Listen Up! Social Listening and Campus Sonar’s Field-Leading Approach
Release Date: 03/12/2019
We’re sharing some of the best examples we’ve seen across campuses during COVID-19 interruptions—examples of good leadership, great communication, and effective connection building during a time of uncertainty.
Hosts Karyn Adams and Karen Black talk about challenges and some advice amid the COVID-19 crisis as developments continue to unfold within higher ed.
Dayna Bradstreet, Sr. Associate Director of Undergraduate Admission at Simmons University in Boston, joins us to recap the March 13th #EMchat discussion on Twitter about COVID-19, Crisis Communications, and College Admissions.
Guest host Tim Douglas (Assistant Director, Academic Advising, Emerson College) turns the table on our regular hosts Karyn Adams and Karen Black. The K’s talk about learning to podcast, what they’re looking forward to this season, their thoughts on what higher ed may be obsessing over and what’s sneaking up on us, and more.
Eric Stoller from GeckoEngage joins us to chat about... chatbots! In his role as Gecko's VP of Digital Strategy, what does Eric mean by digital transformation? What changes must take place on campuses in order to effectively use conversational technologies? Eric will share what listeners need to know about what's new in this evolving space and how it can improve both efficiency and outcomes. (Order a free copy of The Ultimate Guide to Chatbots for Higher Education by visiting
Typical campus imagery can make one school look like, well, any other. But what makes the photography of some institutions convey compelling stories? When should you plan a professional photo shoot and when should you use internal resources and crowd-sourced snapshots? Drone footage? Video versus still? This month we're joined by Jason Jones and Bruce Cole as we explore what you need to know to successfully work with vendors and art direct photo and video shoots to effectively tell the story of your school.
In the second half of our series for institutions ready to practice courage and innovation, and realize big change, we talk with Joretta Nelson and Emma Jones of higher ed consulting firm Credo. This episode will help presidents, vice presidents and provosts, faculty, and staff recognize the need to roust the courage within, let go of what has been, and innovate what can be.
In this two-part series, experts from consulting firm Credo introduce us to their new book “Pivot: A Vision for the New University,” and discuss working with campus leaders to achieve and exceed challenging goals while fostering rapid change. In this episode, Pivot co-author Joanne Soliday shares solid examples of success, and talks about “disrupters-in-chief” and how to turn the concept of consensus on its head.
Career transitions and team turnover are part of professional life, especially at this time of year in higher education. We interviewed three former higher ed pros (Nicholas Love, Susan Oakes, and Matthew Pohl) to find out about their career paths, what they learned and what they miss, and what advice they have for staff and leaders in academia.
Greg Zaiser, Elon University's Vice President for Enrollment and our June guest, talks about how brand stewardship ties into facilities and is a distinguishing characteristic of Elon, especially when it comes to enrolling Gen Z students.
info_outlineThis month we talk with Liz Gross, founder and CEO of Campus Sonar, about her company’s tailored and human approach to the field of social listening. Liz breaks down what social listening truly is, what it is not, and how it can be used in higher education (or any enterprise.) Learn how real social listening goes far beyond software, AI bots, and engaging with your students and alums on social channels, and how it provides invaluable information that, when analyzed well, can be a game-changer for your institution's strategic goals. (Plus, special guest...Moxie!)