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Issue #94 - “The 12 Episodes of DocMas II: Part 8"

Doctor DC Podcast

Release Date: 12/20/2018

Issue #495 - “Bats of a Leather” show art Issue #495 - “Bats of a Leather”

Doctor DC Podcast

This week we talk about the Bat Family! Intro Music by    To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On   On On our Or check out our new And our 

Issue #494 - “Space Travel II” show art Issue #494 - “Space Travel II”

Doctor DC Podcast

This week we weirdly answer space questions meant to be about Marvel comics and attempt to answer them in context of DC... Intro Music by    To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On   On On our Or check out our new And our 

Issue #493 - “Small But Mighty” show art Issue #493 - “Small But Mighty”

Doctor DC Podcast

This week it's the tiniest episode for one of the tiniest characters, The Atom! It's short because that was the plan, and because of the coin, and because we planned it that way.... NOT because we had a timing issue...  Intro Music by    To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On   On On our Or check out our new And our 

Issue #492 - “Fair Play” show art Issue #492 - “Fair Play”

Doctor DC Podcast

This week is all about Mister Terrific!   Intro Music by    To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On   On On our Or check out our new And our 

Issue #491 - Issue #491 - "OnlyDans" (w/ Mrs. DC)

Doctor DC Podcast

In the final week of Danuary, the Doc and Mrs. DC answer questions exclusively from people named Dan!   Intro Music by    To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On   On On our Or check out our new And our 

Issue #490 - Issue #490 - "The Dan Band"

Doctor DC Podcast

Week 3 of Danuary is all about DC characters named Dan!   Intro Music by    To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On   On On our Or check out our new And our 

Issue #489 - Issue #489 - "Hit Me Dan, One Mora Time"

Doctor DC Podcast

This week we talk all about Omni-Mind and Community, the One-Man Army Corps, the Jack Kirby creation and all that came from it.     Intro Music by    To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On   On On our Or check out our new And our 

Issue #488 - “One More Attempt at Content” show art Issue #488 - “One More Attempt at Content”

Doctor DC Podcast

This week we talk all about Omni-Mind and Community, the One-Man Army Corps, the Jack Kirby creation and all that came from it.     Intro Music by    To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On   On On our Or check out our new And our 

Special #24 - Special #24 - "The 4th Annual Docsners"

Doctor DC Podcast

It's The 4th Annual Docsners - the most prestigious and glamourous night of the podcast! The Doctor and Ryan Pidgeon are proud to present these are Patreon-nominated and fan-voted awards, so thank you to all of our amazing fans and listeners for participating and for supporting us through the year! Intro Music by  Find more great podcasts like this on To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On   On On our Or check out our new And sign up on our new

Issue #487 - Issue #487 - "The 12 Episodes of DocMas VIII: Part 12"

Doctor DC Podcast

HAPPY DOCMAS! Each year, we record 12 episodes in one day, to be released in the 12 days leading up to Christmas. This year is DocMas VIII aka DiceMas - we'll be calling back to DocMas past and live and dying by the dice! Intro Music by  Find more great podcasts like this on To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On   On On our Or check out our new And our 

More Episodes

It's Two-Face rules Residents! That means that in this issue we trip into the eighth episode of #DocMas and we flip a coin to see which questions we answer.

Intro Music by Aaron Barry

Find more great podcasts like this on Brain Freeze

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SHOW NOTES (courtesy of Josh Gill)


News and Notes

(1:53) James Wan Has a Vision for a Batman Film



(6:02) Was Superboy Prime changed for the New 52? — NOT ANSWERED

(10:22) Favorite DC comics interpretations in other media?

(15:32) Where in the DC Universe would you want to visit?

(19:44) Thoughts on the Riddler from Batman: Zero Year - Dark City? — NOT ANSWERED

(20:34) Compare/contrast DC’s and Marvel’s portrayals of Canada. — NOT ANSWERED


Dial Doc

(22:07) Bottle Baron

(23:05) Permenancer


Characters, Places, Things

Earth 26

Earth 42


Ma’alefa’ak (PreFlashpoint) (PostFlashpoint)


New Genesis

Parliament of Trees


Ventriloquist (PreFlashpoint) (PostFlashpoint)

Scarecrow (PreFlashpoint) (PostFlashpoint)


Recommended Reading and Viewing

Batman: Zero Year

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Novels

Justice League Novels



Batman: Arkham (Video Games)

DC Deck-Building Game

DC Universe Online

DC YA Novels