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In His sweet Name lies the power which can cure all our ills.

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

Release Date: 04/29/2024

Drop the World #GMweekends show art Drop the World #GMweekends

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

As your God reception grows stronger, you drop the world. You drop all calls but the One. The true Calling. The one that God has on your life.  The One that shall cause you to walk in His commandments, and do Go(o)d works, greater works than you can imagine. Be receptive, today. Be Love, today. I Love you, Nik Support the show ▶▶ _______________________ Today's Quotes:    "This body was given to you so that you can discover your true nature, the origin of all, the one unborn Self.  ...For this single purpose you have appeared into manifestation, to solve yourself...

The aim of all spiritual practices is to hear (t)His Sound. show art The aim of all spiritual practices is to hear (t)His Sound.

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

The aim of all practices is to hear The Sound, because even just listening for this ringing Sound, even if you can't hear It, what do you hear? ... ... Not thoughts. When you just stop and try to see if you can hear the Sound of all sounds.  the Sound that sounds come from, you're not thinking, which means you're not afraid. You're no longer afraid, and light will shine on the road ahead of you. You will succeed at what you have chosen to do, because He chose it for you. He's doing it through you. It is done. It was finished before you started. It's already here. HEAR. I love you,...

Everyone understands this Voice when It comes show art Everyone understands this Voice when It comes

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

When given a gift,  don't look at your hands,  don't look at the gift,  look at the Giver.  Listen to the Giver.  You haven't even tried to do the works that He told you can do-- greater works than He did.  You haven't tried. You don't think it's possible, but that is just a thought.  Let the silence show you what's possible.  you can say, 'show me...', 'show me Myself'. And you'll find Yourself, as if in the one, behind the one,  with her hands raised, Love raised, status changed, name changed.  Love changes things.  I Love you, ...

When a bud breaks it becomes a flower, when a heart breaks it becomes Divine. show art When a bud breaks it becomes a flower, when a heart breaks it becomes Divine.

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

Your belief in 'two' breaks you open,  revealing the One that never becomes.  Thank God,  until you feel what It stirs,   and don't settle.  I Love you,  nik  Support the show! ▶▶ "You and I, so fond of the notion of a you and an I, we should live as though we had never heard those pronouns" - Rumi "When a bud breaks, it becomes a flower, when a heart breaks it becomes Divine. " -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "What is meditation? It is to think about one thing only. Therefore, in meditation try to hold onto one thought, and all the other thoughts will...

Silence is your soundtrack, now. show art Silence is your soundtrack, now.

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

(t)His Silence is your soundtrack, now. It's no longer that voice with its criticisms and judgments, the labeling and constant complaining.  Your attention and God are one. Now you recognize that the Silence is God, and that when you seem to move out of the Silence, you're moving away from God. You're moving away from your goals, away from your dreams, away from the Promise, into your planning to obtain the promise. But His ways are not yours.  He moves in Silence.  Be Still,  in listening,  I Love you, nik [email protected] Support the show! ▶▶ "When the mind...

The Great Remembering Cannot be Stopped. show art The Great Remembering Cannot be Stopped.

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

Nothing is stopping you but yourself, but your thoughts. Give them to Me. Take My Silence, use My Faith, My Strength, My Name, My Feeling.  That's how you pray. Not with words, but with Love.  I Love you,  nik Support the show: ▶▶ _____________________________ Today's Quotes: "The Great Remembering Cannot be Stopped." - @Ramonalappin via IG When you pray with deep sincerity, all restless thoughts disappear. When you meditate deeply, all the distractions of the senses vanish and in that stillness you feel Him approaching. Then you will understand how wonderful life is. -...

As Long As There Are Thoughts, There Will Be Fear #GMweekends show art As Long As There Are Thoughts, There Will Be Fear #GMweekends

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

...but there's a place inside, a certain altitude of consciousness where thoughts are not.  Where you witness thoughts without becoming them.  Where you witness fear without becoming fearful.  Listen to this short meditation to learn how to live fearlessly and free in and AS Love. I Love you and I'm with you, Nik Support the show: ▶▶ _____________________________ Today's Quotes: "Be fearless. Whatever it is that you fear, take your mind away from it and leave it to Me. Have faith in Me and you will be free at once." -Mahavatar Babaji "As long as there are thoughts there...

