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NL-Day082 Numbers 22-23; Psalm 39; Acts 1

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

Release Date: 03/22/2024

NL-Day258 Hosea 13-14; Proverbs 25:15-28; Matthew 7:1-20 show art NL-Day258 Hosea 13-14; Proverbs 25:15-28; Matthew 7:1-20

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

HOSEA 13-14:Yesterday’s reading had this significant prophecy, prefaced by the words that God would not come to totally destroy: Hos. 11:10 NLT For someday the people will follow me.I, the LORD, will roar like a lion.And when I roar,my people will return trembling from the west.11 Like a flock of birds, they will come from Egypt.Trembling like doves, they will return from Assyria.And I will bring them home again,”says the LORD. Hosea begins chapter 13 speaking against the tribe of Ephraim, but in the prophetic writings, that one tribe often stands for the whole northern kingdom. So the...

NL-Day257 Hosea 11-12; Proverbs 25:1-14; Matthew 6:19-34 show art NL-Day257 Hosea 11-12; Proverbs 25:1-14; Matthew 6:19-34

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

HOSEA 11-12:In yesterday’s reading, as the Lord was pleading with Israel and using agricultural metaphors, He said, Hos. 10:12-13 NLT … ‘Plant the good seeds of righteousness, and you will harvest a crop of love. Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and shower righteousness upon you.’ 13 “But you have cultivated wickedness and harvested a thriving crop of sins. You have eaten the fruit of lies— trusting in your military might, believing that great armies could make your nation safe. PROVERBS 25a:Today’s highlighted...

NL-Day256 Hosea 9-10; Proverbs 24:17-34; Matthew 6:1-18 show art NL-Day256 Hosea 9-10; Proverbs 24:17-34; Matthew 6:1-18

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

HOSEA 9-10:I like how the GNT translates the first paragraph of chapter 6 as being the words of the people of Israel. Hosea 6:1-4 GNT:1 The people say, “Let's return to the LORD! He has hurt us, but he will be sure to heal us; he has wounded us, but he will bandage our wounds, won't he?2 In two or three days he will revive us, and we will live in his presence.3 Let us try to know the LORD. He will come to us as surely as the day dawns, as surely as the spring rains fall upon the earth.” 4 But the LORD says, “Israel and Judah, what am I going to do with you? Your love for me disappears as...

NL-Day255 Hosea 6-7; Proverbs 24:1-18; Matthew 5:27-48 show art NL-Day255 Hosea 6-7; Proverbs 24:1-18; Matthew 5:27-48

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

HOSEA 6-8:In yesterday’s reading, Hosea bought back his wife from prostitution. And the Lord drew analogies in his speech to Israel. PROVERBS 24a:Favorite verses: Pro. 24:5 NLT The wise are mightier than the strong, and those with knowledge grow stronger and stronger. 6 So don’t go to war without wise guidance; victory depends on having many advisers. MATTHEW 5b:Yesterday we read the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount, including the famous and memorizable Beatitudes. We also heard the first instance of “You have heard it said… but I say …” NLT Translation notes:Pro. 24:15 Don’t...

NL-Day254 Hosea 3-5; Proverbs 23:17-35; Matthew 5:1-26 show art NL-Day254 Hosea 3-5; Proverbs 23:17-35; Matthew 5:1-26

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

HOSEA 3-5:Beautifully interwoven word plays or metaphors were constructed using the names of Hosea’s three children. And verses of yesterday’s reading, are quoted in Romans 9 and 1Peter 2. The last verse ended: Hos. 2:23 NLT “I will show loveto those I called ‘Not loved.’And to those I called ‘Not my people,’I will say, ‘Now you are my people.’And they will reply, ‘You are our God!’” PROVERBS 23b:As you may have noticed yesterday, this chapter is much more thematic than chapters 10 through 22. The second half of chapter 23 is the words of a father to his son. This...

NL-Day253 Hosea 1-2; Proverbs 23:1-18; Matthew 4 show art NL-Day253 Hosea 1-2; Proverbs 23:1-18; Matthew 4

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

HOSEA 1-2:We have already heard that God considers the sin of idolatry to be parallel and just as offensive as a wife being unfaithful to her husband. Hosea is told by God to actually live out this situation. He is told to marry Gomer, a prostitute. Through Hosea, God shows just how ready He is to restore and be reconciled with His wayward people. Hosea prophesied to the Northern kingdom during the same time that Amos, Isaiah, and Micah were prophesying in the Southern kingdom. This was during the reign of Jeroboam the 2nd. Hosea was not a professional prophet trained in a school for prophets,...

