Outta Toon Podcast
Hi, friends welcome to a new Monday episode of the Outta Toon Podcast. How are you? I'm feeling good. Getting back into the swing of things. I've been burning a lot of incense recently. Does that symbolize that I'm creating a new atmosphere or covering up something? Perhaps I'm trying to cover up instead of accepting? I'm been reading and seeing a lot recently about how we become invisible to people as we age. Am I avoiding? Let's chat about it. Thanks for dropping by.
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On this Monday of political history and activity, I come to you with an episode packed with a buffet of topics. Topics such as 8 year old Chinese guitar players, "Breaking Bad" astronauts, mysteriously popular facebook pals and pimento cheese sandwiches from the north. These are the kinds of things you've come to expect from this podcast. I don't want to let you down. See you soon.
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The holidays are done but it's still a great time to set some goals! Give it a shot. Do some fun new things. I'm hoping to be more creative and more healthy this year. Here's hoping. Thanks for listening to the podcast in 2024. Let's see if I can make it even better in 2025!
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This week I'm getting into some new jazz music, approaching strangers in supermarket parking lots and getting carded for being too old. Is this what the holidays are all about?? It's no wonder the Grinch's heart was two sizes too small. See ya next week friends.
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Hey everyone! How's your holidays so far? Have you made cookies yet? Anyone made potato chips? I tried. Didn't work out the way I had planned though. I wanted to chat a bit about something personal here. Maybe you can relate. Maybe not. But it might be something you are battling too. Also, can you believe I once paid $11 to see Van Halen live? Those were the days, kids. See you next week.
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It's Monday and we're heading into the holidays at full speed. Is it too early for decorations? I think I'm going to go with it. And in the spirit of that, I request you embark on a journey with me in 2025. Up for it? Let's see if we can. Listen and I'll explain. Be back Thursday.
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Hey, Look! It's Thursday! Two shows in a week again! In this episode I discuss techniques people use who wish to control you. This in hopes you don't get controlled. Look out. Also, most of the albums are more interesting played forward so put on some headphones and enjoy. Thanks for popping in twice this week. Let's try it again next week!
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It's the post-election episode and I discuss coping. Surviving. Even thriving, if we dare. How you doing? I'm taking a bit of a social media sabbatical. Backing off the news too. What are your plans for moving through the political fray? Maybe you could become at artist. A guy in Italy just sold fruit taped to a canvas for a ridiculous amount of money. Maybe I should try that. See you soon, y'all!
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Hey, it's a short show. Second time in a row this podcast has referenced genitalia. What am I becoming?? Getting a chest cold. Halloween is coming up. Just wanted to check and make sure you are doing ok? Hope you get good candy in your Trick or Treat bag.
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Welcome to the Outta Toon Podcast my friends! This week, Al Pacino declares there is no afterlife. This, from a man who did two Godfather movies after the original. Can we trust him? I participated in early voting with the rest of the seniors today. We're all in trouble, folks. Atlanta Pride was fun as usual. Let's get our Halloween on this week. If your name is Dick Wiener, maybe this isn't the best episode for you to listen to. Fair warning. See you soon, friends.
info_outlineThis week I'm freaking out at the process of ordering from Amazon. Is it better than going to the malls of the 70s and 80s? Well, no, but you take what you get, right? Do you have a favorite dog breed? If youve been listening for awhile, you may know mine so now I need to know yours. Drop me a Facebook post and let me know. Thanks for hanging out again. Let's get some autumn going soon!