Meditation Changes Your Destiny #GMweekends show art Meditation Changes Your Destiny #GMweekends

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

Affirm: "This is my moment of permanent change. I'm choosing Love I'm choosing who I came here to be." You came here to feel GoOD,  to remember God, to remind the world, by example, that God is real., that God is here, that God is Love. You came here to be Love. And when you're identified as Love, you've written a new chapter for that life, a chapter that can only be written Now. Smile. Everything is new. I Love you, Nik [email protected] ▶▶ Support the show: ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "Every moment you spend on this planet, remember you're that you're...

Don't be afraid. You're going to make it, but it's always going to feel as if you're not. show art Don't be afraid. You're going to make it, but it's always going to feel as if you're not.

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

Nothing exists but this Listening,  which is the same as saying nothing exists but this Loving, this Love,  or this Silence,  or God,  Nothing exists but God. Nothing is but God. Only the fullness of Love is here.  And you can use it as a mantra,  until the feeling,  the fullness itself becomes the mantra. You stop repeating words,  and you just keep repeating this Feeling. You keep repeatedly turning to this Feeling that's already here.  And eventually, you stop doing that, because even the one that's turning to the Feeling doesn't exist. Only that...

A cross loses half of its weight as soon as it is fully accepted. show art A cross loses half of its weight as soon as it is fully accepted.

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

Silence,  coming to inner Silence is acceptance.  (t)His Love,  coming to felt-Love is acceptance. To be at once Nothing,  and at the same time the most healed, the most evolved version of yourself,  is how acceptance looks. It's how purpose is found,  and (y)ours is Big.  Accept It.  I Love you,  nik  Support the show! ▶▶ "A cross loses half of its weight as soon as it is fully accepted." -Unknown  Shut your eyes so the heart may become your eye, and with that vision look upon another world ~Rumi -Reading from the Teachings of...

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Love is seeing you.

It's saying, 'it won't be long now. Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won't be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! -Amos 9:13-15 The Message (MSG)

You just keep remembering where those things are coming from.

You give thanks deeply,

because you know Who they're coming from. 

Like Rumi says, 'Do you want the sweetness of food or the sweetness of the one who put sweetness and food?

The one who brought you here is still here.

Give up fear.

Give up this idea of lack,

how can you lack when He's here?

How can you hunger when He's here?

How can you be lonely when He's here?

That's all hypnotism.

Everything that would have you believe He's not here,

is hypnotism. 

(everything that would have you believe that He is here, is also hypnotism, but we'll save that for another seeming day!) 

I Love you


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"Meditate and become absorbed so that people will sense the 'ras' (Divine sweetness) in you, then you will have success."
- Anandamayi Ma

"As the heavenly water begins to surge from the spring deep inside us, it spreads and expands our whole inner being and gives rise to ineffable blessings. The soul herself cannot even understand what is unfolding here. She senses a certain fragrance, we could say, as if within the depths of her being there were burning coals sprinkled with sweet perfumes. We cannot see the light or locate the source of the fire, but the sweet-smelling warmth permeates the whole of the soul and maybe even spreads into the body. Try to understand what I'm saying. We don't actually feel heat or smell an aroma. The experience is far more delicate than that. Even if you have not gone through these things yourself, you must know that they really do happen. The soul perceives and understands this more clearly than my mere words could ever express. No matter how intensely we may crave spiritual delight, we cannot acquire it through our own efforts. It is not forged of the same metal that we are but is made from the purest gold of divine wisdom." - St. Teresa of Avila

"Divine God and Guru, Give me the patience
To wait quietly
For spiritual sweetness." - Isha Das

"To the degree that love for the Lord warms the human heart, one finds in the Name of Jesus a sweetness that is the source of abiding peace." - St. Seraphim of Sarov

"You must learn to repeat the blessed Name of Rama with sweetness and such devotion that the birds and beasts will pause for a moment to listen to you; the very trees will bend their leaves towards you, stirred by the divine melody of that Name. And when you are able to do this, I tell you, I will come all the way on foot from Bombay as on a pilgrimage to hear you. In His sweet Name lies a power which can cure all our ills." - Sivananda 

"...Then silence, and now more silence
A mouth is not for talking.
A mouth is for tasting this sweetness..."- Rumi

"Do you want the sweetness of food
or the sweetness of the one who put sweetness in foods..." - Rumi