NL-Day252 1 Chronicles 29; Proverbs 22:14-29; Matthew 3 show art NL-Day252 1 Chronicles 29; Proverbs 22:14-29; Matthew 3

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

1CHRONICLES 29:Yesterday we heard of the military commanders and officials under David, and the leaders of 13 tribes. Then we heard David’s instructions to Solomon. And it is always amazing to me the detail with which David planned for the temple, and also his generosity. PROVERBS 22b:Halfway through this chapter we begin a section where more of the proverbs are arranged in short paragraphs. That section begins at verse 17, just three verses after we begin today’s reading. Verse 20 introduces 30 sayings that follow  MATTHEW 3:Yesterday we heard of the coming of the learned men from...

NL-Day251 1 Chronicles 27-28; Proverbs 22:1-15; Matthew 2 show art NL-Day251 1 Chronicles 27-28; Proverbs 22:1-15; Matthew 2

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

1CHRONICLES 27-28:Yesterday we heard of the assignments of Levites as musicians, judges, and temple gate keepers. PROVERBS 22a:Our highlighted verse for today: 14 The mouth of an immoral woman is a dangerous trap;those who make the LORD angry will fall into it. (NLT) MATTHEW 2:For today’s intro to Matthew 2, I have a correction from what I said in this episode 251 before 2022. For this information, I am relying on Leon Morris’ commentary. How come the genealogies of Matthew and Luke are different? I have often heard it said that Matthew gives the genealogy of Joseph (the legal father) and...

NL-Day250 1 Chronicles 25-26; Proverbs 21:15-31; Matthew 1 show art NL-Day250 1 Chronicles 25-26; Proverbs 21:15-31; Matthew 1

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

1CHRONICLES 25-26:There was a rather important shift in Israel’s religious life that happened with David and his plans for temple worship rather than the older pattern of worship at the Tabernacle: It was that the priests and Levites were re-organized into groups appropriate to the new state of affairs, introducing divisions on top of the old system which was based on family lines. This reordering was still in effect at the beginning of the New Testament, where we read that Zechariah was a member of the priestly division of Abijah. So we have precedent for not always ‘doing it’ the way...

NL-Day249 1 Chronicles 23-24; Proverbs 21:1-16; Titus 3 show art NL-Day249 1 Chronicles 23-24; Proverbs 21:1-16; Titus 3

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

1CHRONICLES 23-24:Yesterday we heard a rather odd story about how “Satan rose up against Israel and caused David to take a census.” But in 2Samuel 24:1 we read that “Again the anger of the LORD burned against Israel, and he incited David against them, saying, ‘Go and take a census of Israel and Judah.’” So who was it— Satan or the Lord? And if the problem was caused by someone else, why was David and all Israel punished?!   I think, in a place like this, we have to go back to what we learned in Job. God brought up a topic to Satan, Satan responds predictably, and God gives...

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NUMBERS 22-23:
In Numbers 21, the Lord gave victory to the Israelites over the Amorites, and then over King Sihon. And because of Israel’s grumbling, the Lord sent poisonous snakes among them. When the people cried out to Moses, the Lord told him to make a snake and set it up on a pole. This is an unannounced picture of Christ.

This is a prayer for relief by David when he felt he was under the discipline of the Lord.

We follow up Luke's first report to Theophilus with his second to the same man. (Or perhaps Luke meant this account to be for any 'lover of God'.) The book covers the story of what happened after Jesus’ death in 33AD to Paul’s two-year house arrest that ended in 62AD.

Since only a few of the apostles are told about in this book, rather than ‘Acts of the Apostles’, others have suggested the name ‘Acts of the Holy Spirit’. Constable quotes William Neil, who starts out quoting Streeter:

“Streeter suggested that an alternative title for the book of Acts might be ‘The Road to Rome’, for this is indeed the significance of Luke’s work. Whatever minor motifs Luke had in mind— such as the establishment of Christianity in men’s minds as a constructive and not destructive element in the social order, his main concern was to show that, in God’s plan for the renewal of the life of mankind, Jerusalem, the heart of old Israel, was the goal of Stage I [i.e., the Book of Luke], while Rome, the centre of the world, was the goal of Stage II [i.e., the Book of Acts].”

And here is a more pointed quote from Rosner:

“. . . Luke in Acts is not merely concerned to draw a link between the time of Jesus and the time of the early church, as is commonly noticed, but also between the time of Israel and the time of Jesus and His church. Acts insists that the God who was at work in the history of his ancient people, Israel, bringing them salvation, is the same God who is at work in the church.”


Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.