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Our Lady of the Rosary

The Spirit World

Release Date: 10/09/2023

February Open Forum show art February Open Forum

The Spirit World

February 8th, 2025 - Today the show belongs to the listeners. Pretty much any question is on the table when we do an open forum. Adam and Debbie field a lot of questions about how demonic possession, mental illness, addiction, and prayer all interact and influence each other. 

Does Death Frighten You? show art Does Death Frighten You?

The Spirit World

February 1st, 2025 - It is the greatest fear that humans typically have. Yet we know that Jesus has triumphed over death and that it is now our doorway into Heaven. On this episode of The Spirit World, Adam and Debbie will talk about how we as Christians should think of death spiritually, and they are taking your questions about death live on the air too. 

Top Questions show art Top Questions

The Spirit World

January 25th, 2025 - Is it spiritually dangerous to gather with relatives who are Freemasons? Can demons perform healing miracles? Can necromancy improve therapy? Can you send your guardian angel to Mass for you? Will a beloved horse be in Heaven? What does a soul actually do in Heaven? Today, Debbie and Adam are answering the top questions we’ve received via email.  Links: Conversion of St. Paul -   Do Pets Go to Heaven? -   Pope Francis on Freemasonry -   EWTN Religious Catalog -  

What's In a Name? show art What's In a Name?

The Spirit World

January 18th, 2025 - Names are important and powerful in the spiritual world. They tell us the very nature of a being and they carry authority. Especially the name of Jesus, which the month of January is dedicated to. On this episode, Debbie and Adam answer caller questions about names and hear some fascinating stories of the power of names to work in our lives and in the spirit world. 

Things Catholics Need to Know show art Things Catholics Need to Know

The Spirit World

January 11th, 2025 - Monsignor Charles Pope joins Debbie and Adam to clear up many basic things about the practice of the Catholic faith that even good Catholics find it easy to miss. Do you know what you don’t know? Listen to this episode and you may find a tried-and-true way to reinvigorate your faith life.  Catholic and Curious -   Msgr.’s Blog -  The Quest - 

January Open Forum show art January Open Forum

The Spirit World

January 4th, 2025 - Debbie and Adam answer listener questions about suicide, lingering spirits, sage cleansing, whether we should pray for the dead in hell, which Epiphany blessing to use, Epiphany water, psychotic internet friends, whether demons have to expose themselves on Halloween, recommended books about angels, and more. Epiphany Blessing - https://dmsbcatholic.com/pastor/epiphany-blessing/ 

New Year Bootcamp Challenge show art New Year Bootcamp Challenge

The Spirit World

December 28th, 2024 - As you make your goals and plans for the new year, prioritize your spiritual health. Debbie and Adam have a bootcamp challenge that will help you make 2025 your best year yet. Begin again in Christ! They also answer some heartfelt listener questions about sin, repentance, and confession.

The Nativity Stage Managers show art The Nativity Stage Managers

The Spirit World

December 21st, 2024 - The Holy Angels played a huge role in setting the scene for the birth of Jesus. From the Annunciation, to the shepherds, to the miraculous star, to the dreams that Joseph had: It’s like God tasked them to be the stage managers of the whole production. Their job is to turn our attention to Christ and we will look at how they do that on this episode of The Spirit World. Debbie and Adam also take listeners calls with stories of angel encounters and questions about what angels look like. 

December Open Forum show art December Open Forum

The Spirit World

December 14th, 2024 - Debbie and Adam answer listener questions about a murder victim, what we can or can't learn from demons, resources for adult catechesis, praying for the dead vs. dialoging with them, whether ghost tours are a good idea, and more. 

The Holy Face for Advent show art The Holy Face for Advent

The Spirit World

December 7th, 2024 - On this episode of The Spirit World, Debbie and Adam welcome a special guest, Allan Smith, to talk about how the devotion of the Holy Face can increase your faith this Advent. Allan is a very knowledgeable and enthusiastic expert on this powerful spiritual practice. And it is also quite simple to incorporate into your own life. Links: Holy Face Miracle - The 3 books that Allan recommended about the Holy Face are: The Secret of the Holy Face: The Devotion Destined to Save Society by Fr. Lawrence Daniel Carney III Beyond the Veil: The Holy Face Devotion in the Light...

More Episodes

October 7th, 2023 - This week on The Spirit World we explore the origin of the title, 'Our Lady of the Holy Rosary.' Originally this title was 'Our Lady of Victory,' which was established after the rosary played a central role in the naval battle of Lepanto in 1571. Mary, at Fatima, also called for the rosary to help end WWI. History reminds us today to pray the rosary daily for peace and an end to conflicts in the world.