15 Minutes and a Big Idea
Episode #261 of 15 Minutes and a Big Idea. A Podcast by The Mended Collective. In this episode, we examine 1 Corinthians 7:17-20. Big Idea: Walk as You are Called 3 Supporting Ideas: 1) Don't Change Your Status 2) Obedience is What Matters 3) Stay as You Are Facebook Page: The Mended Collective: Email: [email protected] Theme Music: "Advertime" by Rafael Krux
info_outline15 Minutes and a Big Idea
Episode #260 of 15 Minutes and a Big Idea. A Podcast by The Mended Collective. In this episode, we examine 1 Corinthians 7:14-16. Big Idea: Don't Quit On Your Marraige 3 Supporting Ideas: 1) You Sanctify Your Spouse 2) You're Not in Bondage to an Unbeliever 3) You Could Save Your Spouse Facebook Page: The Mended Collective: Email: [email protected] Theme Music: "Advertime" by Rafael Krux
info_outline15 Minutes and a Big Idea
Episode #259 of 15 Minutes and a Big Idea. A Podcast by The Mended Collective. In this episode, we examine 1 Corinthians 7:10-13. Big Idea: Honor Your Marriage Vows 3 Supporting Ideas: 1) The Lord Has Spoken 2) Remain Married 3) Live with a Willing Believer Facebook Page: The Mended Collective: Email: [email protected] Theme Music: "Advertime" by Rafael Krux
info_outline15 Minutes and a Big Idea
Episode #258 of 15 Minutes and a Big Idea. A Podcast by The Mended Collective. In this episode, we examine 1 Corinthians 7:7-9. Big Idea: Marriage is a Kingdom Decision 3 Supporting Ideas: 1) God has Gifted Differently 2) Singlehood is Good 3) Marriage is Good Facebook Page: The Mended Collective: Email: [email protected] Theme Music: "Advertime" by Rafael Krux
info_outline15 Minutes and a Big Idea
Episode #257 of 15 Minutes and a Big Idea. A Podcast by The Mended Collective. In this episode, we examine 1 Corinthians 7:5-8. Big Idea: Agree for Mutual Strength 3 Supporting Ideas: 1) Don't Deprive Your Spouse 2) Hiatuses Must Be Intentional 3) Satan Will Exploit Intemperance Facebook Page: The Mended Collective: Email: [email protected] Theme Music: "Advertime" by Rafael Krux
info_outline15 Minutes and a Big Idea
Episode #256 of 15 Minutes and a Big Idea. A Podcast by The Mended Collective. In this episode, we examine 1 Corinthians 7:1-4. Big Idea: Spouses Have Mutual Authority 3 Supporting Ideas: 1) Marriage Maintains Purity 2) Spouses Have Responsibility 3) Your Body is Your Spouses Facebook Page: The Mended Collective: Email: [email protected] Theme Music: "Advertime" by Rafael Krux
info_outline15 Minutes and a Big Idea
Episode #255 of 15 Minutes and a Big Idea. A Podcast by The Mended Collective. In this episode, we examine 1 Corinthians 6:18-20. Big Idea: Your Body Belongs to God 3 Supporting Ideas: 1) Sexual Sin is Against the Body 2) Your Body is a Temple 3) You are Bought with a Price Facebook Page: The Mended Collective: Email: [email protected] Theme Music: "Advertime" by Rafael Krux
info_outline15 Minutes and a Big Idea
Episode #254 of 15 Minutes and a Big Idea. A Podcast by The Mended Collective. In this episode, we examine 1 Corinthians 6:15-17. Big Idea: Don't Join Christ to Another 3 Supporting Ideas: 1) Your Bodies Belong to Christ 2) Two Become One 3) You are One with the Lord Facebook Page: The Mended Collective: Email: [email protected] Theme Music: "Advertime" by Rafael Krux
info_outline15 Minutes and a Big Idea
Episode #253 of 15 Minutes and a Big Idea. A Podcast by The Mended Collective. In this episode, we examine 1 Corinthians 6:12-14. Big Idea: The Body is not for Sexual Sin 3 Supporting Ideas: 1) Not Everything is Beneficial 2) God Will Do Away with the Body 3) God Will Raise us Up Facebook Page: The Mended Collective: Email: [email protected] Theme Music: "Advertime" by Rafael Krux
info_outline15 Minutes and a Big Idea
Episode #252 of 15 Minutes and a Big Idea. A Podcast by The Mended Collective. In this episode, we examine 1 Corinthians 6:11. Big Idea: God Has Remade You 3 Supporting Ideas: 1) You were Unrighteous 2) You are Sanctified 3) God's Authority Has Made You New Facebook Page: The Mended Collective: Email: [email protected] Theme Music: "Advertime" by Rafael Krux
info_outlineEpisode #235 of 15 Minutes and a Big Idea. A Podcast by The Mended Collective. In this episode, we examine 1 Corinthians 3:8-11.
Big Idea: We Labor as One
3 Supporting Ideas:
1) We are Fellow Workers
2) The Church is a Building
3) Christ is the Only Foundation
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/15bigidea/?view_public_for=110691360592088
The Mended Collective: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSlUSkU2N0UEy4Bq1HgpFEQ
Email: [email protected]
Theme Music: "Advertime" by Rafael Krux