Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields
NUMBERS 2:Yesterday in chapter 1, God ordered a census of the men capable as soldiers in war. And we heard the list of the clan leaders of the 12 listed tribes— excluding Levi. (The number of tribes remains at 12 because the tribe of Joseph is split in two.) PSALM 26:This poem is a personal lament. It is similar to Psalm 25, but does not contain confession. David asks for God’s vindication because of his personal integrity, and shows his love for God by his devotion to God’s sanctuary. LUKE 18a:Yesterday we heard about the suddenness of the coming of Jesus as the Son of Man, and...
info_outlineDaily Bible Reading Phil Fields
NUMBERS 1:Numbers is the 4th of Moses' 5 books. And this is the one that I have looked forward to as the hardest book of all to read in the podcast! In this book we will see that unbelief hinders God's blessings for Israel. HC Mears says, “Numbers might be called the Wilderness Wanderings,” because it chronicles the journey. And “Numbers might be called the book of the March and the Roll Call. ... It might, too, be called the Book of Murmurings, because from beginning to end it is filled with the spirit of rebellion against God.” “Leviticus dealt with the believers' worship—...
info_outlineDaily Bible Reading Phil Fields
LEVITICUS 26-27:Yesterday we heard about the Sabbath year and the year of Restoration/Jubilee. Before the Year of Restoration, property could be bought back//redeemed. In the Restoration year property was returned to the original owners and poor people who had become enslaved were set free. I suspect these laws were never done in all of Israel's history. If they were, perhaps only once— fifty years after Israel entered the land of Canaan. PSALM 24:This Psalm is one of the most majestic psalms! This ends with the song for welcoming the triumphant Messiah into Jerusalem. LUKE 17a:Yesterday in...
info_outlineDaily Bible Reading Phil Fields
LEVITICUS 25:Yesterday we heard about the seven important yearly celebrations of the Jewish religion. Then we heard about oil and bread for the tabernacle, and then there was the example of a law-breaker who was stoned to death for his crime of blasphemy. PSALM 23:Today we read the most famous psalm of all. My wife has often said: Psalm 23 is so often quoted at funerals, but this is a psalm about living, not dying! LUKE 16:Yesterday in Luke 15, we heard the three-part parable of the lost sheep, lost coin, and lost son. There is much treasure to dig for there! Consider taking some time to...
info_outlineDaily Bible Reading Phil Fields
Today I would like to give pointers for understanding Jesus’ parables. I consider the parable to be one of the greatest of all teaching devices, and a legacy of the Greatest Teacher. I will end this episode by sharing a non-Biblical parable. One little detail to understand is that the word ‘parable’ (Greek paraboles) had a wider meaning than we normally think of in English, and you may see this sometimes in the New Testament. In English, we normally think of a parable as a story that points to some deeper meaning. However, as an example, the word ‘parable’ is used for a one-sentence...
info_outlineDaily Bible Reading Phil Fields
LEVITICUS 23-24:Yesterday we heard two chapters of regulations for the priests, all for the purpose of preserving their holiness. Again and again the Lord says, “I am the Lord”, emphasizing that, as He is holy, so the priests and the people of Israel must be holy. PSALM 22:We turn to a famous psalm today, Psalm 22. This is one of the chief Messianic psalms, containing moving prophetic words about how Jesus would die on the cross. And then words about what Jesus has done and is doing even now. LUKE 15:Today we read the three-in-one parable chapter. Yesterday in Luke 14, Jesus healed on the...
info_outlineDaily Bible Reading Phil Fields
LEVITICUS 21-22:Yesterday we heard various laws that are for preserving the holiness of God's people, and various kinds of punishment for disobedience. PSALM 21:This poem is a companion to yesterday's, which was for the nation and the king in time of war. Today’s poem is the corresponding victory song. Luke 14:As we heard yesterday, Luke chapter 13 containes 4 parables. Jesus warned the people sternly to repent, and he grieved for the persistent stubbornness and hardness of heart of the people of Jerusalem. In both that chapter and today’s chapter, Jesus healed people on the Sabbath, using...
info_outlineDaily Bible Reading Phil Fields
LEVITICUS 19-20:Yesterday we learned about the rule that all sacrifices be done at the tabernacle, the prohibitions of eating anything containing animal blood, and forbidden sexual practices. PSALM 20:This is a prayer for the nation of Israel and their king, asking for national security in time of war. LUKE 13:In the second half of Luke 12, Jesus taught about being ready for his return, and warned us to be ready for suffering. He prophesied about the suffering that now happens because of divisions between those who believe and obey Jesus, and those who do not. NLT Translation notes:Ps. 20:7...
info_outlineDaily Bible Reading Phil Fields
LEVITICUS 17-18:Yesterday we learned about regulations concerning uncleanness caused by bodily discharges of all kinds. Then we heard the procedures for the high priest to perform yearly on the day of atonement. PSALM 19:Today’s Psalm is a famous poem celebrating the heavens and God's creation, and secondly celebrating the perfection of God's Word. LUKE 12b:In yesterday’s reading in this chapter, Jesus warned about hypocrisy, and one of our biggest fears— fearing what other people will think of us. I want to read a clear version of these three verses: Luk. 12:8 [PET “I tell you the...
info_outlineDaily Bible Reading Phil Fields
LEVITICUS 15-16:Yesterday we heard about sacrifices following the healing of skin diseases and after getting rid of house mildew. Chapter 15 is about defiling bodily discharges. Chapter 16 is about the Day of Atonement, and the chapter contains a translation problem in the word or name ‘azazel’. If you are interested in this problem, see the Translate notes in today’s episode notes. PSALM 18:This poem reveals David’s intimacy with God. Even though he frequently refers to himself, we see that God— and not himself, is the center of his spiritual life. LUKE 12a:Jesus definitely gained...
info_outlineGENESIS 44-45:
Yesterday we heard of Joseph's brothers on their first and second trips to Egypt. [GNT only: Regarding my comment in yesterday’s podcast about Joseph giving wine without limit, it is likely that He was showing the normal generosity of a wealthy host. I very much doubt that under these circumstances his brothers would have allowed themselves to become drunk.] We pick up the story, still in Joseph's palace on the second trip.
