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Women Speaking

Release Date: 04/08/2024

Small Things That Really Aren't show art Small Things That Really Aren't

Women Speaking

So often, what is truly meaningful is such a small thing, maybe something that words can’t even capture. Sandra speaks of a tender moment with an old woman in a foreign bath, Japanese signs that make no sense, a turtle shell, a splash in a puddle with a beloved father…it reminds me of my first visit to China.... “When the eyes and the ears are open, The Indian mystic Kabir says, “even the leaves on the trees teach like pages from the scriptures.”       Kabir

Momiji show art Momiji

Women Speaking

Another walk, another dawn opens a window from the Appalachian mountains to Japan, to Charleston, SC and back. For my Father on Fathers' Day and the anniversary of his death.

Women Speaking Introduction show art Women Speaking Introduction

Women Speaking

Hi, I’m Sandra. I’ve been a mind-body professional since 1984 and am fortunate to know two other women of varying sensibilities and diverse ages who approach body, mind, self, community work in ways similar to, and more importantly different, from mine. Each woman speaks from her unique turn of the body, mind, self, community kaleidoscope.    In our podcast we weave together three, and in time perhaps more, threads: a read aloud of women’s non-fiction, a series of dharma talks by an esteemed teacher, and a secret reveal — you could call it fiction, but to us it is more Real...

Everything Is Illuminated show art Everything Is Illuminated

Women Speaking

When we encounter the difficult, we are invited to slow down, to pause - even with this - to bring a kind curiosity, an investigation of this difficulty as a doorway to some new growth, new understanding, new possibility, new light.         "Embracing the Hurt, we learn to trust that there is something greater, something                mysterious and full of grace."                        Thanissara     

Walking at Dawn show art Walking at Dawn

Women Speaking

  WALKING AT DAWN   Ten (天) means sky, and jin (神) means god or deity.   Because of a sniffle. That might be the virus.    Social distancing. Self-quarantine. Safer at home. The most populous county in the US, and tests in short supply. Fourteen days from two days ago in a tiny house with dog and husband, who from the living room sends his latest haiku:   Sound of a wife under stay at home orders sharpening a knife   This morning the dog and I are heading for the sky, toward pink clouds fluffed by the rising sun. City sunrise is tricky. We stick to the...

Sacred Moments, Even Now show art Sacred Moments, Even Now

Women Speaking

Bougainvillea show art Bougainvillea

Women Speaking

A series of sketches titled Bougainvillea becomes a read-aloud for you from Women Speaking.   The title sketch begins to flesh out the aim of the project: to portray 45 years of mind-body practice in short non-fiction sketches—while refraining from mentioning too much about mind-body practice.   

More Episodes

A series of sketches titled Bougainvillea becomes a read-aloud for you from Women Speaking.


The title sketch begins to flesh out the aim of the project: to portray 45 years of mind-body practice in short non-fiction sketches—while refraining from mentioning too much about mind-body practice.