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Look at how far God has brought you

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

Release Date: 06/28/2024

The Harvest is Now. show art The Harvest is Now.

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

to see pics and footage from our Meditation Meetup on Saturday. Even though it appeared that we would be rained out, we weren't. Listen to learn and feel how I managed that all-too-familiar anxiety like a G.  From the episode-  That home you live in has not yet been built. That device you're listening to this voice on has not yet been invented. You have yet to be born. That's a beautiful way of saying nothing ever happened. Nothing ever happens. Me praying for the rain to clear, for that little symbol of a cloud with a lightning bolt over the 8 am hour to disappear,  that's not...

Spend All of Your Time With God, and God Will Take Care of You #GMweekends show art Spend All of Your Time With God, and God Will Take Care of You #GMweekends

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

You spend time with God by listening. Think of with her hand up to her ear. That. Just listening. This listening is continuous, that's mediation. When you're listening you're not thinking, that's meditation. And then in the quiet listening, Love is felt. You hear God's silence, and then you feel God's Love. You're gifted His Peace, and then you notice that that too, is continuous! No matter what comes (or goes), this Peace stands. All you have to do is remember to listen for the feeling of Peace, and then that Peace dissolves everything that isn't Peace... help comes, because God is. I Love...

Your Attempts to Reach God, Are God's Attempts to Reach You #GMweekends show art Your Attempts to Reach God, Are God's Attempts to Reach You #GMweekends

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

When you're remembering Love, it's only because Love is remembering you. Holding you. Healing you. Being you. You reaching for God is like a fish reaching for water. We're in It. He's everywhere. Thank God. I Love you, Nik Bonus episodes every week: ▶▶ _______________________ Today's Quotes:  "All your attempts to reach Me, are in reality My attempts to reach you." -Rumi "Sweet is the memory of Jesus, giving true joys to the heart; but sweeter beyond honey and all else is His presence."  - from Aldous Huxley's 'The Perennial Philosophy'

Look at how far God has brought you show art Look at how far God has brought you

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

And if you're looking around right now, ungrateful, unimpressed, close that body's eyes, and feel what God has brought you to.  You've come to Love.  That prayer you've been praying,  you're realizing it's been answered,  that God has been here,  that you've been saved,  again.  Every time.  So stop worrying.  I Love you,  nik  Support the show! ▶▶https://www.patreon.com/goodmornings "Look at how far God has brought you." - @holstrength  Be patient if you can, and from sour grapes will come something sweet. Rumi: Tbe Big Red Book...

There's no one you see that isn't Me. show art There's no one you see that isn't Me.

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

There is nothing you see that isn't Me.  I AM (is) what you really want.  Rumi said you, "sound the drum of nothing",  until you feel something,  a stirring,  and then it's settled.  When you say, 'thy will be done',  or 'Jesus you take care of it',  He says, 'I already did.'  You're Welcome.  I Love you,  nik  Support the show! ▶▶https://www.patreon.com/goodmornings "Your awarness and my awareness are God's awareness. If you are lodged in your awareness and I am in my awareness, there is only one awareness in the room." - Ram...

Watch the Sound show art Watch the Sound

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

Sit up taller,  until You are taller than that body.  Beyond that body.  What can you hear? What can you see? You are being led by the Silence, by the Sound in (and AS) the Silence, by the Sweetness, back to where you came from. And while you effortlessly abide back here, that body moves forward into the Light, into its purpose, into trials that it will triumph over, into what it was made to do, who it was made to be, which is Christ in this world. God in this world. Can you treat everyone you meet today like they are Jesus in disguise? Jesus in different costumes?  Some...

You Don't Have to Make Things Happen show art You Don't Have to Make Things Happen

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

"Surrender is not surrendering control.  Surrendering is surrendering to the Control that's already built into you."* Surrendering to The Plan that's already built into you-- His Plan that's manifesting through you.   Knowing that He is among you,  in the midst of you,  changes you,  and everything around you. You see clearly that there is no 'you'.  Only Love,  fully operating. Nothing happening,  gloriously, perfectly.  I Love you, nik  p.s. My Silence is never not here for you to borrow, to match, to mimic until you see your own...

One flower cannot ask another flower for the sunshine - for the other flower cannot give it. show art One flower cannot ask another flower for the sunshine - for the other flower cannot give it.

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

Ask the Son.  Ask Me--  acknowledge Me.  And you don't have to thank Me with words, just Recognize that it's Me.  Just beyond these words. Just past your boss, just beyond their words. Just past that phone,  or that computer, or that book, or that tree. It's Me.  There is no question.  Only the Answer.  Listen.  I Love you, nik  Support the show! ▶▶https://www.patreon.com/goodmornings "God Alone." - St. Louis De Montfort  "If you have complete faith, there are no questions. If you have no faith there is no point in asking any questions...

Knowing that only God exists is the deepest rest possible #GMweekend show art Knowing that only God exists is the deepest rest possible #GMweekend

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

A short and powerful meditation on the 'I' that you are, and how knowing It, is the deepest, most regenerative rest possible.  When you know that only It is here, there's nothing left to think or worry about because whatever you're thinking or worrying about, isn't there... where it appears to be Love is. Bliss is.  The Bliss that you're sitting in right now.  The spacious and loving 'I' that you'll be walking through later. Feel This and be free. And here's a bonus activity from Wayne Dyer: "Think of the five words -- "I am that I am." In your mind, place a comma after the word...

All Power is Within You #GMweekends show art All Power is Within You #GMweekends

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

"Since the Kingdom of God is within me, all power is within me." - Joel Goldsmith (Invisible Supply) Bonus Quote: "Here is the answer to every problem that will confront you, today and tomorrow and throughout time.  In this world, you believe you are sustained by everything but God. Your faith is placed in the most trivial and insane symbols; pills, money, “protective” clothing, influence, prestige, being liked, knowing the “right” people, and an endless list of forms of nothingness that you endow with magical powers. All these things are your replacements for the Love of God. All...

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And if you're looking around right now,



close that body's eyes,

and feel what God has brought you to. 

You've come to Love. 

That prayer you've been praying, 

you're realizing it's been answered, 

that God has been here, 

that you've been saved, 


Every time. 

So stop worrying. 

I Love you, 


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"Look at how far God has brought you." - @holstrength 

Be patient if you can, and from sour grapes will come something sweet.
Rumi: Tbe Big Red Book
Morning breeze, bring news of beauty, but slowly, please.
Let the fresh fragrance stay.

"Be patient where you sit in the dark.
The dawn is coming."

"The universe was created out of joy and that is why you find temporary joy in the fleeting things of the world. Without joy life is an ordeal. So you must attain to that great Joy that has brought forth the world and is the essence of your own being. This is exactly what is discovered when the mind becomes still."

"Q: I find concentration difficult.
M: Go on practicing. Your concentration must come as easily as the breath. Fix yourself on one thing and try to hold onto it. All will come right.
Meditation is sticking to one thought. That single thought keeps away other thoughts. The dissipated mind is a sign of its weakness. By constant meditation it gains strength, i.e. it gives up its weakness for stray thoughts.
When attention is directed towards objects and intellect, the mind is aware only of these things. That is our present state. But when we attend to the Self within, we become conscious of It alone. It is therefore all a matter of attention. Our mind has been attending to external things for so long, that the latter have enslaved it and drag it hither and thither.
If the mind wanders, we must at once realize we are not the body and inquire, 'Who am I?' and the mind must be brought back to realize the Self. Thus all evils are destroyed and happiness is realized.
Absence of mental activity is solitude." - Nisargadatta Maharaj, Conscious Immortality, It's All A Matter of Attention