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Be curious: Jenny Tarwater

Uncommon Leadership

Release Date: 09/04/2023

People are heuristics: Michael Bolton show art People are heuristics: Michael Bolton

Uncommon Leadership

Michael finds that dealing with actors is perfect preparation for being a software program manager.   Michael Bolton is a consulting software tester and testing teacher who helps people to solve testing problems that they didn't realize they could solve. Michael has over 30 years of experience testing, developing, managing, and writing about software, and has traveled to six continents to help people learn about testing.   We discuss the importance of diverse talents and perspectives in software development and testing, the power of metaphor, and how useful embracing failure can...

Enjoy your journey: Brad Voorhees show art Enjoy your journey: Brad Voorhees

Uncommon Leadership

Brad has been road tripping to Up North Michigan with his best buddies for twenty-four years.   Brad Voorhees is the cornerstone of ScaleTx, bringing a wealth of experience with over 15 years in leadership roles and a track record of building and scaling HR departments from the ground up. His expertise lies in providing strategic guidance, hands-on leadership, and mentorship, driving HR departments to become instrumental in organizational growth.   We discuss recognizing leadership potential, assessing communication skills, being a net positive influence, and effective learning...

Foster curiosity: Chandler Cutler show art Foster curiosity: Chandler Cutler

Uncommon Leadership

Chandler believes conflict is necessary for building strong teams.   Chandler Cutler embarked on his entrepreneurial journey at just 21. In the two decades since, he has mastered the art of leadership, communication, and resilience, facing real-world business challenges head-on, culminating in the founding of CorEthos.   Chandler and CorEthos emphasize the humanity behind every business operation. They help you transform your business with a people-first approach that keeps humanity at the core while ensuring long-term commitment and transparent communication as they collaborate...

Feed your good wolf: Jay Floyd show art Feed your good wolf: Jay Floyd

Uncommon Leadership

Jay used to think that managing was all about coaching.   Jay Floyd is a data engineering leader, life coach, and podcaster. He is also the curator of the 'What's Good' brand, dedicated to finding the good in all of life's scenarios, or as he calls it, 'feeding our good wolf.'   We discuss leading with a personal touch, the power of positive growth, fostering rich team environments, and the wolves we carry inside us.   Connect with Jay via his website: and LinkedIn: .   For more inspiring conversations like this, sign up for my newsletter at  . And follow...

Respect your people: Colleen Johnson show art Respect your people: Colleen Johnson

Uncommon Leadership

Colleen's family helps her remember that we never know what's going on for anyone else.   Colleen Johnson has been working in the technology space for over 20 years, with half of that focused on improving the way we deliver value. She has taught and presented agile concepts to audiences around the world but is happiest in the Colorado mountains with her husband and three kids.   We discuss the most useful metric for team progress, the benefits of nurturing creativity in retaining talent, and how diversity impacts learning opportunities.   Join the ProKanban.org slack...

Humanize your leadership: Gerardo Segat show art Humanize your leadership: Gerardo Segat

Uncommon Leadership

When Gerardo's soul takes flight, it lands on top of a mountain covered in snow. Because he loves helicopter skiing.   Gerardo Segat is an international leadership coach whose purpose and legacy is to humanize leadership. Following a wealth of experiences as entrepreneur, chairman and CEO, Gerardo has used his leadership background to create Preludes: a coaching program created to humanize leaders, organizations, and their stakeholders through creative and powerful original experiences (such as decision-making debates, client interaction models, and emotions-focused team meetings). ...

Cultivate discomfort: Nevin Danielson show art Cultivate discomfort: Nevin Danielson

Uncommon Leadership

Nevin believes that success is directly related to discomfort.   With decades of experience as a facilitator, coach, and trainer, Nevin Danielson helps leaders and their teams ignite purpose, possibility, and partnerships to sustain an energized workforce amidst evolving trends like turnover and remote work.   After a quarter-life crisis showed him the value of serving others, Nevin founded Induction Consulting to uncover practical steps that tap teams' untapped potential.   His skills cut through outdated expectations and elevate processes and interactions to be fresh,...

Evolve autonomous leaders: Pawel Brodzinski show art Evolve autonomous leaders: Pawel Brodzinski

Uncommon Leadership

Pawel approaches leadership as a series of experiments and iterations.   Pawel Brodzinski is a seasoned leader, manager, and coach. He's done pretty much every aspect of building software, both as the person doing the work and as the leader helping that person.   Pawel also writes, speaks, and lectures in service of helping organizational cultures to create exceptional workplaces. Because that's what brings him the most fun.   I ran across Pawel on LinkedIn, where I am consistently impressed with his light, yet forthright, take on thorny topics like the right way to give...

Nurture a soulful workplace: Jardena London show art Nurture a soulful workplace: Jardena London

Uncommon Leadership

Jardena believes even corporate budgeting can be soulful.   Jardena London is an author, speaker, community leader, and Business Transformation Consultant who helps businesses thrive by using a soulful lens.   We discuss the value of humanity over systems, learning from failure, and redefining conflict and resilience.   Join the Transformational Leadership Community at learning.cultivatingtransformations.com   Find Jardena's book Cultivating Transformations:  A Leader’s Guide to Connecting the Soulful and the Practical at and other booksellers   ...

What can you execute? Dave Rodabaugh show art What can you execute? Dave Rodabaugh

Uncommon Leadership

Dave wants to know things. He doesn't so much enjoy the learning part of that.   Dave Rodabaugh has 23 years of experience making analytical data products by turning THIS data into THAT model.  He also has a track record of teaching others to do it, and helping them turn into data leaders.  Data products are built by teams of people, not by technology, Dave holds.   We discuss the frameworks that help Dave navigate life, improving team cohesion through understanding how we work best, and the wisdom in the counsel of the many.   Contact Dave at...

More Episodes

Jenny values diversity so much that she has a hard time with people who don't value diversity.


Jenny Tarwater is an Enterprise Coach working with large organizations to achieve their outcomes, generally using Agile values, principles, and practices. Her default stance is to put people and culture first and be curious about how they impact the overall system and practices.  She is an international speaker with a passion for helping other coaches and trainers level up their game.


We chat about making your team dynamics visible, helping your team be comfortable with vulnerability, being curiosity, and knowing your values.


Path to Agility assessment to help you understand how you can help your teams improve: https://p2anav.com/survey?referralCode=website-navigation


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For more inspiring conversations like this, sign up for my newsletter at  https://uncommonteams.com. And follow Uncommon Leadership wherever you get your podcasts.