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NL-Day028 Genesis 46; Job 28; 1 Peter 1:22-2:25

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

Release Date: 01/28/2024

NL-Day279 2 Chronicles 32; Ecclesiastes 8; Matthew 21:1-27 show art NL-Day279 2 Chronicles 32; Ecclesiastes 8; Matthew 21:1-27

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2CHRONICLES 32:Following that special Passover, the people went home and destroyed all the pagan shrines. And a good summary of chapter 31 is the last verse: 2Chron. 31:21 NLT In all that he did in the service of the Temple of God and in his efforts to follow God’s laws and commands, Hezekiah sought his God wholeheartedly. As a result, he was very successful. ECCLESIASTES 8:Yesterday’s chapter of Ecclesiastes included quite a variety of Solomon’s proverbs, including: Ecc. 7:5 NLT Better to be criticized by a wise person than to be praised by a fool. 20 Not a single person on earth is...

NL-Day278 2 Chronicles 31; Ecclesiastes 7; Matthew 20 show art NL-Day278 2 Chronicles 31; Ecclesiastes 7; Matthew 20

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2CHRONICLES 31:A sign of how far Judah and Israel had wandered from the Lord was that even the Passover was not celebrated. When Hezekiah reinstituted the Passover celebration, it was the start of a real revival. ECCLESIASTES 7:I find it interesting that Solomon would say that everything has been decided beforehand. GNT certainly implied Who it was who decided beforehand, but NLT makes that explicit: Ecc. 6:10 NLT Everything has already been decided. It was known long ago what each person would be. So there’s no use arguing with God about your destiny. Not about the issue of destiny, but...

NL-Day277 2 Chronicles 30; Ecclesiastes 6; Matthew 19 show art NL-Day277 2 Chronicles 30; Ecclesiastes 6; Matthew 19

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2CHRONICLES 30:Hezekiah led a wonderful spiritual revival which included the reopening and cleansing of the temple and the resumption of sacrifices. And he wasted no time in doing those things. ECCLESIASTES 6:Solomon gave wonderful conclusions about happiness in yesterday’s reading. And he also observed that we leave the world as naked and empty-handed as when we came into the world. MATTHEW 19:Yesterday’s portion of Matthew 18 included the important parable about the king and the forgiven servant who did not forgive the debt of his fellow servant. NLT Translation note:Mat. 19:15 And...

NL-Day276 2 Chronicles 29; Ecclesiastes 5; Matthew 18:15-35 show art NL-Day276 2 Chronicles 29; Ecclesiastes 5; Matthew 18:15-35

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2CHRONICLES 29:Ahaz’s rule was one of the darkest chapters in Judah’s history. The people didn’t even bury him in the royal cemetery. He closed the temple and put up places to worship Baal all over the country. Even when under severe punishment from the Lord, he never turned to the Lord for help. ECCLESIASTES 5:In yesterday’s chapter, I really like the passages that talk of having the companionship of 2 (or perhaps 3) people. And when it is 2, I always think that the relationship of a man and wife is in view. MATTHEW 18b:Yesterday we heard the passage that deals with following Jesus...

NL-Day275 2 Chronicles 28; Ecclesiastes 4; Matthew 18:1-20 show art NL-Day275 2 Chronicles 28; Ecclesiastes 4; Matthew 18:1-20

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2CHRONICLES 28:Yesterday we heard of the reign of Uzziah (who suffered a terrible punishment for his pride) and the reign of his son, Jotham. Both were basically good kings. ECCLESIASTES 4:Yesterday we heard the famous chapter of Ecclesiastes which starts with Ecc. 3:1 (like NLT) For everything (turn, turn, turn) there is a season, (turn, turn, turn) a time for every activity under heaven. (Except of course, the NLT does not contain 'turn, turn, turn'.) GNT is very perceptive in bringing out some implicit information that would have been understood by Solomon’s audience, but which modern...

NL-Day274 2 Chronicles 26-27; Ecclesiastes 3; Matthew 16:24-17:27 show art NL-Day274 2 Chronicles 26-27; Ecclesiastes 3; Matthew 16:24-17:27

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2CHRONICLES 26-27:King Joash didn’t end so well, did he?! He ordered the murder of Jehoiadah’s son Zechariah. Time and time again Judah’s kings needed to learn not to be proud, and that certainly happened to Joash’s son Amaziah, who was assassinated like his father. Jesus mentioned a Zechariah in Matthew 23 who was “murdered between the temple and the altar.” I previously was mistaken in saying  in the intro to 2Chronicles 26 that Joash murdered the son of Jehoida. The Zechariah that Joash murdered was the son of Jehoida, but the one Jesus mentioned is Zechariah “the son of...

NL-Day273 2 Chronicles 24-25; Ecclesiastes 2:12-26; Matthew 16 show art NL-Day273 2 Chronicles 24-25; Ecclesiastes 2:12-26; Matthew 16

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2CHRONICLES 24-25:Yesterday we heard of Ahaziah’s one year reign, and then his mother Athaliah’s reign. The baby Joash was the only royal descendant of David saved from slaughter. He was raised in the temple by Jehoiada and Jehosheba. When he reached only seven years old, Jehoiada mounted a dangerous coup, which succeeded. ECCLESIASTES 2B:In yesterday’s reading, Solomon sought to find meaning in life through pleasure, folly, wine, and hard work. But both the wise man and the fool share the same fate (as far as Solomon could see). MATTHEW 16:In yesterday’s reading, Matthew gave more...

