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Ep 0030 Richer Soul - Real Estate Mindsets with Lane Kawaoka

Richer Soul, Living A Life on Purpose!

Release Date: 07/16/2017

Ep 406 Embracing the Journey: Shifting from the Pursuit of Perfection to Celebrating Progress with Mark Jordan show art Ep 406 Embracing the Journey: Shifting from the Pursuit of Perfection to Celebrating Progress with Mark Jordan

Richer Soul, Living A Life on Purpose!

Embracing the Journey: Shifting from the Pursuit of Perfection to Celebrating Progress   Take away: The importance of taking action and making progress, even if it's not perfect. Perfection should not be the enemy of good. Taking imperfect action and continuing to iterate is the key to meaningful personal growth and development. The willingness to be vulnerable and embrace a process-oriented mindset is what allows people to truly transform their lives.   Money Learnings: Mark Jordan's parents instilled core money values like hard work and saving. Jordan also had early entrepreneurial...

Ep 405 Living in Alignment With Who You Are with Alane Boyd show art Ep 405 Living in Alignment With Who You Are with Alane Boyd

Richer Soul, Living A Life on Purpose!

Living in Alignment With Who You Are   Take away: Prioritizing work-life balance and setting boundaries is crucial for long-term success and well-being as an entrepreneur. Success in business doesn't have to come at the cost of personal health and happiness. By implementing proper systems, delegating effectively, and maintaining clear boundaries, entrepreneurs can achieve their goals while also enjoying a fulfilling personal life.   Money Learnings: Alane's father is an entrepreneur who owned an insurance agency and was her main source of financial education. Her father emphasized...

Ep 404 The Bezos Letters: 14 Principles to Grow Your Business Like Amazon with Steve Anderson show art Ep 404 The Bezos Letters: 14 Principles to Grow Your Business Like Amazon with Steve Anderson

Richer Soul, Living A Life on Purpose!

The Bezos Letters: 14 Principles to Grow Your Business Like Amazon   Take away: Maintaining a "Day One" mentality in business encourages constant innovation, customer focus, and willingness to take calculated risks, which are crucial for long-term success and prevent a company from becoming irrelevant.   Money Learnings: From an early age, Steve started doing typical things to earn extra money, like mowing lawns. He learned that if he wanted to do something or buy something, he needed to earn the money for it himself. In high school, he developed an interest in photography and...

Ep 403 It's My Life and I Can Change if I Want To with Richard Walker show art Ep 403 It's My Life and I Can Change if I Want To with Richard Walker

Richer Soul, Living A Life on Purpose!

It's My Life and I Can Change if I Want To   Take away: The power of mindset and belief in shaping one's financial and personal success. Success isn't just about external circumstances, but about how we perceive and respond to challenges, and our willingness to continually learn, adapt, and push beyond our perceived limitations. Take charge of their beliefs and attitudes, recognizing that these internal factors play a crucial role in achieving abundance and fulfillment in life.   Money Learnings: Richard Walker's mother demonstrated how to make the most of limited resources, such as...

Ep 402 Sublime Knowledge with Alia Yasmin Khan show art Ep 402 Sublime Knowledge with Alia Yasmin Khan

Richer Soul, Living A Life on Purpose!

Sublime Knowledge   Take away: The power of understanding and aligning our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs with our goals to create positive change in our lives. The importance of moving beyond limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns, often formed in childhood, to embrace a more expansive view of personal potential and abundance. By practicing self-reflection, asking mentally enabling questions, and tapping into intuition, individuals can rewire their subconscious minds and break free from cycles of fear, doubt, and stagnation. By understanding how our mental faculties work and...

Ep 401 The Energy of Success with Rebecca Ahmed show art Ep 401 The Energy of Success with Rebecca Ahmed

Richer Soul, Living A Life on Purpose!

The Energy of Success    Take away: The importance of aligning your energy with your core values, both personally and professionally. Understanding and managing your energy is crucial for success and fulfillment. By identifying your values, leading with curiosity instead of assumptions, and making conscious choices about how you expend your energy, you can create a more productive and satisfying life. This applies not only to individuals but also to organizations, where aligning company values with employee values can lead to better engagement, retention, and overall success.  ...

