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13. Why Do I Feel So Flat?

Aligned Founder

Release Date: 05/28/2024

30. Felix Schlenther show art 30. Felix Schlenther

Aligned Founder

In dieser Folge des Aligned Founder Podcasts ist Felix Schlenther von Leading Tomorrow, einem AI-Consulting-Unternehmen, zu Gast. Felix lebt in Berlin und ist eine prägende Figur in der Berliner Softwareindustrie, insbesondere im Bereich künstliche Intelligenz. Nach dem Aufbau mehrerer Vertriebsorganisationen und als Geschäftsführer zweier Softwareunternehmen, widmet er sich nun voll und ganz der Beratung von Unternehmen rund um das Potenzial und die Umsetzung von KI. Doch neben seinen beruflichen Erfolgen ist Felix auch spirituell interessiert und hat eine tiefe Reise in seine...

29. Rafael Frenk show art 29. Rafael Frenk

Aligned Founder

In dieser Episode des Aligned Founder Podcasts spricht René mit Rafael Frenk, Co-Founder von GLOW25 und Primal State Performance GmbH, über persönliche Schicksalsschläge, unternehmerisches Wachstum und die Verbindung von innerer Heilung und beruflichem Erfolg. Rafael teilt offen die Geschichte des Verlusts seiner Mutter, ein einschneidendes Erlebnis, das sowohl sein Privatleben als auch seine berufliche Reise maßgeblich geprägt hat. Rafael ist nicht nur Mitgründer von GLOW25, einer europaweit führenden Plattform für Schönheit, die kein Alter kennt, sondern auch von der Primal State...

28. Close Your Old Tabs (W.F.S. Part 3) show art 28. Close Your Old Tabs (W.F.S. Part 3)

Aligned Founder

Why do we have emotions? What happens if we suppress them for too long? Parts 1 & 2 of this “Wired for Success” series covered the basics of the Nervous system, understanding stress, how your body deals with it, and how to train yourself to handle it better. Those were in preparation to help you understand the cause of most people’s stress & anxiety - the suppression of old emotions. Our work at ReallyAlign is mainly focused on getting people back into their bodies & feeling the the emotions they have unknowingly pushed down for maybe many years. Though it’s not always the...

27. Sebastian Luettringhaus show art 27. Sebastian Luettringhaus

Aligned Founder

Sebastian Luettringhaus is a Business Coach and Sparring Partner to Founders, Business Owners and CEOs of SMBs and ScaleUps. He helps to unlock the full potential of teams, boost business performance and achieve milestones in a matter of just days or weeks. With over 12 years of experience in consulting and leadership roles, he has a deep understanding of the challenges faced by growing companies. He has a passion for helping businesses overcome hurdles, align their teams, and achieve their goals. Hailing from Cologne, Sebastian first pursued a career in Top Management Consulting. At Porsche...

26. Unlock Your Hidden Potential (W.F.S Part 2) show art 26. Unlock Your Hidden Potential (W.F.S Part 2)

Aligned Founder

Why is it that some people never step into their full potential, even though they have the talent & ability to? Why do others have great success in their professional lives, but as soon as they enter a romantic relationship, they become immature & everything falls apart? In this episode, we want to discover what’s possible when you unlock the hidden potential of your Nervous System. In the previous Part 1 of this “Wired for Success” series, we covered the basics of the Nervous system: How the body moves through activation & relaxation, how it can get chronically stuck in one...

25. Avoiding Conflict, Giving Feedback show art 25. Avoiding Conflict, Giving Feedback

Aligned Founder

How can I walk into any verbal conflict scenario & be totally fine - totally calm, relaxed & get the result I want? There is a lot of freedom in being able to tell the truth & say exactly what you want. On the flip side, if you’re someone who has employees, co-founders or direct reports - there is a BIG risk to your company if you’re incapable of giving proper feedback. The best case - inefficiencies, not giving those around you a chance to grow or step up. The worst case - loss of trust, respect, morale, team politics, loss of control In withholding your honest feedback to...

