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Episode 18 - Tandy Assembly Recap and Mike Yetsko

TRS-80 Trash Talk

Release Date: 10/26/2017

Episode 45 - Make it a Tandy Holiday show art Episode 45 - Make it a Tandy Holiday

TRS-80 Trash Talk

In this episode the Trash Talkers discuss what they want for Christmas this year.  Then, we review the wildly successful Tandy Assembly 2022 event.  We then review the book "Teach Your TRS-80 to Program Itself."  Finally, we do in an depth review of the first ever issue of 80 Micro magazine from January 1980.  Join us on yet another trip through Tandy Radio Shack computing history!

Episode 44 - Tandy Assembly 2022 and the Floppy-80 show art Episode 44 - Tandy Assembly 2022 and the Floppy-80

TRS-80 Trash Talk

In this episode, as usual, we update you with the latest news and current events in the world of the TRS-80. George tells us how trs80gp now emulates the MC-10. We have a preview of the exhibits appearing at the upcoming 2022 Tandy Assembly. We then cover a bunch of interesting recent TRS-80 related acquisitions, including items from the collection of Mike Yetsko. Finally, in our main segment, we introduce the Floppy-80, a new floppy emulation product. We talk to its main promoter Patrick Bureau and it

Episode 43 - TRS-IO and PocketTRS with Arno Puder show art Episode 43 - TRS-IO and PocketTRS with Arno Puder

TRS-80 Trash Talk

In this episode we update you with the latest news and current events in the world of the TRS-80. We cover some recent acquisitions by the Trash Talkers. We discuss some of the upcoming vintage computer shows happening later this year. We review the book To Catch a Mouse Make a Noise Like a Cheese by Lew Korfeld. We the discuss the March 1982 issue of ''80 Micro'' magazine. Finally, we talk to Arno Puder about his latest projects, including TRS-IO and PocketTRS.

Episode 42 -  The Ultimate Answer: TRS-80 Muscle Micros show art Episode 42 - The Ultimate Answer: TRS-80 Muscle Micros

TRS-80 Trash Talk

In this episode, as usual, we discuss the latest news and current events in the world of the TRS-80. We cover some recent acquisitions by the Trash Talkers. We discuss some of the upcoming vintage computer shows happening this year. We review the book 33 Adult Computer Games in BASIC by David Chance. We wrap up by perusing the April 1983 issue of ''80 Micro'' magazine, including a discussion of the article ''The Muscle Micros'' and the hot-rod Model IIIs described therein.

Episode 41 - TRS-80 Hard Drives show art Episode 41 - TRS-80 Hard Drives

TRS-80 Trash Talk

In this episode we start with the usual news and current events in the world of the TRS-80. After that, we discuss a bunch of recent acquisitions. We also review the book ''Learning Level II'' by David A. Lien. Then, we review the June 1980 issue of ''80 Microcomputing''. Finally, we discuss the history of hard drive solutions for the TRS-80 and offer recommendations to enthusiasts looking to use a hard drive on their TRS-80s today.

Episode 40 - We're Back! show art Episode 40 - We're Back!

TRS-80 Trash Talk

In this episode we explain where we've been for the last 10 months since the last episode. We then go ahead and discuss the usual news and current events in the world of the TRS-80. We review Tandy Assembly 2021 and welcome George Phillips as a full-time Trash Talker. Then, we discuss a bunch of recent acquisitions. We also review the book ''TRS-80 Color Computer Interfacing'' and present some new calls for projects.

Episode 39 - TRS-80 Newsletters show art Episode 39 - TRS-80 Newsletters

TRS-80 Trash Talk

In this episode we discuss the usual news and current events in the world of the TRS-80. We discuss a bunch of recent acquisitions. We also review the book ''TRS-80 More Than BASIC'' and present a new segment ''Call for Projects''. Then, we wrap up with a discussion of TRS-80 newsletters, which can be an interesting historical addition to your TRS-80 collecting hobby.

Episode 38 -  To Paint Or Not To Paint Your TRS-80 and Tim Mann show art Episode 38 - To Paint Or Not To Paint Your TRS-80 and Tim Mann

TRS-80 Trash Talk

In this episode we're joined by guest host Patrick Bureau from Texas Tandy Restorations. Patrick leads us through the controversial topic of whether or not to repaint your TRS-80. We also discuss lots of TRS-80 news and several interesting acquisitions, including a TRS-80 voice control device known as the Scott Instruments VET-2. Finally, in our interview segment, Pete interviews the well known TRS-80 hacker Tim Mann.

Episode 37 -  A Plethora of TRS-80 Items and Classical Mosquito show art Episode 37 - A Plethora of TRS-80 Items and Classical Mosquito

TRS-80 Trash Talk

In this episode we discuss a whole bunch of TRS-80 accessories and recent acquisitions. We then talk about the TRS-80 music album ''Classical Mosquito'' by Robb Murray. Then we dive into some interesting eBay sales of rare TRS-80 accessories. We wrap up with a review of the classic TRS-80 programming book ''TRS-80 Assembly Language Programming'' by William Barden Jr.

Episode 36 - New TRS-80 Accessories and John Elliott IV show art Episode 36 - New TRS-80 Accessories and John Elliott IV

TRS-80 Trash Talk

In this episode we discuss a bunch of new add-on accessories for the TRS-80, including new versions of the classic CHROMAtrs and XLR8er boards as well as the new Talker/80 voice synthesizer. We also talk about some big Tandy XENIX news as well as the new z80unit assembly language testing framework. We review the popular TRS-80 hardware hacking book ''Hardware Interfacing with the TRS-80''. Finally, Pete interviews former Tandy software engineer John Elliott IV.

More Episodes
In this episode the Trash Talkers discuss what happened at the inaugural Tandy Assembly event on October 7th and 8th 2017. After that we do a little eBay shopping. Then, Peter Cetinski interviews Tandy engineer Mike Yetsko. Mike has quite a few interesting stories to tell about his time working at Tandy Radio Shack back in the day.