NL-Day272 2 Chronicles 22-23; Ecclesiastes 2:1-17; Matthew 15:21-39 show art NL-Day272 2 Chronicles 22-23; Ecclesiastes 2:1-17; Matthew 15:21-39

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2CHRONICLES 22-23:Yesterday we heard of Jehoshaphat’s famous victory, accomplished only by prayer, worship, and the power of the Lord. Then we also heard about Jehoshaphat’s son, Jehoram, who might possibly be Judah’s worst king, except for several at the very end of that kingdom. ECCLESIASTES 2a:Yesterday the theme of Ecclesiastes was given in these words: Ecc. 2:2 NLT “Everything is meaningless,” says the Teacher, “completely meaningless!”15 What is wrong cannot be made right.What is missing cannot be recovered.18 The greater my wisdom, the greater my grief.To increase...

NL-Day271 2 Chronicles 20-21; Ecclesiastes 1; Matthew 15:1-20 show art NL-Day271 2 Chronicles 20-21; Ecclesiastes 1; Matthew 15:1-20

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2CHRONICLES 20-21:Yesterday we heard of Jehoshaphat wisely appointing judges, and he also travelled all over Israel personally encouraging people to follow the Lord. ECCLESIASTES 1:The book of Ecclesiastes is the record of Solomon seeking to find God in a worldly way. This is a book of worldly wisdom. Solomon repeatedly uses the key theme word ‘useless’ to describe our lives on earth. God had not given clear promises about how all mankind will live after death, and Solomon considers the afterlife an open question. Had he known what we know, his opinions on many things would have changed....

NL-Day270 2 Chronicles 19; Proverbs 31:10-31; Matthew 14 show art NL-Day270 2 Chronicles 19; Proverbs 31:10-31; Matthew 14

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2CHRONICLES 19:Yesterday we heard the story of how Jehoshaphat helped Ahab in battle. God had already spoken through a prophet that Ahab would meet his downfall and how the dogs would lick up his blood. This happened, as we already read in 1Kings 22, when they took his chariot back to Samaria. PROVERBS 31b:Speaking of a capable and virtuous wife, this chapter says: Pro. 31:28-29 NLT Her children stand and bless her.    Her husband praises her:29 “There are many virtuous and capable women in the world,    but you surpass them all!” MATTHEW...

More Episodes

In yesterday’s two chapters, Joseph's brothers went back to Egypt with Benjamin, Joseph's younger brother. Joseph contrived a creative way to reveal his identity. When Pharaoh heard about Joseph's brothers, he helped provide for Jacob's family to come to Egypt.

JOB 28:
Did you notice in yesterday’s reading of Job 27 that my voice suddenly turned sarcastic sounding? In some translations, one of them being GNT, the second part of chapter 27 (beginning at verse 13) is assigned to Zophar. Actually, that idea, proposed by several commentators, has gone out of fashion. NLT goes strictly with the assignments of speakers as in the Hebrew, where all of chapters 27-28 are assigned to Job. The reason that commentators proposed Zophar as the speaker is that the second part of chapter 27 sounds mighty like things Job’s opponents have already said. By my tone of voice, I attempted to show that Job is sarcastically repeating his opponents’ arguments.

1PETER 1:22—2:
Peter addressed his letter to “To God's chosen people who live as [refugees/foreigners] scattered throughout” various provinces. But it is clear that Peter also has a spiritual meaning in mind, as the song says, “This world is not my home.” In chapter 2, Peter again comforts us and gives wonderful descriptions of our identity because of being joined to Christ. The first verse of chapter 2 starts with ‘then/So’, so let’s start out by reviewing the last verses of chapter 1, starting at v22.

NLT Translation notes:
Job 28:6 [Down there/Here] the rocks contain precious lapis lazuli,
and the dust contains gold.
16 [Wisdom is//It’s] worth more than all the gold of Ophir,
greater than precious onyx or lapis lazuli.
19 Precious peridot from Ethiopia cannot be exchanged for [wisdom/it].
1Ptr. 2:5 And you are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple. What’s more, you are his holy priests. Through the mediation of [Christ Jesus//Jesus Christ], you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God.
6 As [God says in the Scriptures// the Scriptures say],
“I am placing a cornerstone in Jerusalem,
chosen for great honor,
and anyone who [believes/trusts] in him
will never be [disappointed/disgraced].”
[Both meanings for this word are good. I simply prefer 'disappointed'. I think the idea is that No one who trusts in Him will find out that they have believed a lie. See Biblewebapp.com.]
7 Yes, you who [believe/trust] in him recognize [how precious that Cornerstone is!//the honor God has given him.]
But for those who reject him, [the Scriptures say,]
“The stone that the builders rejected
has now become the cornerstone.”
[In 7a, NLT is not wrong. (Almost always when I make changes, it is not correcting mistakes, but simply choosing an alternative.) The Greek is very terse: “For you who believe therefore is the honor,” And the choice of meaning may be conditioned on what choice the translator has made at for  disgraced /disappointed' above. I totally do not like ESV here: “So the honor is for you who believe,” Such a translation takes the focus off Christ and puts it on us. It seems to me that NIV is much better: “Now to you who believe, this stone is precious.”]
9 But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people.
You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light. [As the Scriptures say,/0]
11 Dear friends, I warn you as “temporary residents and foreigners” [in this world] to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls.
13 For the Lord’s sake, respect all human authority— whether [that be/0] the king as head of state,
16 [You//For you] are free, yet you are God’s slaves, so don’t use your freedom as an excuse to do evil.
21 For God [has/0] called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered for you. He is your example, and you must follow in his steps.


Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.