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Issue #31 – “The 12 Episodes of DocMas: Part 5" (w/ Alex the Boy)

Doctor DC Podcast

Release Date: 12/17/2017

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Doctor DC Podcast

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Doctor DC Podcast

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Doctor DC Podcast

This week we talk all about Omni-Mind and Community, the One-Man Army Corps, the Jack Kirby creation and all that came from it.     Intro Music by    To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On   On On our Or check out our new And our 

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Doctor DC Podcast

This week we talk all about Omni-Mind and Community, the One-Man Army Corps, the Jack Kirby creation and all that came from it.     Intro Music by    To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On   On On our Or check out our new And our 

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Doctor DC Podcast

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Issue #487 - Issue #487 - "The 12 Episodes of DocMas VIII: Part 12"

Doctor DC Podcast

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Issue #486 - Issue #486 - "The 12 Episodes of DocMas VIII: Part 11"

Doctor DC Podcast

HAPPY DOCMAS! Each year, we record 12 episodes in one day, to be released in the 12 days leading up to Christmas. This year is DocMas VIII aka DiceMas - we'll be calling back to DocMas past and live and dying by the dice! Intro Music by  Find more great podcasts like this on To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On   On On our Or check out our new And our 

Issue #485 - “The 12 Episodes DocMas VIII: Part 10” show art Issue #485 - “The 12 Episodes DocMas VIII: Part 10”

Doctor DC Podcast

HAPPY DOCMAS! Each year, we record 12 episodes in one day, to be released in the 12 days leading up to Christmas. This year is DocMas VIII aka DiceMas - we'll be calling back to DocMas past and live and dying by the dice! Intro Music by  Find more great podcasts like this on To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On   On On our Or check out our new And our 

Issue #484 - “The 12 Episodes DocMas VIII: Part 9” show art Issue #484 - “The 12 Episodes DocMas VIII: Part 9”

Doctor DC Podcast

HAPPY DOCMAS! Each year, we record 12 episodes in one day, to be released in the 12 days leading up to Christmas. This year is DocMas VIII aka DiceMas - we'll be calling back to DocMas past and live and dying by the dice! Intro Music by  Find more great podcasts like this on To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On   On On our Or check out our new And our 

Issue #483 - “The 12 Episodes DocMas VIII: Part 8” show art Issue #483 - “The 12 Episodes DocMas VIII: Part 8”

Doctor DC Podcast

HAPPY DOCMAS! Each year, we record 12 episodes in one day, to be released in the 12 days leading up to Christmas. This year is DocMas VIII aka DiceMas - we'll be calling back to DocMas past and live and dying by the dice! Intro Music by  Find more great podcasts like this on To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On   On On our Or check out our new And our 

More Episodes

This issue we're joined by our good friend Alex the Boy as we fall into the fifth episode of DocMas, our 12 issues of Christmas! We discuss Batman Beyond, Marvel crossovers, and characters we just cannot stand.

Intro music by Aaron Barry

Sponsored by Great Lakes Grooming Co.


Prescribed Reading from Issue #31:

The New 52: Futures End #45 – Frankenstein dies after having been brought to “life” by the Nth metal in Hawkman’s arm

Batman vol. 1 #121 – The first appearance of Mr. Freeze, known at the time as Mr. Zero

Seven Soliders of Victory vol. 1 – A 30 part story told through multiple four-issue miniseries, the modern Seven Soldiers of Victory included The Bulleteer, Frankenstein, Klarion the Witch-Boy, the Manhattan Guardian, the second Mister Miracle, Shining Knight, and Zatanna

Quasar vol. 1 #17 – Marvel Comics steals the Flash when a mysterious blond speedster, dubbed “Buried Alien”, appears in a tattered costume with no memory of who he is

Justice League vol. 1 #5 – Guy Gardner tries to fight Batman for control of the Justice League and Batman knocks him out with one punch

Flash vol. 4 #21 – Bar Torr finally meets Barry Allen and discovers that they are not related after all

Robin vol. 4 #23 – The 1st appearance of Killer Moth after he sold his soul to Neron and mutated into his Charaxes form


SHOW NOTES (courtesy of Josh Gill)
Injustice 2 Atom Gameplay Trailer
Scooby Too meets Batman
What is the deal with Terry McGinnis in modern DC?
Use your MD powers to bring back Seven Soldiers of Victory.
Is there a Marvel character that you would like to bring in to the DCU?
We know Colin has a healthy dislike for Superman, are there any characters that the Doctor and Richard hate?
Can you define or characterize each Earth GL as you see them?