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Worship stops the noise of life.

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

Release Date: 06/11/2024

Watch the Sound show art Watch the Sound

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

Sit up taller,  until You are taller than that body.  Beyond that body.  What can you hear? What can you see? You are being led by the Silence, by the Sound in (and AS) the Silence, by the Sweetness, back to where you came from. And while you effortlessly abide back here, that body moves forward into the Light, into its purpose, into trials that it will triumph over, into what it was made to do, who it was made to be, which is Christ in this world. God in this world. Can you treat everyone you meet today like they are Jesus in disguise? Jesus in different costumes?  Some...

You Don't Have to Make Things Happen show art You Don't Have to Make Things Happen

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

"Surrender is not surrendering control.  Surrendering is surrendering to the Control that's already built into you."* Surrendering to The Plan that's already built into you-- His Plan that's manifesting through you.   Knowing that He is among you,  in the midst of you,  changes you,  and everything around you. You see clearly that there is no 'you'.  Only Love,  fully operating. Nothing happening,  gloriously, perfectly.  I Love you, nik  p.s. My Silence is never not here for you to borrow, to match, to mimic until you see your own...

One flower cannot ask another flower for the sunshine - for the other flower cannot give it. show art One flower cannot ask another flower for the sunshine - for the other flower cannot give it.

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

Ask the Son.  Ask Me--  acknowledge Me.  And you don't have to thank Me with words, just Recognize that it's Me.  Just beyond these words. Just past your boss, just beyond their words. Just past that phone,  or that computer, or that book, or that tree. It's Me.  There is no question.  Only the Answer.  Listen.  I Love you, nik  Support the show! ▶▶https://www.patreon.com/goodmornings "God Alone." - St. Louis De Montfort  "If you have complete faith, there are no questions. If you have no faith there is no point in asking any questions...

Knowing that only God exists is the deepest rest possible #GMweekend show art Knowing that only God exists is the deepest rest possible #GMweekend

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

A short and powerful meditation on the 'I' that you are, and how knowing It, is the deepest, most regenerative rest possible.  When you know that only It is here, there's nothing left to think or worry about because whatever you're thinking or worrying about, isn't there... where it appears to be Love is. Bliss is.  The Bliss that you're sitting in right now.  The spacious and loving 'I' that you'll be walking through later. Feel This and be free. And here's a bonus activity from Wayne Dyer: "Think of the five words -- "I am that I am." In your mind, place a comma after the word...

All Power is Within You #GMweekends show art All Power is Within You #GMweekends

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

"Since the Kingdom of God is within me, all power is within me." - Joel Goldsmith (Invisible Supply) Bonus Quote: "Here is the answer to every problem that will confront you, today and tomorrow and throughout time.  In this world, you believe you are sustained by everything but God. Your faith is placed in the most trivial and insane symbols; pills, money, “protective” clothing, influence, prestige, being liked, knowing the “right” people, and an endless list of forms of nothingness that you endow with magical powers. All these things are your replacements for the Love of God. All...

Standing on the Father's Feet, Dancing. show art Standing on the Father's Feet, Dancing.

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

This is what Love feels like-- imitating His Silence,  matching His Joy,  holding His hands.  Feeling Him move.  Noticing... you're held.  No desires. No needs. No wants. Just Grace. Thank God. I Love you, nik Support the show! ▶▶ "When you teach a child writing, you hold its hand while it forms the letters: that is, it forms the letters because you are forming them. We love and reason because God loves and reasons and holds our hand while we do it." -C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity "For the grace of the presence, be grateful." -Rumi "Why do you confuse yourselves by...

Say 'thank you' like the flowers do. show art Say 'thank you' like the flowers do.

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

How do flowers say 'thank you'? By simply being. Silently. Beautifully. Uniquely.  Radiantly. Hold you hand out as if you're waiting for God to place Her hand in yours. And feel Her hand in yours. It's a Vibration. And feel, 'thank you'. Feel It until the smile comes back, I Love you nik  Support the show! ▶▶ "For ascent it's not a mental procedure, it's a procedure of the heart which is thanksgiving. Look at the flowers, they are giving thanks to God. The whole being is nothing but thanksgiving! Not worried, they are being plucked, they will die tomorrow - not worried. As long...

