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Introducing the Brighter with Kyra Podcast

Brighter with Kyra Podcast

Release Date: 04/28/2021

Be Present show art Be Present

Brighter with Kyra Podcast

If you’re busy, distracted and regularly hear from people around you “put your phone down!” then you’ll definitely want to listen in. Kyra shares questions that will help you get real about how present you are with yourself and others. You’ll be challenged to explore the reasons behind your distraction and learn simple ways to kick the habit, so you can show up fully present.

Embrace Your Life show art Embrace Your Life

Brighter with Kyra Podcast

Are you living your life fully? Or, just getting by? If you find yourself unhappy, unable to let go of hurts and regrets, or want your life to be a truer expression of who you really are, join Kyra in this episode. You’ll learn three keys to living a full, happy, aligned life and listen to a soaring meditation to help you reconnect with your true potential.

Learn to Meditate show art Learn to Meditate

Brighter with Kyra Podcast

Maybe you’ve tried meditation and it hasn’t worked for you. Or you’re curious to try. In this episode, Kyra takes you through the basics of meditation. You’ll learn both sitting and moving meditations, and then practice some. Even the busiest people will get ideas about how to capture moments of stillness and peace throughout your day.

Make Room for Others show art Make Room for Others

Brighter with Kyra Podcast

Healthy relationships at work and at home require space. If you find yourself taking up a lot of that space and need to make room for others’ thoughts, ideas, solutions and experiences, this episode is for you. In it, Kyra shares tips that include leaning back (not in), being curious, and letting go of the need to win. You’ll also learn a quick technique you can use in the moment to help you exhale and let others in.

Transform Fear to Courage show art Transform Fear to Courage

Brighter with Kyra Podcast

Fear keeps us from taking risks that can bring joy to our lives. In this episode, Kyra shares tips for identifying our fears, reframing them, and envisioning the life that courage built. Learn simple steps you can take today to overcome the fear that holds you back, so you can live the life you truly want (and deserve).

Stop Being So Busy show art Stop Being So Busy

Brighter with Kyra Podcast

Many of us are so busy, we don’t feel in control of our lives anymore. Today, Kyra explores the value we get from feeling busy. She shares tips to take back your schedule, value “being” as much as “doing,” and regain control of your time. You’ll learn how to train your brain to relax in the face of stress and reclaim a life of peace.

Stay Grounded show art Stay Grounded

Brighter with Kyra Podcast

How can you maintain a sense of calm throughout your day? In this episode, Kyra explores the concept of grounding and shares simple strategies to help you stay centered. You’ll learn how to tap into nature, silence, and breath to reset in the middle of a stressful day. Enjoy a guided meditation that will leave you feeling renewed.

Protect Your Boundaries show art Protect Your Boundaries

Brighter with Kyra Podcast

It’s so easy to forget we have our own needs. It can be hard to communicate them to others. Join Kyra as she shares 5 questions to help you identify your needs and 3 steps to help you communicate them. You’ll explore the origins of your own relationship with boundary setting while learning how to step into the courage of vulnerability.

Reconnect with Yourself show art Reconnect with Yourself

Brighter with Kyra Podcast

In this episode, Kyra explores the impact of stress on our choices and shares simple ways to step out of the “cycle of busy” to get to know yourself again. If it’s been a while since you spent time with yourself, this episode will help you de-stress and reconnect. So, you can live in closer alignment with who you really are and what you really want.

Optimize Your Energy show art Optimize Your Energy

Brighter with Kyra Podcast

Join Kyra to learn more about your energy as a resource that you can tap into to live a more energetic, happy life. She’ll share a new way to understand your energy centers and help you unlock your energy potential by asking yourself two key questions. Learn how to create a roadmap to optimize your energy and relax during a meditation to feel your unique energy.

More Episodes

“I learned that the happiness I was seeking was inside me all along.” In this introduction to the Brighter with Kyra podcast, Kyra shares a bit of her journey and her intention for this podcast to create a safe, quiet space for you to discover yourself.