The Introverted Advocate
My Christmas Wish is that we bring compassion, love, and kindness to our daily lives. Let gratitude be our guide to sharing positive and kind energy with those around us. Let's get off autopilot. Let's share the goodness from within our hearts. It will change the world.
info_outlineThe Introverted Advocate
To remain a democracy, Americans must vote in the November midterms. It's never been so important to participate in elections. Please vote! Our country can be saved if each of us speaks up through our individual votes!
info_outlineThe Introverted Advocate
Dedicated to the kind, sensitive folks in America. Please take care of yourselves.
info_outlineThe Introverted Advocate
We must vote out every politician who refuses to keep our children and country safe from gun violence.
info_outlineThe Introverted Advocate
We're little dots within this vast universe. Humanity is fragile and also mighty! Should we not protect our planet Earth? Are we doing enough?
info_outlineThe Introverted Advocate
Gratitude is the key! Here's my story.
info_outlineThe Introverted Advocate
Nine years ago, a tragedy shook America. Yet, not much has changed to prevent it from happening again. Today, I say their names. It's my first step in learning how I may contribute to the solution of stopping violence. Each of us has the power to contribute to the solution. The question is: Will we step up?
info_outlineThe Introverted Advocate
Being self-aware helps us be respectful of those around us. It's important to look after one another. If we see someone who needs a little support, let's say something. After all, one day we may wish someone notices us and offers a kind word or helpful hand.
info_outlineThe Introverted Advocate
Each of us has a strength that may be applied to overcome all sorts of challenges. Can you name three of yours?
info_outlineThe Introverted Advocate
Our words matter. And I removed one specific word from my vocabulary after adopting an 8-week old kitten in 1993.
info_outlineAnimals. Let’s visit with the animals!
Come with me and I’ll introduce you to the big family of rescued-farmed animals of Catskill Animal Sanctuary.
Located in the Hudson Valley of New York, rolling hills and 148 acres are the backdrop for over 300 rescued animals who live here surrounded by love, safety, and friendship. I saw it for myself in 2018. This place is real. This is a healing place.
Let’s start with the Underfoot Family. This is unique to Catskill Animal Sanctuary: a small group of animals is given free-range privileges during the day.
Kathy Stevens, founder/executive director, realized early on that some personalities demand larger freedom. Many of the Underfoot family were rescued from small, filthy, and overcrowded spaces. Many became claustrophobic during their previous years of abuse and abandonment. They were not comfortable unless they could roam.