JOB 27:
In the NLT, this chapter is the 2nd chapter of Job’s six-chapter-long speech. But in the GNT Zophar interrupts and carries on through chapter 28.
In the last chapter of Mark’s Gospel, we read about the resurrection of Jesus. Since Mark very likely wrote his gospel based on Peter's information, it seems fitting that we move to Peter's two letters now. Evidently Peter spent the last decade of his life in Rome, where he was martyred around the year 64. Mark (whom Peter fondly refers to as ‘his son’ in chapter 5) was with him in Rome when this was written. Silas— whom we will hear of later in Acts, was the secretary for writing this letter. Scholars do not doubt that this letter is from Peter.
For those who want to delve deeper in studying this short letter, I encourage you to search out and mark every occurrence of these repeated words: trials/suffering, hope, joy, grace, and glory.
You will note that whenever the NLT has written ‘Jesus Christ’, I read it as ‘Christ Jesus’. Most English Bible translations simply follow the order that the Greek has, which sometimes has ‘Christ Jesus’ and other times ‘Jesus Christ’. In Greek it doesn’t matter which order is used. However for English, it does matter which order is used. Now, I realize that saying ‘Jesus Christ’ sounds natural to our ears, but it is not really grammatical. English puts titles first. Let me give an example using ‘Doctor Jones’. If I say, “Jones Doctor is going to Egypt next week,” then everyone will say that that ordering is unnatural. I stubbornly insist that it would be better for English speakers to use the grammatical order, ‘Christ Jesus’, because that makes it clear that ‘Christ’ is His title, not His last name. The title of Christ— by the way, comes from Greek and means the same as Messiah, which comes from Hebrew. Both terms mean ‘the anointed one’.
NLT Translation notes:
Job 27:13 [You say//0], “This is what the wicked will receive from God;
[I also added ‘You say” to verses 16, 18, and 22.]
14 They may have many children, [(you say,)]
but the children will die in war or starve to death.
16 “Evil people [(you say)] may have piles of money
and may store away mounds of clothing.
20 Terror[s] overwhelm[0/s] them like a flood, [(you say,)]
and they are blown away in the storms of the night.
1 This letter is from Peter, an apostle of [Christ Jesus*//Jesus Christ]. [and this change will be made everywhere.]
[*Even though the Greek has the order as 'Jesus Christ' and that order sounds natural to our ears, it is not grammatical. This is shown if I put some other title and name in that order. If I say, “Obama President is going to Egypt next week,” then everyone will say that that ordering is unnatural. We never say, “Obama President” but “President Obama...” By using the grammatical order for “Christ Jesus” it makes it clear that a title is being used. The title of Christ, by the way, means the same as the same title from the Hebrew language, Messiah. Both terms mean 'the anointed one'.]
5 And through your [fully believing//faith]* in Christ, God is protecting you by his power until you receive this salvation, which is ready to be revealed on the last day for all to see.
[*As I have discussed in other footnotes before, the word 'faith' in English has developed many meanings, and because of that it makes the meaning unclear to use the word ‘faith’ in Bible translations in English. In Greek, 'faith' and 'believe' are just the verb and noun form of the same word.]
7 These trials will [prove//show] that [you truly believe//your faith is genuine]. [Your believing//It] is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your [believing//faith] is far more precious than mere gold. So when [you continue strong in your believing in spite of many trials//your faith remains strong through many trials], it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when [Christ Jesus//Jesus Christ] is revealed to the whole world.
8 You love him even though you have never seen him. Though you do not see him now, you [fully believe in//trust] him; and you rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy.
9 The reward for [believing in//trusting] him will be the salvation of your souls.
[It greatly damages the cohesion of a passage when the translators sometimes translate the same Greek word as ‘believe’ and the noun form as ‘faith’. Now the NLT translators went even further by using ‘trust’ instead of ‘believe’. I urge us to use ‘believe/fully believe’ everywhere, so we can see the cohesion that centers on this term. One might say that the New Testament writers were harping on it! If people are afraid of the error of easy-believism, then I wouldn’t mind using the word ‘trust’ everywhere. But my main point is, let the cohesion be seen.]
14 So you must live as God’s obedient children. Don’t slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. [Back then you didn’t know any better.//You didn’t know any better then.]
16 For [God says in//0] the Scriptures say, “You must be holy because I am holy.”
21 Through Christ you have come to [believe//trust] in God. You believe that God raised Christ from the dead and gave him great glory. [The result is that you fully believe//And you have placed your faith] and hope in God. [moved to the front→ because he raised Christ from the dead and gave him great glory.]
25 But the word of the Lord remains forever.” And [included in the word of the Lord that remains forever //that word] is the Good News that was preached to you!
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.