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Episode 44: Boasting only in the cross

The Upper Room

Release Date: 05/22/2024

Episode 47: The Fiery Furnace show art Episode 47: The Fiery Furnace

The Upper Room

Daniel 3 How do we live faithfully in a faithless culture? We need courage. This story from Daniel both encourages and empowers us to live courageously in the face of opposition and trials. Join Paul and Henry as they discuss and answer your questions.  Listen to our sermons here:  Want to ask a question? Go to slido.com and use the code #STCLEMENTS

Episode 46: The dream of The Kingdom show art Episode 46: The dream of The Kingdom

The Upper Room

Daniel 2 Wisdom is making the right choices when the rules don't apply. This story of the King's dream, reminds us that God is the immortal, invisible God only wise. Knowing him, will help us lead wise lives in this confusing world. Join Paul and Henry as they chat about this passage and take questions. Listen to our sermons here: Want to ask a question? Go to slido.com and use the code #STCLEMENTS

Episode 45: The counter cultural life show art Episode 45: The counter cultural life

The Upper Room

Daniel 1 How do we live faithful lives in a faithless culture? Join Paul and Henry as they discuss the first sermon of our new series in the book of Daniel. Listen to our sermons here: Want to ask a question? Go to slido.com and use the code #STCLEMENTS

Episode 44: Boasting only in the cross show art Episode 44: Boasting only in the cross

The Upper Room

Galatians 6:11-18 This week we reflect the last passage in Galatians and the call to boast in the cross. Join Paul and Henry as they discuss the meaning and the offence of the cross and what it looks like to 'boast' in it.  Listen to our 'Galatians: The heart of the gospel' sermon series here: Want to ask a question? Go to slido.com and use the code #STCLEMENTS

Episode 43: You reap what you sow show art Episode 43: You reap what you sow

The Upper Room

Galatians 6:6-10 Join the guys for the penultimate discussion on Galatians, as we continue to think about living a life of freedom. In this passage Paul calls believers to be generous with what they have, moving towards each other in love.  Listen to our 'Galatians: The heart of the gospel' sermon series here: Want to ask a question? Go to slido.com and use the code #STCLEMENTS

Episode 42: Keep in step with the Spirit show art Episode 42: Keep in step with the Spirit

The Upper Room

Galatians 5:26-6:5 According to the Bible, to live a life fillled with the Spirit is to love one another. We are called to restore those caught in sin and bear the burdens of others. Join Paul and Henry as they reflect on this passage and discuss what this might look like in practice. Listen to our 'Galatians: The heart of the gospel' sermon series here: Want to ask a question? Go to slido.com and use the code #STCLEMENTS

Episode 41: Life in the flesh vs life in the Spirit show art Episode 41: Life in the flesh vs life in the Spirit

The Upper Room

Galatians 5:16-25 This passage presents us with two ways to live. Living in the flesh, or in the Spirit. Join Paul and Henry in the upper room as they discuss the fruits of the Spirit. Listen to our 'Galatians: The heart of the gospel' sermon series here: 

Episode 40: The Law of Love show art Episode 40: The Law of Love

The Upper Room

Galatians 5:13-15 We become Christians by grace alone, and that brings true freedom. But how should we use our freedom? Answer: love other people! Join us to chat through the next part of Galatians.  Listen to our 'Galatians: The heart of the gospel' sermon series here:  Want to ask a question? Go to slido.com and use the code #STCLEMENTS

Episode 39: Resist Slavery show art Episode 39: Resist Slavery

The Upper Room

Galatians 5:1-12 We are back in Galatians and thinking about how we resist slavery and persist in living free lives. Join the guys as they reflect on this week's passage, answer questions and have an extended discussion on how we can engage well with online Christian content. Listen to our 'Galatians: The heart of the gospel' sermon series here: Want to ask a question? Go to slido.com and use the code #STCLEMENTS  

Episode 38: Meeting the risen Jesus show art Episode 38: Meeting the risen Jesus

The Upper Room

Luke 24:13-35 Happy Easter everyone! Join Paul and Henry in the upper room as they discuss Jesus' meeting with the disciples on the Emmaus Road and how we too can meet the risen Jesus.  Listen to our sermon series, 'Luke's Easter' at:  Want to ask a question? Go to slido.com and use the code #STCLEMENTS

More Episodes

Galatians 6:11-18

This week we reflect the last passage in Galatians and the call to boast in the cross. Join Paul and Henry as they discuss the meaning and the offence of the cross and what it looks like to 'boast' in it. 

Listen to our 'Galatians: The heart of the gospel' sermon series here: https://www.stclementschurchmanchester.org/sermons

Want to ask a question? Go to slido.com and use the code #STCLEMENTS