Ep. 9 - Three brunettes - a Ménage à trois of Story Time dating in your 50's
Release Date: 03/26/2024
50s AF
As a single Gen X dating in our 50’s, bartenders definitely have the tea on what goes on in the bar scene. You’d be surprised by the reversed perspective they have. In addition, having a guest that’s a bartender and single, we discuss the emotional hurdles women with traumas need to overcome to find their future person.
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Widows can have humor about dating in our 50’s. As two widows dating at 55, we laugh together as we talk about our experiences and stories. Our hot take on people’s predicable reactions to hearing we’re a widow, to how lucky we’re not in a 30+ monogamous relationship, to seeing the funny and many upsides to dating as widows in our 50’s. No subject is off limits as we dive into sexual needs as well.
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So what does a host of a podcast do when her guest has Covid? You sit down and authentically answer people’s questions that they want to know about you! From politics, French fries diet, confidence, to personal intimacy, I lay it all out there. Watching the Olympics, reminds us of how much work athletes put into that final moment. Dating in your 50’s, you go on hundreds of dates to try to land the perfect dismount. You’re overcoming the many obstacles to achieve that yellow brick road to the perfect relationship meant for you.
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Society speaks publicly on mental and physical health for women dating in their 50's. You'll never guess how men go from prince to kings and everything in between, yet struggle successfully dating over 50 and why?
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What men dating in their 50's may look for in women. How much influence do friends have on your dating life? Do you look for peace in a relationship and how do you define that?
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463 podcasts on dating! We're getting the scoop from Brian Howie, host of The Great Love Debate. Buckle up, as he shares his personal perspective on the sh*t show on dating in your 50’s.
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The perfect recipe for navigating the dating sh*t show in your 50's: Yellow flags, insecurities with menopause and dating, body positivity, who comes first in a relationship, failed dating stories, identifying past behavior triggers, to realizing intimacy is great in your 50's!
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Two widows in our 50's, speaking candidly to other single women dating in their 50's who are navigating and balancing grief, while creating your next chapter in life. Including advice that every longterm relationship should consider listening to our recommendations to avoid the unnecessary added stress we endured.
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Dating in your 50's usually means we're seeking out a partner to live that next chapter of life with. But is it? What if you find out you prefer being alone than on a succession of useless dates! Does that mean you've given up, or see value and comfort in being happy on your own? What's the 3,6,9 dating rule and do you think it's accurate?
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What the heck is NON emotional baggage while dating in your 50's? Heck no we are not moving in! Coffee means I might get better a.m. intimacy? When dating in your 50's, how men can be more supportive to women sleeping over his place, and women don't be embarrassed of your NON emotional luggage!
info_outlineThis episode takes you on a tequila naughty rollercoaster ride, with three hot brunette's drinking tequila while we ride up and down on various funny and saucy dating topics. And like every thrilling rollercoaster ride, the end is always the buildup to the best part!