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GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

Release Date: 06/26/2024

It doesn't have to make sense to anyone but you. show art It doesn't have to make sense to anyone but you.

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

I'm away from home because of Hurricane Helene (mandatory evac, mandatory vacay), but I'm here, and *in my Prince voice* my mic is on! I love you!  ______________________________________ Remind yourself that it doesn't have to make sense to anyone but you.  He gave that vision, that dream, that prayer to YOU, not to them,  not to me.  It's yours,  because you're His. And the only way to see it through, is to stay in Him,  to stay hearing Him,  to stay feeling Him,  to be that branch on the Vine.  I don't care how strong the wind gets, you don't...

Who told you it's over? God is just starting with you. show art Who told you it's over? God is just starting with you.

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

I'm away from home because of Hurricane Helene (mandatory evac, mandatory vacay), but I'm here, and *in my Prince voice* my mic is on! I love you!  _______________________________ Jesus, this Love, finished it before the beginning,  but we're celebrating it now.  Watching now.  Trusting now.  Surrendering it all now.  Let go,  and, 'let your weight be carried by the earth beneath you, now.'* It's happening. I Love you,  nik  ________________________________________ My new book, ' is a lifetime in the making (and now a Top New Release, thanks to...

You're safe. It's just change. show art You're safe. It's just change.

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

Watch my interview with NBC's WFLA Daytime, thanks to my GoOD Friend, Farron Hipp!  "If God removed every bit of darkness from your life, then you'd still be afraid of the dark next time it came. He's actually making you the kind of person who can have authority over darkness so that whenever you meet it, you rule over it. That's the good news." - Jim Baker  Every time you start to think,  stop and Feel.  And recognize every thought is happening in Him.  And when that recognition comes, the thought goes, and only happiness stands. Only Love stands. Only He...

A Powerful Breakthrough Prayer show art A Powerful Breakthrough Prayer

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

"By Your voice the whole world was made, and still you called my name." - @worshipblog The Breakthrough Prayer is powerful, but it's not what you think. You pray it, you speak it, until it breaks... until 'you' break... until you hear... and can see through to Him,  seeing you through.  There's nothing here but Love.  Trust It.  I Love you, nik  ________________________________________ My new book, ' is a lifetime in the making (and now a Top New Release, thanks to you!). Divinely inspired. Love led. And WILL bring forth the ‘more’ in you. ❤️‍🔥 I...

There's Something Very Powerful Happening to You | The Surrender Novena Day 9 - Advanced show art There's Something Very Powerful Happening to You | The Surrender Novena Day 9 - Advanced

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

"God will either give us what we ask for in prayer. Or will give us what we would have asked for had we known all that He knows." - Tim Keller   Whenever you forget who you are today,  close your eyes on the appearance,  and feel what the appearance is made of. Feel what You are made of.  Feel what is happening, to you, for you, through you. I can feel It.  He has risen,  in You.  As You.  Be Him today.  That old saying, "What would Jesus do?" Do that today,  and every day.  You went what you went through to show others that there's...

THIS HITS HARD | Your Biggest Blindspot (Surrender Novena Day 8- Advanced) show art THIS HITS HARD | Your Biggest Blindspot (Surrender Novena Day 8- Advanced)

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

This one hits right in the gut,  right in the 'resistance', right in the 'self'.  Your last blindspot.  "You".  Repeat after me, 'It's okay if it doesn't happen, God.' And melt the last block.  I Love you,  nik ________________________________________ My new book, ' is a lifetime in the making (and now a Top New Release, thanks to you!). Divinely inspired. Love led. And WILL bring forth the ‘more’ in you. ❤️‍🔥 I couldn’t be more grateful to share this work that Love has brought forth through me. Head over to  for the preorder...

The One Thing You Haven't Tried.  (The Surrender Novena Day 7 - Advanced) show art The One Thing You Haven't Tried. (The Surrender Novena Day 7 - Advanced)

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

"Jesus does not consider time, since He is eternal. He considers only Love." - St. Therese of Lisieux It's like it's Opposite Day out here.  Letting go fills you up.  This is a controlled fire.  A necessary fire.  Can you look around and say, ? Can you stop holding your breath? Can you stop thinking about how to get out? Can you surrender to God's Fire?  Can you trust that It has cleared a path that you can't even imagine? Lined with lilies and roses, jasmine and lavender... Can you smell them?  I know you smell smoke, but can you smell The Garden? Can you feel...

