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Ep. 14-Peeling the Onion on DEI


Release Date: 12/10/2024

Ep. 18-Peeling the Onion on Western Medicine, Pt. 2 show art Ep. 18-Peeling the Onion on Western Medicine, Pt. 2


In the second part of a three-part series on health care and Western medicine, we delve further into the challenges facing people in society who need services from basic health care to long-term care, along with potential solutions to those challenges.

Ep. 17-Peeling the Onion on Western Medicine, Pt. 1 show art Ep. 17-Peeling the Onion on Western Medicine, Pt. 1


A Brief Interlude show art A Brief Interlude


Ep. 16-Revisiting Palestine and Israel show art Ep. 16-Revisiting Palestine and Israel


In a second take on our most popular episode to date, we revisit the ongoing conflict in Israel and the Palestinian territories with Jonathan and Sana. This time, those things that were left unsaid out of politeness are on the table. Can we maintain civility and find common ground? Tune in to find out.

Ep. 15-Peeling the Onion on Economics show art Ep. 15-Peeling the Onion on Economics


Join us as we break down the different types of economies, expore whether or not we have a free market in the United States, discuss the implications of central banking and fiat currencies on the cost of living, and generally dissect the proper role of government in the economy.

Ep. 14-Peeling the Onion on DEI show art Ep. 14-Peeling the Onion on DEI


Author and professional pilot James Albright joins the podcast to discuss his new book, Equity Airlines, in which he takes on the very complex subject of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the safety-sensitive profession of aviation.

Ep. 13-Peeling the Onion on Race, Part 2 show art Ep. 13-Peeling the Onion on Race, Part 2


After a brief detour for the Thanksgiving episode, we get back to our conversation on race, exploring the underlying causes of racism, what it's like to be a person of color in our society, and whether or not white privilege exists.

Ep. 12-The Dreaded Thanksgiving Conversation show art Ep. 12-The Dreaded Thanksgiving Conversation


We just completed one of the most contentious elections in US history, and now we have to face our relatives at the Thanksgiving dinner table, where, inevitably, someone will bring it up. Can we dissect the results of the election and what to expect going forward with civility? Tune in to find out!

Ep. 11--Peeling the Onion on Race show art Ep. 11--Peeling the Onion on Race


We begin peeling the onion on race by visiting with four friends who attended racially diverse schools together--forming lifelong friendships as a result--and assessing how that has shaped their views on race. 

Ep. 10-Synthesizing Two Ideas Into a Better Idea show art Ep. 10-Synthesizing Two Ideas Into a Better Idea


In any discussion with opposing viewpoints, there is a thesis and an antithesis. What if you could take the best parts of each and combine--or synthesize--them into one superior idea? Stephanie Lepp and I discuss this very idea, and how it lends itself to more civility in difficult conversations.

More Episodes

Author and professional pilot James Albright joins the podcast to discuss his new book, Equity Airlines, in which he takes on the very complex subject of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the safety-sensitive profession of aviation.