Episode 1: Be a mom and be fit, with Caroline Mackay
Amplified with Vanessa Paesani
Release Date: 02/28/2023
Amplified with Vanessa Paesani
Thank you for tuning in to Amplified, supporting Amplify: East in various ways and being a believer that there isn’t a shortage of remarkable women in Atlantic Canada (or anywhere)! In this final and very short episode of Amplified, I close this chapter and give you a sneak preview of my next podcast project, “Polarizing Conversations” which is graciously supported by . The first episode will air in January 2023, and biweekly after that for 10 episodes. Stay tuned for more details!
info_outline Episode 10: Creating an inclusive economy, with Alexandra McCannAmplified with Vanessa Paesani
Join me for our last Amplified conversation with the inimitable Alexandra McCann, Executive Director of ONSIDE. ONSIDE’s mission is a prosperous Nova Scotia driven by inclusive innovation, entrepreneurship, and comparative advantage. Alexandra has a wide-ranging, impressive background. She was the Chief Operating Officer for Dockside Investco, a Nova Scotia-based portfolio management company; as well as the CEO for Baie Run Pet Products, a natural products start-up, focused on pet wellness including, omega3s and supplements sold in the U.S. and Canada. She holds an MA in Pacific Asian...
info_outline Episode 9: Being intentional about diversity with Amplify’s curator, Liesl Harewood MulhollandAmplified with Vanessa Paesani
Join me for this beautiful conversation with Liesl Harewood Mulholland. Liesl has been a LINCHPIN behind Amplify: East since its inception. She joined me to curate all of our stories not long after the project’s inception. In 2019, she wrote to talk about her work curating stories for Amplify: East. With a background in Law and Diplomatic Studies, Liesl is an International Trade and Development Consultant and Entrepreneur with over thirteen years practical expertise in business, gender and youth development, human rights, entrepreneurship, trade in services and trade facilitation....
info_outline Episode 8: Connecting with mentors can change the trajectory of your career, with Techsploration & EnPointAmplified with Vanessa Paesani
Join me for this ultra-inspiring conversation with Emily Boucher, Interim Executive Director of and Chantal Brine, CEO of . Emily and Chantal both share personal stories of how mentorship has transformed both their careers and lives, and share how they’ve used this as fuel in their work helping connect girls and young women to women in under-represented fields to light up possibilities that may not have otherwise been considered. We all want to live whole, integrated lives and there are lots of inspiring stories in this conversation to inspire us to connect more deeply –...
info_outline Episode 7: Gender + UX, with Ceara CrawshawAmplified with Vanessa Paesani
I met at a water cooler at 2018 in Montreal. It goes to show the importance of staying open because you never really know when you’re going to happen upon a great conversation! Ceara and I somehow got to talking about podcasts and planned a follow-up chat for a few weeks later. I looked into her work freelancing in UX design (user experience, if you’re not familiar with the acronym – and no worries if you’re not, I can barely keep track of the acronyms I need to use on a daily basis!) – UX is something I think a lot about from a systems...
info_outline Episode 6: Prompting deeper thinking, with Christy GrayAmplified with Vanessa Paesani
Christy Gray is one of the most thoughtful people I’ve met – which I think you’ll agree with after listening to this gem of an interview with her. I met Christy in 2012 in an 8-month leadership development program and since then, she’s gone on to complete a PhD, run multiple businesses and become a mom. Like me, she’s passionate about books, so she decided to get into business distributing because their company ethos really reflected her values. Some of my takeaways from this conversation include: Books can be used to prompt deeper thinking – and to let us have...
info_outline Episode 5: Practice, with Nadine KellyAmplified with Vanessa Paesani
I hope you’re ready for a treat! I had this chat with Nadine Kelly in 2018 – we met through a podcasting fellowship and she kindly agreed to be interviewed for the show. Nadine is a physician-turned-entrepreneur, who teaches yoga and curates beautiful spaces for people – in particular, women. Her website, , lists her purpose as “empowering & educating women to care for mind, body, & spirit” and I think you’ll hear in this interview that’s exactly what she excels in. Some of my takeaways from this conversation include: A gentle and polite no as a practice of...
info_outline Episode 4: Femme Wonk, with Katie DaveyAmplified with Vanessa Paesani
Katie Davey is a rising star in New Brunswick. I first met her a few years ago when she was competing in ‘Our Top Talent’ – an event I co-organized with longtime colleague, Rachel Mathis. The event was designed for top graduating students to connect with NB employers. After I launched , Katie was one of the first people to reach out to support and discuss the idea. She recently launched – designed to provide a platform to discuss gendered decision making. She reached out to see if I would chat for her podcast and I asked if we could chat a bit about her...
info_outline Episode 3: #NotASupplyProblem, with Louise AdongoAmplified with Vanessa Paesani
Louise Adongo was one of the first people I approached when I was considering launching what became ‘Amplify’. I approached Louise because she’s one of the most thoughtful people I know and she’s very good at giving real, direct and gentle feedback – a very rare skill. She suggested the tagline, ‘#NotASupplyProblem’ in an email, and as soon as I read it, I knew that encapsulated EXACTLY what I wanted to achieve with this. I’m so honoured to have had this conversation with Louise – I hope you enjoy it too. It’s wide-ranging and we talk about everything from her...
info_outline Episode 2: Reframing gender in tech, with Sage FranchAmplified with Vanessa Paesani
Thanks so much for joining me for episode 2! I absolutely loved this conversation with . I learned so much – I hope you take away lots too! A few notes on this conversation: This was recorded in late summer / early Fall – you’ll hear Sage mention moving to Montreal for an accelerator, which they’ve since completed. I met Sage through her business co-founder, Stefan Kollenberg – thanks so much for the introduction, Stefan! I was outside for this conversation, so you’ll hear a bit of wind and a few birds – my apologies! Still learning about audio 🙂 You...
info_outlineThanks so much for joining me in this new adventure into podcasting. I started working on this project a little over 6 months ago. It’s taught me that I tend to get a little overwhelmed by technical stuff, and that going back to the basics is important and outsourcing what I dread is even MORE important!
My favourite part of the process was by FAR having these conversations. I’ve learned so much from each and every conversation, and I’m so excited for you to join for the first conversation in the series with Caroline Mackay. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, and I hope you’ll consider leaving an iTunes review!