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#220 - Kosta Makreas & Hollis Polk

The Grimerica Show

Release Date: 04/22/2017

#673 - Marc Emery - The Prince of Pot show art #673 - Marc Emery - The Prince of Pot

The Grimerica Show

Interview starts at 12:15 Marc Emery joins us to talk about his journey on the front lines of weed legalization in Canada and getting arrested for selling seeds in the USA.   We chat about his view on drugs nowadays, some old stories from the 90's, his political life, what has happened to the weed business, immigration and his cyclical booms and busts.   His weed shop in TO, politics in Canada, Government ineptitude, BC politics and the swing to the Right, Trump, his experience in prison, his support from celebs, broken people, and tent cities are also discussed in the first part....

#672 - Bec Mylonas - Diamond Light Oracle - Reclaim Divinity and Awaken Ancient Wisdom show art #672 - Bec Mylonas - Diamond Light Oracle - Reclaim Divinity and Awaken Ancient Wisdom

The Grimerica Show

Interview Starts at 27:55   Bec Mylonas is back to chat about her new book "Diamond Light Oracle - Reclaim Divinity and Awaken Ancient Wisdom".   We chat about claiming Oracle, the under rated ancient Oracles, manifestations, she the rebel, demonic attacks, Codex, visiting hell, masculinity and femininity now, creation through destruction, mystery schools and temples, Christ Consciousness, the surge towards Jesus, the witches, the Divine feminine, the meditations in her book, an Gnosis.   We also touch on the Hopi prophecy, cataclysms and resets, and how she has shifted. Christ...

#671 - Miguel Conner - Coffee, Cigarettes, and Gnosis show art #671 - Miguel Conner - Coffee, Cigarettes, and Gnosis

The Grimerica Show

Interview starts at 32:05 Miguel is back after a few years to update us on his going ons, his upcoming Occult book on Elvis - The Magician, alternative spirituality, the silent generation, parallels to Philip K Dick, David Bowie, the Wetiko, shamanism and drugs, open portals and the engineers that have come to enslave humanity, Yogananda, and the Lord of the Crossroads.   We also touch on Gnostic ideas, simulated reality, Astro Gnosis, the Trojan War, Occultism and shadow work, going inward, there is no saviour, being free from freedom, Democracies vs Monarchies, Gen X and race relations,...

#670 - Bradley Young - Scabland Tours - GeocosmicREX show art #670 - Bradley Young - Scabland Tours - GeocosmicREX

The Grimerica Show

Interview Starts at 33:33   Bradley Young joins us to chat about how he met Randall Carlson and started doing tours with us. We chat about his interesting past with UFO's, consciousness, working with Dr. Greer of CSETI, the parallels between him and Graham, his interest in the Monroe Institute and Gateway, and some upcoming trips around the USA.   We also chat about Randall's documentary shown on TV from the 90's "Fire From the Sky", the change in UFOlogy since the 90's, the acceptance of the Younger Dryas and the flood myth over the last couple decades, some of the studies from late...

#669 - Ryan Seven - True Magic Tarot - Key's to Secret Science show art #669 - Ryan Seven - True Magic Tarot - Key's to Secret Science

The Grimerica Show

Interview starts at 35:40 Ryan Seven joins us for a great presentation on his discovery of geometric pyramidic structure and the music based universe while he was on a heroic dose of mushrooms. We chat about the symbolism of the Dan Tian in Qi Gong, his experience on shrooms, De-occultism, neo paganism, the New Age battle and the holes in it, Solomon's Temple, SATOR squares, the golden tri-ratio, ascension, the powerful occult, core truths, and symbolism he found close to home at church.   We also chat about the stone and the Grail, the time connection to sacred geometry, and Jesus and...

#668 - Matthew Shy - There be Giants show art #668 - Matthew Shy - There be Giants

The Grimerica Show

Interview Starts at 35:10 Matt Shy, friend of the show joins us to share his recent research into the whole Giant phenomenon. He starts out fresh and skeptical and ends up believing after review of all the evidence. We chat about the definition of 'Giant' in this context, Gigantism, skeletons in Italy, all the myths, religious wanting, the spiritual aspect, huge weapons, the French Caves, mega fauna, Younger Dryas, DNA and the red hair thing, Catalina Island, Cyclopean architecture, Titans, the land bridge, Immigration and the Copper mines in America.   Why before the 'Cardiff' Giant?...