24. Understand Your Nervous System (W.F.S. Part 1) show art 24. Understand Your Nervous System (W.F.S. Part 1)

Aligned Founder

How can you achieve higher levels of success - by working WITH your body? How do we simultaneously avoid the common challenges of entrepreneurship, like stress, low energy or addiction? Introducing the star Quarterback of the human body - the Nervous System. The Nervous System is your command centre & interface with the world. It controls most of your body’s key functions, and can completely change how you experience both the internal & external world. In this first episode of a 3 part series, we teach you all you need to know about this amazing system; so you can overcome &...

23. Michael Scharax (DE) show art 23. Michael Scharax (DE)

Aligned Founder

Heute zu Gast: Michael Scharax, der eine beeindruckende Reise von der Fußballkarriere zur Immobilienwirtschaft gemacht hat. Mit 27 Jahren verließ er den Fußball, um seiner Leidenschaft für Immobilien zu folgen. Zunächst als Makler tätig, wurde er 2016 erfolgreicher Investor und Unternehmer. Michaels Ziel: Mehrwert schaffen durch strategische Investitionen und innovative Projekte. Michael lebt in Wien, ist verheiratet und vierfacher Vater. Sein persönliches Glück und seine Familie sind die zentralen Antriebskräfte seines Lebens. Michael ist außerdem Renes ältester Freund, was Ihnen...

22. The Dark Side Of Breathwork show art 22. The Dark Side Of Breathwork

Aligned Founder

“It’s only breathing! Whats the worst that could happen?” As Breathwork becomes increasingly popular, the need for understanding it grows stronger. It's a powerful practice that has the potential to change many lives. And amongst the various styles of Breathwork, there are some which are safe & harmless.  However, there are also breathing techniques that in the wrong hands, practiced without proper knowledge or supervision, can create quite negative side effects. A lack of barrier to entry & industry regulation means there are many Breathwork sessions out there being led by...

21. Pia Gurgel show art 21. Pia Gurgel

Aligned Founder

Pia Gurgel is a Connected Breathwork facilitator & coach who teaches about the nervous system, and also a new mother of a 1 year old. After initially pursuing a corporate career as a project manager for some of Europe’s biggest E-Commerce companies, Pia’s path changed significantly while being on a Sabbatical in 2017. Away from her day to day routine, she realised that she actually felt unhappy with the stressful life she had built for herself. Although her life ‚ticked all the boxes‘ and looked great from the outside - on the inside Pia was lacking deeper purpose. This realisation...

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“Flatness” or Numbness is a state that many entrepreneurs unconsciously experience - particularly those who have pursued business success over a long period of time.

Flatness is a state where “everything feels the same”, the spectrum of emotions or experiences has decreased, and life becomes grey & numb.

Everyone saying you should be happy, living the dream, “the perfect life” - but you don’t feel anything, other than occasional temporary stimulation.

You then need to continue working hard to maintain the reality you have created, which still hasn’t brought happiness and there seems to be no better alternative available.

This flat line means there’s no lows, but also no highs in life., Often times this is just accepted as “That’s how life is now”.

In this podcast, Pete & Rene shed some light on this phenomenon. They will explain the reason why nothing feels like it used to so you can understand how this situation has happened, and then give a roadmap for how its possible for you to regain that childlike appreciation & joy for life.

In this episode, they cover:

  • Why do certain entrepreneurs feel “flat” in their lives? What is truly underneath it?
  • Rene’s story of how he realised his life had lost all joy & meaning
  • The false story which founders tell themselves, and how this unknowingly creates numbness in their lives
  • The role that accepting growth & evolution plays in finding deep happiness
  • Why do we lose the ability we had as a child to feel optimism & joy?
  • The power of seeking discomfort as a tool for increased happiness
  • Why welcoming emotions is a key part of the process of finding long term fulfilment

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