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YOU are Designed for Greatness 1

Designed for Greatness with Candice Noss

Release Date: 10/08/2022

Supporting Our Kids Stepping Into Their Divine Greatness In Athletics with ShaNell Turner Designed for Greatness 9 show art Supporting Our Kids Stepping Into Their Divine Greatness In Athletics with ShaNell Turner Designed for Greatness 9

Designed for Greatness with Candice Noss

Click the link to get your free guide- . Join me in this insightful conversation with ShaNell Turner. She truly has figured out how to live into her divine greatness as a mother by supporting her kids in their sports endeavors. It can be tricky navigating the high emotions and intense circumstances incumbent with comp and High School sports. As parents, it is up to us to figure out the best way to support our kids and help them get the most out of their sports experiences. ShaNell has some wisdom that is golden!!! In this episode she is able to provide some mentorship to parents and help...

Perfection or Connection… You decide.  Designed for Greatness 8 show art Perfection or Connection… You decide. Designed for Greatness 8

Designed for Greatness with Candice Noss

Do you ever overlook your successes and focus on your imperfections?  Do you ever expect the impossible of yourself and then beat yourself up for not being able to do it?  Does trying to be perfect and worrying about what others will think of you if you are not motivate you?  Perfectionism is rampant in our society and if you are engaging in a perfectionist mentality, it is totally understandable, but absolutely unnecessary!!  In this podcast I outline the components of a perfectionist mentality and give strategies and tools to annihilate it from your thought...

Sterling Mack - Designed for Greatness 7 show art Sterling Mack - Designed for Greatness 7

Designed for Greatness with Candice Noss

Join me in this powerful conversation with Coach Sterling Mack.  He truly has figured out how to live into his divine greatness and how to use his life experiences and gifts to step up to his purpose in serving this world.  Coach Mack went from being homeless, nameless, fatherless, with a mother he couldn't count on because of  drugs and alcohol, living with his grandma in a 3 bedroom home with 20 other people, and not being able to read until College… to where he is now!!  Happily married, 2 incredible boys with a precious baby girl on the way,...

It Takes as Long as it Takes - Designed for Greatness 6 show art It Takes as Long as it Takes - Designed for Greatness 6

Designed for Greatness with Candice Noss

Get your free video by clicking on the link: "" Do you ever want to see results faster? Have you ever quit something because it took too long to work? Do you find yourself in a rush, wondering why it’s taking so much time? We set goals, we ask for blessings, we work towards desired results, and then— if you are like me, we go “ALL IN” … what do you do when it’s not happening fast enough?  It is so easy to be in a hurry and then wonder WHY the thing we’ve worked so hard for, isn’t happening.  How do we access the grit and perseverance necessary to stay...

You can WANT it, but you can’t NEED it - Episode 5 show art You can WANT it, but you can’t NEED it - Episode 5

Designed for Greatness with Candice Noss

Get your free tutorial by clicking on the link: "" Do you base your success or failure on the amount and quality of validation you get from others?  Have you ever shut yourself down from sharing or putting yourself out there because you are concerned about what people might think about you if you do?How important is it to you that others approve of you? In this episode I will take you on a deep dive into these questions.  As a recovering people pleaser, I know all too well the hazards of buying into other’s opinions about me and my work.  The problem is, when we let...

Living with 100% Commitment and Zero Expectation Designed for Greatness 4 show art Living with 100% Commitment and Zero Expectation Designed for Greatness 4

Designed for Greatness with Candice Noss

Get your free tutorial by clicking on the link: "" Do you ever want to control the outcome of certain events? Have you ever been suffering and wished you could force a miracle to happen?Have you ever felt complete confidence in how you think a situation should play out and then felt disappointed when your expectation wasn’t realized?Do you expect superhuman results in every role you play and end up feeling like a failure when you can’t “do it all”? In this episode I share what I have learned about the issues inherent with expectations, and the power of genuine surrender. My...

Being happy for what we have while working for what we want - Episode 3 show art Being happy for what we have while working for what we want - Episode 3

Designed for Greatness with Candice Noss

Get your free tutorial by clicking on the link: "" Have you ever felt guilty for wanting more out of life? Do you desire something different, better, or yearn for a change? Has there been a time in your life where something that used to light you up, now seems mundane and you long for more? If you‘ve ever felt unsatisfied and a longing for something more or different or better…, congratulations!!!  This is the best news ever because it means you are in tune with your spirit!  These nudges of discontent don’t have anything to do with being ungrateful or selfish… they...

Amazing Grace - Designed for Greatness 2 show art Amazing Grace - Designed for Greatness 2

Designed for Greatness with Candice Noss

Click on  and begin discovering the secrets to the power of your mind. Has anyone ever tried to shame you into changing your behavior? Have you ever used shame as a strategy on yourself to elicit a change? Can you think of a time you were shamed? Did it work? What were the consequences of the shaming? In this episode I will dive into these questions and present you with the powerful, dare I say MAGICAL alternative to shame for motivating ourself and others to change— AMAZING GRACE!!! The success of using shame to elicit a change, comes at a cost… every time. The cost of...

YOU are Designed for Greatness 1 show art YOU are Designed for Greatness 1

Designed for Greatness with Candice Noss

Welcome to the Designed for greatness Podcast- Conversations with Candice to help you: Elevate your Mind, Body and Spirit; and own your DIVINE GREATNESS!!  Today you have episode 1- my WHY. In this episode I explore my reasons for starting this podcast and explain my mission to this world.  I hope you will gain a sense of your own infinite worth and feel inspired as to your missions as you listen.   My goal is to share messages to enlighten, liberate and empower you to live with a mind firmly aligned, a body purposefully loved and a spirit powerfully accessed, ultimately...

More Episodes

Welcome to the Designed for greatness Podcast- Conversations with Candice to help you: Elevate your Mind, Body and Spirit; and own your DIVINE GREATNESS!!  Today you have episode 1- my WHY.

In this episode I explore my reasons for starting this podcast and explain my mission to this world.  I hope you will gain a sense of your own infinite worth and feel inspired as to your missions as you listen.  

My goal is to share messages to enlighten, liberate and empower you to live with a mind firmly aligned, a body purposefully loved and a spirit powerfully accessed, ultimately activating your divine greatness.  It is my hope that together we might navigate this journey, dedicated to whole-heartely loving God, ourselves, and others.  My genuine desire is to awaken, enlighten, inspire and empower you to own your greatness by stepping IN to who you really are; and stepping up to your unique missions to this world.  

I am ALL IN for spreading light, truth and love.  I am so grateful to be a ripple starter in the tidal wave of light that is washing across the world.  Thank you for joining me as we strive to be warriors- You are designed for greatness and Together We RISE!

Get your free video by clicking on the link: "3 Brain Traps That Will Keep You Stuck"