Ep 400 Creating Personalized Health Plan for You with Marc Isaacson show art Ep 400 Creating Personalized Health Plan for You with Marc Isaacson

Richer Soul, Living A Life on Purpose!

Creating Personalized Health Plan for You   Take away: The importance of personalized, root-cause approaches to health and wellness. Each person's biochemistry is unique, and therefore, health solutions should be tailored accordingly. By understanding one's specific nutritional needs and addressing them through customized supplements and lifestyle changes, many chronic conditions can be significantly improved or even resolved, potentially offering a more effective alternative to conventional medication-based treatments.   Money Learnings: Marc grew up in a family with a "country club...

Ep 399 The Spiritual Side of Money with Elizabeth Ralph show art Ep 399 The Spiritual Side of Money with Elizabeth Ralph

Richer Soul, Living A Life on Purpose!

The Spiritual Side of Money   Take away: True wealth creation happens when you align your energy frequency with your desired financial goals. You must first feel and embody the mindset of the wealthy person you want to become. The key is to take inspired action from your abundant mindset. Start small if needed, but keep taking steps that reinforce your new wealthy identity, whether investing a little each month or having conversations as the wealthy person you envision.   Money Learnings: Elizabeth spent a significant amount of time with her entrepreneurial grandfathers, who owned...

Ep 398 Integrating Life and Business in Harmony with Daniel Brown show art Ep 398 Integrating Life and Business in Harmony with Daniel Brown

Richer Soul, Living A Life on Purpose!

Integrating Life and Business in Harmony   Take away: Shed any lingering victim mentality and wholeheartedly embrace that you alone have the power to architect the life you want through your effort, mindset, and choices. True freedom comes from this radical responsibility.   Money Learnings: Daniel Brown didn't receive much education about money management, saving, or investing when he was growing up as a child. As the "golden child" and only child, life was very comfortable and money was readily available. However, this easy upbringing meant he didn't learn important lessons about...

Ep 397 How to Reclaim your Freedom with Dr. Emma Seppala show art Ep 397 How to Reclaim your Freedom with Dr. Emma Seppala

Richer Soul, Living A Life on Purpose!

How to Reclaim Your Freedom    Take away: By cultivating this inner sovereignty first, you can then show up in life with more resilience, creativity, focus, and charisma in whatever you do - be it work, relationships, or pursuing wealth and success. But the wealth ultimately has to start from valuing and caring for yourself from the inside first. That allows you to thrive from a grounded, empowered state, rather than constantly striving from anxiety or self-denial.   Money Learnings: Discussions about money, wealth, or comparing financial situations were discouraged in her...

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Today we have Lane Kawaoka from simplepassivecashflow.com to discuss mindsets as they relate to real estate.

Lane currently owns 11 rentals across 4 “blue-chip” states (Georgia, Indiana, Alabama, and Pennsylvania). He spends a lot of his free time writing blog posts and podcasting on his “adventures in real estate investing” in order to inspire novice and experienced buy and hold passive investors. Lane a busy professional himself, does not believe in the get rich real estate tricks and urges those like him to work hard at their best and highest use – their day job to save money and acquire real estate via conventional 20-25% down fixed financing.

Lane’s true passion and the Blog and ‘Simple Passive Cashflow Podcast’ became his outlet for contribution to others. Lane has given so many investors the mentorship to build portfolios of their own. Unfortunately, many of his followers are so busy that they cannot justify the effort to invest in direct investments of their own. For these people they choose to partner with and leverage Lane’s experience to optimize their returns.

Lane has been featured on Joe Fairless’ Best Ever Podcast, Jason Hartman’s Accredited Investor Podcast, and Buck Joffrey’s Wealth Formula Podcast.

Welcome to Richer Soul - Your journey to more a purposeful, intentional, amazing life. Where are you going to go and how are you going to get there? Let's figure that our together. At the core is the financial well being to be able to do what you want, when you want, how you want. It's about personal freedom! Thanks for listening!

You can reach me at [email protected]