#667 Simon Shack - The Tychos Model Visualized Through the Tychosium show art #667 Simon Shack - The Tychos Model Visualized Through the Tychosium

The Grimerica Show

Interview starts at 31:55 Simon Shack is back to chat about the Tychosium Model - a different model of our very own Solar System based on Tycho Brahe. Basically that we are in a binary system (similar to most other systems) with the Sun and Mars. Venus and Mercury are moons and our Moon is like a driveshaft. Our moon matters.   Check out the video if you can. He describes a few of the main point of this theory while looking at the visual 3d animated model called "The Tychosium".   We chat about the Mars problem, retrograde, the speed of the planets and the earth, how this might fit...

#666 Bob Greenyer - MFMP, Cold Fusion and Modern Alchemy show art #666 Bob Greenyer - MFMP, Cold Fusion and Modern Alchemy

The Grimerica Show

Interview starts at 44:00 Bob Greenyer joins us for an amazing chat about research into Cold Fusion, the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project, his transition from a man made global warming believer, plasma based fusion, the 12.12 experiment, John Hutchison's work, barium decay, ball lightning, study of dust particles, matter being trapped light, SRI, PAP engine, and plasmoids.   We also somehow manage to talk about 9/11 and Judy Woods work, "Where Did The Towers Go", Directed Energy, evidence of weapons and tech that they have had for decades, Malcolm Bendall's Thunderstorm Generator, and...

#665 - Sheela Rahman - Xosar - Sound, Resonance and Frequency Engineer show art #665 - Sheela Rahman - Xosar - Sound, Resonance and Frequency Engineer

The Grimerica Show

Interview Starts at 27:50 Sheela Rahman joins us for a great chat about the hunt for coherent frequencies and mapping Malcolm Bendall's Plasma Unification Model. We get deep into Shape Power - by Dan Davidson, subtle energies, Aleph, Yang and Hebrew alphabet as sign waves in 3d space, binding elementals to shapes, Meru Foundation, shifting the electromagnetic fields, reverse engineering crop circles, and DIY style cymatics.   We also talk about employing the force of chaos to clear, the ancient Indian tuning system, 432 v 440, important intentions, the perfect fifth and the ratio's, the...

#664 - Jordan Collin - Alchemical Science, Sacred Time - Music of the Spheres show art #664 - Jordan Collin - Alchemical Science, Sacred Time - Music of the Spheres

The Grimerica Show

Interview starts at 22:00 Jordan Collin joins us for a great chat about his Cosmic Summit presentation, what I'm calling Sacred Time, the testing of the Bendall Tech - Thunderstorm Generator at the Summit, and all the people that are building these for themselves.   We talk about the details of Malcolm Bendall's tech, bubble cavitation, vortex based maths, ball lightning, the micro spheres, Bob Greenyer and his feedback, particle theory, modern alchemy, Music of the Spheres and how time connects with imperial measurements. Time is Frequency.   We also touch on Walter Russel, Ayn...

More Episodes
Interview Starts 50:15
Kosta Makreas and Hollis Polk join us today to chat about ET contact, the peoples disclosure movement and the network of global people ET LetsTalk. We chat about their personal experiences and what led them to facilitate this network, and how part of this message is from the ET’s themselves. There are groups of people all over the world making conscious contact in various forms. The key is group coherence and we talk about how to build that and what are some of the things the group should practice to increase the chances of contact. 
There are many groups of people having profound experiences and this should not just be ignored. They have created a map so we can find likeminded others and form groups to actually get outside and try. We chat about Graham’s multiple witness flashbulb sightings and we explore if some of these can be top secret black budget type phenomenon. 
There are three retreats coming up this year with Hollis and Kosta, check out the links below for more details.
In the intro Graham reads some listener / blogger UFO sightings, does the Profound UFO quote of the week and Darren has part deux of his Vaccine rant. Check out the chat room and all the other ways to support the show at the bottom of the notes.
See links directly below for stuff we chatted about during the show and the intro:
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Thanks to Wayne Darnell for help with the website.
http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ link to Napolean Duheme's site