What is ahead of you is worth healing for. | The Surrender Novena Day 6 (Advanced) show art What is ahead of you is worth healing for. | The Surrender Novena Day 6 (Advanced)

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." -  2 Corinthians 4:18 When I came into your life, I didn't come alone.  I brought (y)our Mother Mary with me, She brought Her Son with Her, through Her.  I brought Maharajji, Ram Dass, Ramana Maharshi, Rumi.  All the Angels and Saints.  Love appearing as these.  Love appearing as healings.  As the Great Shift.  Relief is here.  Rejoice.  I Love you,  nik  ________________________________________ My new...

How to Hear God's Voice and See Clear Results | The Surrender Novena Day 5 (Advanced) show art How to Hear God's Voice and See Clear Results | The Surrender Novena Day 5 (Advanced)

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

"Do not deceive yourselves by just listening to His word; instead, put it into practice. If you listen to the Word but do not put it into practice, you are like people who look in a mirror and see themselves as they are. They take a good look at themselves and then go away and at once forget what they look like. But if you look closely into the perfect law that sets people free, and keep on paying attention to it and do not simply listen and then forget it, but put it into practice - you will be blessed by God in what you do." James 1:22-25 The inner, felt-mantra, 'I am not her', or 'I am not...

The test gets harder when the relief is close. | Surrender Novena Day 4 (Advanced) show art The test gets harder when the relief is close. | Surrender Novena Day 4 (Advanced)

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

5 minutes before it happens,  everything looks the same. ;) Persist. In.  T(H)is.  Love. Everything has changed this instant.  Persist.  In.  T(H)is.  Faith.  I Love you, nik "Even if difficulties arise, I shall not follow the spirit of the world." - Father Kentenich  ________________________________________ My new book, ' is a lifetime in the making (and now a Top New Release, thanks to you!). Divinely inspired. Love led. And WILL bring forth the ‘more’ in you. ❤️‍🔥 I couldn’t be more grateful to share this work that Love has...

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Sit up taller, 

until You are taller than that body. 

Beyond that body. 

What can you hear?

What can you see?

You are being led by the Silence,

by the Sound in (and AS) the Silence,

by the Sweetness,

back to where you came from.

And while you effortlessly abide back here,

that body moves forward into the Light,

into its purpose,

into trials that it will triumph over,

into what it was made to do,

who it was made to be,

which is Christ in this world.

God in this world.

Can you treat everyone you meet today like they are Jesus in disguise?

Jesus in different costumes? 

Some old, some young, some with floppy ears and wagging tails, some with beaks, some with gray hair, some with brown hair, some with attitudes, some with smiles...

If you can treat each of these as if they are Jesus, 

you become more like Him.

Like The Christ He is beyond 'Jesus'. 

You walk like that.

You live like that.

Death dies like that. 

I love you, 


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"Now, at this time, you are not able to hear his True Name, but the name that is given to him is Jesus the Messiah." - Acts of Thomas; cf. AAA p.294

"The Messiah is Among You" --Matthew Kelly

"The whole purpose of life as I see it now is to practice the presence of God at every conscious moment. I used to think that such a state of mind or soul would be conferred suddenly when I succeeded in reaching samadhi or union. Now I realize that it is a habit that has to be trained into me, and that samadhi is not to be the cause of this perpetual enjoyment but the result and crowning achievement of it. More frequently now my mind is drawn to that very deep state where the presence of God is explicit, incontestable... Sometimes His presence comes with such a quiet and tender sweetness that I find myself weeping with gratitude. When you surrender to that absolute stillness, that all-pervasive beneficent light, that inexpressibly sweet, sweet bliss, there is no doubt, no doubt at all, in your heart or in your mind, that you are experiencing God." - Nancy Mayorga

"There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful than that of a continual conversation with God... Ah! if we but knew the need we have of the grace and assistance of God, we would never lose sight of Him, no, not for a moment." - Brother Lawrence 

"Only from the heart can you touch the sky." - Rumi