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Episode 3: Dark Triad Admins. and Empathic Teachers

Teacher Misery

Release Date: 09/26/2023

Episode 36: School Psych Memes show art Episode 36: School Psych Memes

Teacher Misery

We discuss what this school psychologist thought the job was going to be versus what it actually is; how administrators affect so much of the job; parents who won’t accept a diagnosis versus parents who want their kids to have a disability so they get extra services; parents and kids who use ADHD as an excuse; how hard it is to remember all the different accommodations; accommodations are becoming crutches and kids can’t cope when they get into the real world; odd accommodations and weird things to test for; the lack of attention span and affect phones are having on development; the human...

Episode 34: What would YOU do? show art Episode 34: What would YOU do?

Teacher Misery

Lauren and DeAndre discuss teachers’ what would you do scenarios, such as… what would you do if a student put poop on your desk and said, “This was in my pants;” nostalgic memories are knocked out by reality; weird things kids bring to school like live and dead animals, sex toys, and even the skull of a missing person! We play a game where DeAndre has to guess which awful quotes are from an administrator and which Lauren made up. Topics range from money concerns, to demeanor, to health concerns, to teaching methods, and even family planning! Visit teachermisery.com for more information...

Episode 33: Don't Hug Your Students! show art Episode 33: Don't Hug Your Students!

Teacher Misery

Lauren and DeAndre dive deep into the story of the middle school teacher who was fired for having students undo his braids. Is this more about race than the act itself? Is this worth firing a teacher over, or could it have been a warning? We discuss how teachers can’t hug students for fear of being accused of being inappropriate. We talk about teachers being put on administrative leave without being told why; kids lie about teachers, and they believe the kid; just a little bit of warmth and encouragement from a teacher can change a life; you have to come out the gate as scary in high school...

Episode 32: Horrible yet Entertaining Emails show art Episode 32: Horrible yet Entertaining Emails

Teacher Misery

Is it okay to share a clip of a teacher properly handling a difficult situation with a special ed. student or is it not for social media? Why summer reading assignments are the bane of an English teacher’s existence; corporal punishment in schools is still legal in 19 states, 15 of those include special ed. students; stories from What It’s Really Like: Foot fetish kid, H.S. kids who don’t understand how a map or time works; angry email from a 7th grader, inappropriate but cheerful student email, student payment request, an insulting thank you letter, shocking parent and student messages;...

Episode 31: To Paddle or Not to Paddle? show art Episode 31: To Paddle or Not to Paddle?

Teacher Misery

Lauren was in charge of “frogger” at kindergarten field day, and a kid grabbed her chest; little boys can’t stop scratching down there; the corn vat; random business ideas; is it okay for admin. to paddle a very misbehaved student? Does it actually deter bad behavior? What should a parent do if their kid spits at a teacher? Where are the truancy officers? What is the “Teachers’ Bill of Rights” and will it actually be adhered to? Old discipline and late policies that actually worked; the only way to get rid of bullies; why boys bully girls they like; is there anyone who didn’t...

Episode 30: Kindergarten Teachers Are Angels On Earth show art Episode 30: Kindergarten Teachers Are Angels On Earth

Teacher Misery

Lauren was in charge of 5 kindergarteners on a field trip and it was crazy; should Sunday secrets be censored so they don’t offend anyone or are they a prompt for conversations? Why the law exists in some states that you can’t share a student’s preferred gender or pronouns with their parents; secrets have gotten so extremely sad and never fun or funny anymore; suicidal messages and teachers who are forced on mental health leave; it’s asking too much to leave sub plans for 6 weeks leave; do subs really need detailed lesson plans? Update on the student who tackled an aide for taking his...

Episode 29: Teaching is like an Abusive Relationship show art Episode 29: Teaching is like an Abusive Relationship

Teacher Misery

It is confusing and hard to find a job outside of teaching; the system makes you feel like you are the problem for not being able to stay; people who stay have unhealthy coping mechanisms; why do administrators bully teachers during such a bad shortage; it’s hard to get rid of feelings of anger after being bullied at work, teaching takes away your creativity and wild spirit, how hard it is to leave a dependable job and leap into what you really want to do with no security net!   Visit teachermisery.com and teachermiseryshop.com for more!  

Episode 28: She Quit After Three Months show art Episode 28: She Quit After Three Months

Teacher Misery

On this episode, we interview a drama teacher (who prefers to remain anonymous) about her first teaching job, which she quit after three months. We talk about the toxic working conditions, violent, criminal behavior of the students, and lack of support from the administration. Then, we play a game where DeAndre and our guest have to guess which of two crazy news headlines about school is real and which is made up.  Don't forget to rate us 5 stars and visit TeacherMisery.com and TeacherMiseryShop.com!

Episode 27: Put on Administrative Leave for Yelling? show art Episode 27: Put on Administrative Leave for Yelling?

Teacher Misery

Should teachers be allowed to carry concealed guns? Why don’t more schools have metal detectors? Districts are begging teachers to drive buses and offering a pathetic incentive; riding the school bus is a crazy experience as a kid; in Florida, they want to take back brand new pay raises; many teachers make so little money they qualify for welfare and use a food pantry; should teachers have to pay for their own appreciation dinner? Potlucks are gross; should teachers be considered first responders? Giving CPR is scary and hard; people like to get mad over everything; kids’ creepy questions;...

Episode 26: Cow Shit BINGO Fundraiser, etc. show art Episode 26: Cow Shit BINGO Fundraiser, etc.

Teacher Misery

Librarians in Texas all have to reapply for their jobs; librarians are a great resource who are experiencing a lot of pressure; do we need computer or tech teachers? Shortages are the biggest stressor for teachers right now; crash course on crazy-ass Betsy DeVos; what happened to the separation of church and state? We talk about shitty billionaires a bit; the meaning of being “woke;” book ban chat; religious and political arguments keep us from being mad about taxes; big discussion about crazy weird school fundraisers such as toe licking!  

More Episodes

We welcome Milly from the ENM podcast and discuss why she left teaching; how her principal was a psychopath; what a “dark triad” personality is; the guilt and lack of support teachers are given when they want or need to quit; whether or not we were willing to hold our pee all day; and the psychology behind why certain people are drawn to service jobs like teaching and if it is connected to childhood trauma.


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