energy as a Witchpreneur with Julie Foucht

The Art of Feminine Business with Julie Foucht

    Human beings are born with unimaginable capacity to create in this world. Then we experience life and we forget who we truly are. Today I take you on a journey of knowing yourself through the lens of your Witchpreneur type, reminding you of your magic and your ability to create a life and business you love. Come along on this ride with me...     Here’s a preview of what I’m sharing,      - The magic lies within you; witchpreneur energy in context of business   - Knowing your higher self; your greatest resource on this...

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The Art of Feminine Business with Julie Foucht

Have you ever truly noticed what it feels like to be completely at home in your own skin—confident in your decisions, surrounded by people who uplift you, and traveling to places that feel like home? These moments are your body’s way of telling you that you’re on the right path. This inner knowing resides within each of us, yet we often ignore or silence it. Today, my guest and I delve into why this happens and how to reclaim your power.    Katharine Campbell Hirst’s eclectic journey spans six countries and diverse careers, including strategy consulting at Accenture,...

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The Art of Feminine Business with Julie Foucht

Today’s guest takes us on a transformative journey of self-discovery and integration, exploring the deep connection between mind, body, and spirit.    Pauline Nguyen’s story is one of survival and triumph. She escaped war-torn Vietnam as a toddler, spending a year in a Thai refugee camp before arriving in Australia. However, her struggles didn’t end there. Pauline endured severe physical and emotional abuse until she was a young woman. She now refers to this staggering adversity as her training ground, rising from the ashes of her trauma to become one of Australia’s...

Intentional Entrepreneurship: Beyond Hustle and Grind with Stacey Olson show art Intentional Entrepreneurship: Beyond Hustle and Grind with Stacey Olson

The Art of Feminine Business with Julie Foucht

    Get ready for an electrifying episode! Today, I'm thrilled to be joined by a guest who brings deep insights into mastering the art of prioritization, transforming both personal and professional landscapes. Like me, she challenges the old-school belief that entrepreneurship has to be a grind of endless hours. Instead, she champions a more intentional and structured strategy for success.    Meet Stacey Olson, CPPC, a beacon of guidance for professional women seeking balance, reduced stress, and heightened performance. As a Leadership and Positive Psychology Certified...

Breaking Free from Others' Beliefs and Mindsets with Kimberly Spencer show art Breaking Free from Others' Beliefs and Mindsets with Kimberly Spencer

The Art of Feminine Business with Julie Foucht

Does your vision of yourself match what other’s think of you? Does that even matter?   Today’s guest, Kimberly Spencer, understands the surprising contrast between our perceived self and our true essence. We explore the path to shedding impostor syndrome and gradually constructing our most genuine selves, one step at a time.    Kimberly Spencer is an award-winning high-performance, trauma-informed coach and trainer, an Amazon best-selling author, TEDx speaker, and the founder of CrownYourself.com. She dedicates her expertise to helping visionary leaders break...

Discovering Your Witchpreneur Magic – A Special Solo Episode with Julie Foucht show art Discovering Your Witchpreneur Magic – A Special Solo Episode with Julie Foucht

The Art of Feminine Business with Julie Foucht

In today’s solo episode we delve into the world of the Witchpreneur - women who blend their inherent magic, spirituality, and intuition with robust business practices.  Having coached Witchpreneurs over the last couple of decades, I’ve identified unique characteristics that set apart the various types. I've distilled these insights into a quiz designed to help you uncover your distinctive skills, challenges, and pathways to making more money while doing good in the world.    Here’s what we’ll explore:    - The powerful significance of the word...

The Art of Keeping Up With Changing Times with Julie Noonan show art The Art of Keeping Up With Changing Times with Julie Noonan

The Art of Feminine Business with Julie Foucht

  Today's guest is a trailblazer who's shattering the notion that a flourishing business must be tied down to one spot. She embodies the true freedom of entrepreneurship by embracing adaptability and seizing new opportunities daily. Tune in to hear her captivating story.    Julie Noonan is a Leadership Coach, Transformational Change Leader, and Speaker. Throughout her career, she has worked with diverse companies, guiding people to navigate the turbulent seas of change. Julie's unique strength lies in her ability to discern patterns and connections within organizational...

More Episodes

In this episode I talk with Caitrìona (Cait) Reed, the co-founder of Five Changes and Manzanita Village Retreat. Caitrìona helps evolutionary leaders, conscious entrepreneurs, and spiritual and social creatives to discover and embody their full expression and visibility. During out chat, She led me through one of the exercises she uses with her clients to lead them through fear and into the greatness they are meant to be in the world.  

Connect with Caitrìona 

Facebook: www.fivechanges.com 


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