Doctor DC Podcast
This week it's the tiniest episode for one of the tiniest characters, The Atom! It's short because that was the plan, and because of the coin, and because we planned it that way.... NOT because we had a timing issue... Intro Music by To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On On On our Or check out our new And our
info_outlineDoctor DC Podcast
This week is all about Mister Terrific! Intro Music by To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On On On our Or check out our new And our
info_outlineDoctor DC Podcast
In the final week of Danuary, the Doc and Mrs. DC answer questions exclusively from people named Dan! Intro Music by To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On On On our Or check out our new And our
info_outlineDoctor DC Podcast
Week 3 of Danuary is all about DC characters named Dan! Intro Music by To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On On On our Or check out our new And our
info_outlineDoctor DC Podcast
This week we talk all about Omni-Mind and Community, the One-Man Army Corps, the Jack Kirby creation and all that came from it. Intro Music by To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On On On our Or check out our new And our
info_outlineDoctor DC Podcast
This week we talk all about Omni-Mind and Community, the One-Man Army Corps, the Jack Kirby creation and all that came from it. Intro Music by To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On On On our Or check out our new And our
info_outlineDoctor DC Podcast
It's The 4th Annual Docsners - the most prestigious and glamourous night of the podcast! The Doctor and Ryan Pidgeon are proud to present these are Patreon-nominated and fan-voted awards, so thank you to all of our amazing fans and listeners for participating and for supporting us through the year! Intro Music by Find more great podcasts like this on To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On On On our Or check out our new And sign up on our new
info_outlineDoctor DC Podcast
HAPPY DOCMAS! Each year, we record 12 episodes in one day, to be released in the 12 days leading up to Christmas. This year is DocMas VIII aka DiceMas - we'll be calling back to DocMas past and live and dying by the dice! Intro Music by Find more great podcasts like this on To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On On On our Or check out our new And our
info_outlineDoctor DC Podcast
HAPPY DOCMAS! Each year, we record 12 episodes in one day, to be released in the 12 days leading up to Christmas. This year is DocMas VIII aka DiceMas - we'll be calling back to DocMas past and live and dying by the dice! Intro Music by Find more great podcasts like this on To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On On On our Or check out our new And our
info_outlineDoctor DC Podcast
HAPPY DOCMAS! Each year, we record 12 episodes in one day, to be released in the 12 days leading up to Christmas. This year is DocMas VIII aka DiceMas - we'll be calling back to DocMas past and live and dying by the dice! Intro Music by Find more great podcasts like this on To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On On On our Or check out our new And our
info_outlineIn this week's issue we talk all about obscure, useless, or joke characters from the DC pantheon! Whether it's their sucky powers, their limited comic book appearances, or their horrible track record - we are literally scraping the bottom of the barrel this week! First we break down the latest in DC news, and what's in the Doctor's pulls!?
Intro music by Aaron Barry
Sponsored by Great Lakes Grooming Co.
Prescribed Reading from Issue #42:
Invasion #1 – Snapper Carr is one of six humans abducted by the Dominators who manage to survive a gauntlet of death when their metagene activates, in his case, allowing him to teleport by snapping.
Fate vol. 1 #0 – Jared Stevens is hired to retrieve the artifacts of Doctor Fate, and is forced to take them and use their magic following the death of Kent and Inza Nelson.
Detective Comics vol. 1 #267 – The 1st appearance of Bat-Mite, a 5th-Dimensional imp like Mr. Mxyzptlk.
New Titans vol. 1 #85 – The birth of Baby Wildebeest, fusing mysticism and genetic science.
Hit Comics vol. 1 #1 – The 1st appearance of Richard Raleigh, the first Red Bee, as well as the debut of his pet bee Michael.
Adventure Comics vol. 1 #342 – Ulu Vakk, otherwise known as Color Kid, auditions for the Legion of Super-Heroes and is rejected due to the uselessness of his power.
Flash vol. 2 #174 – After getting his astral self trapped in tar-form, Tar-Pit attempts to steal the Stanley Cup from a hockey game in Keystone City.
Superboy vol. 1 #201 – Infectious Lass tries out for the Legion of Super-Heroes, causing severe illness in a Legionnaire and subsequently being rejected.
Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes vol. 1 #251 – Matter-Eater Lad consumes the Miracle Machine to save the day, but its energies render him insane.
Secret Origins vol. 2 #46 – Arm-Fall-Off-Boy is retconned in as the first ever rejected applicant to the Legion of Super-Heroes
Sixpack and Dogwelder: Hard-Travellin’ Heroz vol. 1 #6 – Dogwelder harnesses his full power to weld together two stars in the Sirius star system.
01/29/scott-snyder-to-take- over-justice-league-in-june/ - No Justice coming May 2018
- Brainiac
- New JL rosters
- Dark Nights Metal
01/21/dark-nights-metal-evil- batmen-scott-snyder/ - Dark Knights
Knights_(Dark_Multiverse) -
Bruce_Wayne_(Earth_-22) -
Bryce_Wayne_(Earth_-11) -
Bruce_Wayne_(Earth_-32) -
Bruce_Wayne_(Earth_-12) -
Bruce_Wayne_(Earth_-1) -
Bruce_Wayne_(Earth_-44) -
tv-series-solstice-casting- call/ - Solstice
- Cassie Sandsmark
01/26/morrison-and-snyders- wild-hunt/ - The Wild Hunt
- Detective Chimp
- Shadowpact
superman-story-dc-siegel- shuster/ - Action Comics 1000
- Jerry Siegel
- Joe Shuster
- Superman (1940’s cartoon)
- Japoteurs
- Pink Kryptonite
Black_Lightning_(TV_series)# Episodes - James Remar
- The Quest
Aquaman_Vol_8_32 - Mera: Queen of Atlantis
Lucas_Carr_(New_Earth) - Snapper Carr gets powers
- Jimmy Olsen
- Batman V Superman
- Countdown to Final Crisis
- Mister Action
- Jared Stevens
- Casey Jones
- Teenage Mutant Nina Turtles
- Lords of Order
- Earth 13
Mite_(New_Earth) - Mr. Mxypltzk
- Bat-Mite Vol. 1
Wildebeest_(New_Earth) - Pantha
- New Titans
- Superboy Prime
- Infinite Crisis
Vakk_(Pre-Zero_Hour) - Legion of Substitute Heroes
- Legion of Superheroes
- Bouncing Boy
- Duo Damsel/Duplicate Girl/Triplicate Girl
- Infectious Lass
- Stone Boy
- Matter-Eater Lad
- Flight
- Super Speed w/o stamina
- Invisibility
- Wealth
Dogwelder_(New_Earth) - Section Eight
- Section 8
- Six-Pack and Dogwelder: Hard-Travelin Heroez
Terrence_Long_(New_Earth) - Marv Wolfman
- Donna Troy
- Robert Long
- Sugar and Spike
- Wonder Woman