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Episode 59: "Those Who Wander" by Kristin Kirby

Sudden Fictions

Release Date: 05/17/2024

Episode 61: Episode 61: "Against The Siren Song" by Richard Dansky

Sudden Fictions

Host: With two decades’ experience in video games, Richard Dansky has contributed to over 40 titles in iconic franchises like Ghost Recon, Might & Magic, Splinter Cell, Far Cry, and Rainbow Six, His most recent credit was on Tom Clancy’s The Division 2. Richard is also the developer of the 20th anniversary edition of the acclaimed tabletop RPG Wraith: The Oblivion, and has published seven novels and one short story collection. A former executive of the IGDA Game Writing SIG, he serves on the advisory board on the Game Narrative Summit at GDC. He lives...

Episode 60: Episode 60: "Wanderlust" by Bill Kirton

Sudden Fictions

Host: Bill Kirton was born in Plymouth, England a long time ago but has lived most of his life in Scotland. He has written stage and radio plays, songs and sketches for revues, flash fiction, short stories, novels, stories for children and books aimed at helping students to write effective academic essays and dissertations and get the most out of university and work. Dr. Kirton has been a university lecturer, actor, director, TV presenter, visiting professor and artist at the University of Rhode Island, spent a few years as a Royal Literary Fund Writing Fellow in universities in...

Episode 59: Episode 59: "Those Who Wander" by Kristin Kirby

Sudden Fictions

Host: Kristin Kirby is an award-winning fiction writer and screenwriter who currently makes her home in the Southwest. Her work has appeared in the anthology Negative Space 2: A Return to Survival Horror, MYTHIC Magazine, The Overcast podcast, Space and Time, 365tomorrows, Eldritch Tales, and other publications. You can find her at .

Episode 58: Episode 58: "Hard Road Home" by T.L. Emery

Sudden Fictions

Host: T. L. Emery is a writer of dark fiction and magical realism. He has been published in the "First Light" and "Second Sojourn" anthologies from BlueStone Publishing as well as "Extreme Drabbles of Dread" from The Macabre Ladies as well as others. He is currently putting together a collection of his stories taking place in West Newton, WV, the most haunted area in the world.

Episode 57: Episode 57: "Destination Anywhere" by Mary E. Hart

Sudden Fictions

Host: Mary E. Hart is the author of the haunted house novel, “Some Horrific Evening” and the 1980s themed horror tale, “Not Your Barbie Dino,” in the collection “Totally Tubular Terrors.” When she’s not creating memes about warehouse operations and writing about robots in her full-time job, or taking multiple pictures of magnolia trees, she is writing ideas for stories in far too many notebooks. You can learn more about her writing at  .

Episode 56: Episode 56: "The Mortal Gods of the Last Olympus" by Suzanne Madron

Sudden Fictions

Host: Suzanne Madron was born in New York City and has lived up and down the east coast. Currently, she resides in a house built over a Civil War battlefield in the wilds of Pennsylvania where she has been known to host some interesting Halloween parties.  She has authored several novels and stories under various names including Suzi M, James Glass, and Xircon.

Episode 55: Episode 55: "Rain in the Nightmarket" by Melissa Burkart

Sudden Fictions

Host: Melissa Burkart currently lives in downeast Maine with her family and writes in the pauses of parenting two young kids. Her short stories have appeared in The Word Count podcast and the anthologies Fight Like a Girl and What Follows under M. J. King. You can occasionally find her at  or Instagram @writinginterrupted.

Episode 54: Episode 54: "Through a Quagmire of Doubt and Fog" by Huxley Ravenwood

Sudden Fictions

Host: Huxley Ravenwood (she/they) is a queer, neurospicy author of eldritch and gothic horror from central Massachusetts. She also writes roleplaying game adventures and has edited several anthologies. In their other life, Huxley is a book historian and binder specializing in medieval works. 

Episode 53: Episode 53: "A Single Drop" by Naching T. Kassa

Sudden Fictions

Host: Naching T. Kassa is a wife, mother, and writer. She’s created short stories, novellas, poems, and co-created three children. She resides in Eastern Washington State with her husband, Dan Kassa. Naching is a member of the Horror Writers Association, Mystery Writers of America, The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association, and various Sherlock Holmes Scions. She is the Talent Relations Manager at Crystal Lake Entertainment and was a recipient of the 2022 HWA Diversity Grant.

Episode 52: Episode 52: "She's Coming for Me, You Know" by J. Edwin Buja

Sudden Fictions

Host: J. Edwin Buja has spent his life surrounded by books. He discovered early on that researching and writing hold the key to happiness. Who else would think scanning through decades of microfilm to index an old newspaper would be a dream job?  For almost forty years, he has been married to the most wonderful woman on the planet. Although he lives in a small village somewhere in Canada, his heart and second home reside with his horror family in New England.  His novels include The King of the Wood and The Consort. His next novel, Enough Time, will be released in 2025....

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Host: R. B. Wood

Kristin Kirby is an award-winning fiction writer and screenwriter who currently makes her home in the Southwest. Her work has appeared in the anthology Negative Space 2: A Return to Survival Horror, MYTHIC Magazine, The Overcast podcast, Space and Time, 365tomorrows, Eldritch Tales, and other publications. You can find her at www.kristinkirby.com.