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Bonus Episode: Votewise

The Upper Room

Release Date: 06/18/2024

Episode 57: The Song of Creation show art Episode 57: The Song of Creation

The Upper Room

Genesis 1:3-2:3 Join Paul and Henry in the upper room as they chat through the creation account at the start of Genesis.  Listen to our sermons here:  Want to ask a question? Go to slido.com and use the code #STCLEMENTS

Episode 56: In the beginning show art Episode 56: In the beginning

The Upper Room

Genesis 1:1-3 Paul and Henry are back in the upper room and we're kicking off a new series in Genesis.  Listen to our sermons here: Want to ask a question? Go to slido.com and use the code #STCLEMENTS

Episode 55: Meals with Jesus show art Episode 55: Meals with Jesus

The Upper Room

Luke 7:38-50 Jesus ate with some fascinating people. He welcomed sinners and he left the religious leaders bewildered by the company that he kept. Join the guys as they reflect on our summer sermon series, 'Meals with Jesus.' *We are taking a couple of weeks off from recording the podcast. We will be back in the first week of September with our new series in the book of Genesis* Listen to our sermons here:  Want to ask a question? Go to slido.com and use the code #STCLEMENTS

Episode 54: A great salvation is coming show art Episode 54: A great salvation is coming

The Upper Room

Daniel 10-12 Join the guys to round off the Daniel series with a conversation about spiritual warfare.  Listen to our sermons here: Want to ask a question? Go to slido.com and use the code #STCLEMENTS

Episode 53: Prayer and the forgiveness of God show art Episode 53: Prayer and the forgiveness of God

The Upper Room

Daniel 9 If God is sovereign, why bother to pray? And what should we pray for? Join Paul and Henry as they discuss this and more.  Listen to our sermons here: Want to ask a question? Go to slido.com and use the code #STCLEMENTS

Episode 52: God wins show art Episode 52: God wins

The Upper Room

Daniel 8  Why is there so much chaos in the world? Daniel 8 tells us that we are in a spiritual battle yet gives us hope that the victory has already been won. Join Henry and Dave as they discuss.  Listen to our sermons here: Want to ask a question? Go to slido.com and use the code #STCLEMENTS

Episode 51: God is in control show art Episode 51: God is in control

The Upper Room

Daniel 7 . . Where is God in the chaos of this world? Who are the beasts? Who is the ancient of days? Who is the 'one like a son of man'? What relevance does this vision have to now? Join Henry and Dave to discuss the first of Daniel's apocalyptic dreams. . . Kingdoms rise and fall, but through it all the Son of Man is on His throne.   .  . Listen to our sermons here:  Want to ask a question? Go to slido.com and use the code #STCLEMENTS

Episode 50: The Lion’s Den show art Episode 50: The Lion’s Den

The Upper Room

Daniel 6 . . Henry is joined from South Asia by Dave to discuss Daniel in the Lion's Den. . . What does it look like to live in the city of men, but have our hearts set on the city of God? Join the guys as they discuss Daniel's example in this.  .  . Listen to our sermons here:  Want to ask a question? Go to slido.com and use the code #STCLEMENTS

Episode 49: The writing is on the wall show art Episode 49: The writing is on the wall

The Upper Room

Daniel 5 . . Where do we look to for significance? How does Jesus bring true significance? Join Paul and Henry as they discuss this and more.  .  . Listen to our sermons here:  Want to ask a question? Go to slido.com and use the code #STCLEMENTS

Episode 48: Pride comes before a fall show art Episode 48: Pride comes before a fall

The Upper Room

Daniel 5 . . What is the foundation of human pride, why is it so fragile and how can we be free from it? How can this help us live faithfully in a faithless culture? Join Paul and Henry as they discuss this and more. . . Listen to our sermons here:  Want to ask a question? Go to slido.com and use the code #STCLEMENTS  

More Episodes

Welcome to this bonus episode of the upper room, where we got together with our friend Josh to discuss how engage with the upcoming general election on 4th July 2024. In this discussion we consider the following questions:

How much should we care about democracy? 

What are the key moments in our recent political history?

What do the main parties offer and what do they believe?

How can we use our vote wisely? 



Link to the extra resources recommended at the end of the pod: https://www.biblesociety.org.uk/about-us/our-work/england-and-wales/britain-and-the-bible/ 



Listen to our semrons and other resources here: https://www.stclementschurchmanchester.org/sermons



Want to ask a question? Go to slido.com and use the code #STCLEMENTS