How do you know that you're on your path? Because it disappears. show art How do you know that you're on your path? Because it disappears.

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

If you're doubting yourself and your seeming path,  GoOD.  You're closer than close.  You're Here.  Beyond Here,  where only I Am.  Just listen... (t)His Silence whistles as It moves through you.  I love you,  nik  Support the show! ▶▶ “Lost" -  by David Whyte Stand still. The trees ahead and the bushes beside you Are not lost. Wherever you are is called Here, And you must treat it as a powerful stranger, Must ask permission to know it and be known. The forest breathes. Listen. It answers, I have made this place around you, If you leave...

Lingering in God's Presence show art Lingering in God's Presence

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

Whatever practice you practice, it's just bringing you Here to The One that you already are.  You listen to hear The One.  You say 'I love you' to feel The One.  You say, 'Only Love is Here' to know there's only One.   and then you linger, as that One.  I Love you,  nik  Support the show! ▶▶ "If you want peace, joy, and meaning, do not dwell in your thoughts but in your heart. Yes, linger in love, and heaven's angels will gather around you." - Isha Das "Your words are guesswork. He speaks from experience. There is a huge difference. Rumi: The Big Red...

As soon as you start (t)His Practice, your life begins to change drastically. show art As soon as you start (t)His Practice, your life begins to change drastically.

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

Whatever you're imagining,  whatever problems you've made up,  stop.  Listen.  Start again,  but this time as The Witness,  The Watcher,  the Silence the world (and that includes the body and mind) happens in.  I Love you,  nik  Support the show! ▶▶ "Get a second opinion from the Maker. It's the most powerful next step you can take. Your prayer might look something like this: "It appears that I have been diagnosed with _____.  My body feels (or looks) _____. My only desire is to know what is true here. What is the...

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When you hold that breath,

you feel the Love that's been holding you. 

And then that Love takes care.

It takes on His form,

Her shape.

It changes everything.

Lift your hands up,

palms up,

 and see if you can feel the wind of change at hand.

Even if the air where you are is standing still,

this Breeze,

the Holy Spirit is moving. 

Detect It. 

This is worship.

I Love you,


Support the show!

"Worship stops the noise of life.
Worship directs every fiber of our being
Heaven-ward." -Darlene Zschech

"Question: " How can we at any time ignore the realities of this world ? We're going to get run over at an intersection!
Robert: "That is not going to happen, because your body will take better care of itself than you could ever want it to. When you begin to search for yourself. When you begin to try to understand yourself, your body is not going to go to sleep or become dull. The same power that grows oranges on an orange tree, that grows wheat in the wheat field, will take care of you and will take care of your body.
Your work will be done better everything you do will be more efficient because you will no longer interfere with it. So you can keep your mind on God or your Self and your body will continue to do what it came here to do.
Try it. You'll be surprised"- Robert Adams, May 26th, 1991

"Great changes are in the wind, some will claim.
But it might be truer to say that the wind itself is change. The world you love is driven by forces beyond your comprehension or control. But you can be one with those forces and feel no fear of them so long as you are holding My hand.
I stand with you in the wind, and I am the wind.
The wind that was and the wind that is coming.
The wind that even now is lifting everything up to reveal the truth at hand." - Way of the Rose, Our Lady of Woodstock Speaks (through Carl Strand) 

"We are about our business. We are about the business of being human beings. And be cause of it, we find that the thoughts we entertain actually shut us off from God. We are separated from God by our own thoughts We move in a world, which is nothing more than our own thoughts externalized." -Herb Fitch, Infinite Way Book Study 

"You think about your bodily comforts. You think about food, lodging, work and money, health and whatever. It's those very thoughts that keep you away from your highest good. If you were able to stop your mind from thinking, a mysterious power would take over and you would find that you're in a better position than you've ever been in your life, by not thinking."- Robert Adams