NL-Day110 Deuteronomy 33-34; Psalm 67; Acts 19:1-22
Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields
Release Date: 04/19/2024
Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields
NUMBERS 10-11:Yesterday we heard about the position of the lamps on the lampstand in the Holy Place, and the Levites were dedicated for service. The second Passover was celebrated. The Israelites received their marching orders based on when the cloud moved from over the sacred tent. PSALM 32:Psalm 32 gives essential spiritual principles conveyed in David's testimony. I encourage every listener to camp out a while in this psalm. LUKE 21:In the last confrontation in Luke 20, Jesus soundly refuted the Sadducees. After this, his teaching further embarrassed and offended the religious teachers. NLT...
info_outlineDaily Bible Reading Phil Fields
NUMBERS 12-13:In Numbers 10 we heard about the signals given to the people using two silver trumpets, and about the first journey leaving Mount Sinai. Then we heard of the start of the grumbling against Moses and God. Moses appointed 70 leaders, and God sent quail in response to the people's complaints. Even Moses said some things that sound like complaining to me. But remember the name Kibroth Hattaavah. We have strong evidence that God doesn’t like complainers. PSALM 33:This psalm is full of important wisdom for us! This is the 4th Psalm without a title given by the rabbis. LUKE...
info_outlineDaily Bible Reading Phil Fields
NUMBERS 8-9:In Numbers 7, we heard about the gifts given by the leaders of Israel following the dedication of the sacred tent. Translation note: How the ‘waving’ of the ‘wave offering’ was done is variously interpreted in 8:13. And it could be taken simply as a presentation, because it would be rather hard to ‘wave’ some objects. NLT: Then have the Levites stand in front of Aaron and his sons, and raise your hands and present them as a special offering to the LORD. HCSB: … and you are to present them before the Lord as a presentation offering. CEV: They...
info_outlineDaily Bible Reading Phil Fields
NUMBERS 5-6:Yesterday we heard the assignments for the Kohathite, Gershonite, and Merarite clans in regard to the care and moving of the sacred tent, all under the direction of Aaron's sons. PSALM 29:This is one of my personal favorite psalms because of the response of the people in the temple to God's glorious revelations of himself in nature. LUKE 19b:In yesterday's reading, Zacchaeus— a notorious sinner, dramatically came to Jesus. Then Jesus told a very thought-provoking parable. He is the King who will return and He will ask for an accounting from each of us— his servants. NLT...
info_outlineDaily Bible Reading Phil Fields
NUMBERS 7:Yesterday we heard how people had to follow through with God’s commands, and those with defiling diseases were expelled from their camp until such time as they could be declared ritually clean again. And we heard about cleansing for issues involving the conscience, and what a man might do if he suspected his wife of unfaithfulness. (A man would have to be a terrible jerk to do this to his wife if he didn't have good reasons for his suspicions!) The 6th chapter dealt with the Nazarite vow, and the ended with the famous Aaronic blessing. In today’s chapter 7 of Numbers, the GNT has...
info_outlineDaily Bible Reading Phil Fields
NUMBERS 4:Yesterday we learned that the Levite clans were given separate tasks in the care of the sacred tent. The 22,000 Levites became substitutes for Israel's 22,273 first-born sons. PSALM 28:David cries out to the Lord with all his heart. I love the imagery of the Lord as David’s ‘rock’, ‘shield’, and ‘shepherd’. (v1, 7, 9) Bible translators who translate into ethnic languages often need to make the difficult choice of whether to retain a figure of speech more literally, or just to give its meaning. For instance, at the first of v1 and 7, the GNT chose to give the meaning...
info_outlineDaily Bible Reading Phil Fields
NUMBERS 3:Yesterday we heard about the organization of Israel's camp, having three tribes on each of the four sides of the tabernacle. This also determined their marching position when the whole group moved. PSALM 27:This is a beautiful song, expressing David's confidence in the Lord’s protection, and he asks the Lord to vindicate him. The Hebrew of this psalm can be interpreted as a personal prayer addressed to the Lord all the way through. I have reworded the NLT to be more like the CEV in this regard. LUKE 18b:Yesterday in the first half of the chapter, Jesus told the parable of the...
info_outlineDaily Bible Reading Phil Fields
NUMBERS 2:Yesterday in chapter 1, God ordered a census of the men capable as soldiers in war. And we heard the list of the clan leaders of the 12 listed tribes— excluding Levi. (The number of tribes remains at 12 because the tribe of Joseph is split in two.) PSALM 26:This poem is a personal lament. It is similar to Psalm 25, but does not contain confession. David asks for God’s vindication because of his personal integrity, and shows his love for God by his devotion to God’s sanctuary. LUKE 18a:Yesterday we heard about the suddenness of the coming of Jesus as the Son of Man, and...
info_outlineDaily Bible Reading Phil Fields
NUMBERS 1:Numbers is the 4th of Moses' 5 books. And this is the one that I have looked forward to as the hardest book of all to read in the podcast! In this book we will see that unbelief hinders God's blessings for Israel. HC Mears says, “Numbers might be called the Wilderness Wanderings,” because it chronicles the journey. And “Numbers might be called the book of the March and the Roll Call. ... It might, too, be called the Book of Murmurings, because from beginning to end it is filled with the spirit of rebellion against God.” “Leviticus dealt with the believers' worship—...
info_outlineDaily Bible Reading Phil Fields
LEVITICUS 26-27:Yesterday we heard about the Sabbath year and the year of Restoration/Jubilee. Before the Year of Restoration, property could be bought back//redeemed. In the Restoration year property was returned to the original owners and poor people who had become enslaved were set free. I suspect these laws were never done in all of Israel's history. If they were, perhaps only once— fifty years after Israel entered the land of Canaan. PSALM 24:This Psalm is one of the most majestic psalms! This ends with the song for welcoming the triumphant Messiah into Jerusalem. LUKE 17a:Yesterday in...
info_outlineDEUTERONOMY 33-34:
In yesterday's reading, Moses showed Israel that the leadership was given to Joshua, and he gave the command that this book of Deuteronomy be kept near the Arc of the Covenant. Then God gave Moses a long song to teach people, to help them remember. In this song, God described some future events as happening in the past tense. This is a feature many prophetic writings. Here is one detail you might want to notice today in chapter 33: In Moses’ blessings for the tribes of Israel, only 11 are listed. So I’m giving a digging deeper challenge: Which tribe is left out, and what theory do you propose for that one being left out?
The theme of this beautiful psalm is that the salvation that God gives is to be made known to people everywhere, to every ethnic group.
ACTS 19a:
Yesterday in Acts 18, Paul met and began working with Aquila and Priscilla in Corinth. When put on trial before Gallio, God defended him so that he didn't even need to speak. Then that night Jesus strengthened him to keep on speaking boldly.
NLT Translation note:
Ps. 67:7 Yes, [You, O ] God will bless us,
and people all over the world will fear [You/him].
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.