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Episode 24: Behavior Expert/Counselor Zack Kasabo

Teacher Misery

Release Date: 03/12/2024

Episode 45: Weed Ain't What it Used to Be! show art Episode 45: Weed Ain't What it Used to Be!

Teacher Misery

Lauren welcomes her sister Julie back to the podcast, where they discuss their dumb experiences as teenagers smoking weed, how much more potent it is today, the dangers of vaping, chronic hyperemesis syndrome, which Julie suffers from after too much THC built up in her system, differences in tolerance when it comes to edibles, the dangers of vape devices themselves, the time Lauren ate a “space cookie” in Amsterdam and wanted to die, how to get through to teens about the high potency of weed... Please rate us 5 stars and visit teachermisery.com and teachermiseryshop.com! 

Episode 44: Smack-talking Teachers and Gem Schools show art Episode 44: Smack-talking Teachers and Gem Schools

Teacher Misery

We discuss where we’ve been the last few months, DeAndre’s new job teaching middle school, Lauren’s new job tutoring ESOL students, gossiping-ass teachers and admin., batshit crazy teachers, annoying classes you have to take to renew your license, being super teacher vs. the good enough teacher, pressure to be part of the school community, schools that actually have consequences for phones, and why schools are afraid of parents.  

Episode 43: Sex Ed. and 3rd Graders in Diapers show art Episode 43: Sex Ed. and 3rd Graders in Diapers

Teacher Misery

Lauren and DeAndre discuss all the threats schools are getting now and what police are doing about it, the states where it’s legal for teachers to carry guns, what it’s like teaching kids in their homes, grown-ass kids still wearing diapers and sucking on pacifiers, sex ed. in Florida is now abstinence only, kids watch porn at young ages now, how to explain sex to very little kids (or not), why it’s so important to teach kids about consent and looking out for each other at parties, life is too expensive, and kids don’t know how to cross the street!  

Episode 42: Open House Blues show art Episode 42: Open House Blues

Teacher Misery

Teaching with cancer; open house needs structure or parents will annoy the crap out of the teacher; is open school night even necessary? The benefits of teaching elementary kids and how memorable you are for them, the shooting at Apalachee High School and the warning signs that are always there; how much we wanted to help start mental health programs but didn’t get much support; how ineffective the drug and alcohol prevention programs are; we play a game where DeAndre guesses who said an insane quote: a parent or admin.

Episode 41: Can you go back to teaching after running for your life? show art Episode 41: Can you go back to teaching after running for your life?

Teacher Misery

Lauren and DeAndre discuss the job search outside of teaching and the thoughts that creep in about finding a school with supportive admin. and decent student behavior to work at. Is this even a possibility or wishful thinking? Are we too damaged from past experiences and literal PTSD? We also share experiences from teaching in fancy private schools then we talk about the administrator who was blinded by a student and the school staff who thought dressing up as Mexican stereotypes was a good idea. 

Episode 40: Teaching While Queer show art Episode 40: Teaching While Queer

Teacher Misery

On this episode, we talk to Bryan, a teacher with teaching experience both in secondary settings and post-secondary schools. As a queer teacher, Bryan has faced many challenges with acceptance and understanding while teaching in Los Angeles, Texas, and New York City. These experiences led him to create an organization and podcast called Teaching While Queer. The goal is to create safe schools and communities where every educator can teach, every family can belong, and every child can learn regardless of actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity. The podcast tells the...

Episode 39: Burned Out Teacher Creates AI for Teachers show art Episode 39: Burned Out Teacher Creates AI for Teachers

Teacher Misery

Lauren and DeAndre talk to Zohar, a teacher with multiple certifications, including Special Ed., who moved to NYC from the Middle East and ended up leaving before the end of her first year. The pressure and pace at the elite private school she taught at took a significant toll on her mental and physical health, and she found herself wondering if there was a way to make all the paperwork included in teaching easier. After being unexpectedly forced out of the country, Zohar decided to pursue the idea of AI specifically for teachers. After winning a scholarship to develop her product in Italy,...

Episode 38: Is The Way We Teach Reading Completely Wrong? show art Episode 38: Is The Way We Teach Reading Completely Wrong?

Teacher Misery

On this episode, Lauren and DeAndre talk to Dr. Irene Daria, a developmental psychologist and author of the new book I Didn't Believe Him. Irene is a reading specialist for children of famous stars such as Kate Winslet and Tom Brady. We talk about how she realized her younger son was not being taught how to read properly at one of the most elite private schools in NYC, leading her to research how children learn to read independently. What she discovered is shocking and quite alarming. According to Irene, the way most schools teach young children how to read is completely wrong, and many...

Episode 37: Dumb Comments from Admin. show art Episode 37: Dumb Comments from Admin.

Teacher Misery

First, DeAndre and Lauren discuss the mix of feelings that come with a new school year starting and no longer being a teacher. Then Lauren shares ridiculous, dumb, insulting, baffling, and outrageous comments made by administrators to teachers, and DeAndre reacts hilariously! Look out pregnant women, childless teachers, and newly married teachers! There are some moronic comments coming your way! Support us by rating us 5 stars, visiting , see fun gifts at , and get the Teacher Career Change course () for 20% off using coupon code Teacher Misery!

Episode 36: Outrageous Parent Requests show art Episode 36: Outrageous Parent Requests

Teacher Misery

Lauren and DeAndre discuss some of the most outrageous requests that parents have made to teachers, including getting copies of the test and answer key before the test, teaching a student how to use a tampon, making specific lunches every day, helping students poop in various and strange ways, and even not teaching about gravity because a family doesn’t believe in it! This is one of the most hilarious episodes of the Teacher Misery Podcast! Support us by rating us 5 stars, visiting teachermisery.com, see fun gifts at teachermiseryshop.com, and get the Teacher Career Change course...

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Episode 24: Behavior Expert/counselor Zack Kasabo

We talk with school counselor and behavior expert Zack Kasabo about kids relying too heavily on accommodations and not learning to adapt, schools not having the resources to give a lot of the suggested accommodations, parents of younger kids refusing to accept IEPs, kids who play the system and use IEPs/504s not to do work, admin not wanting teachers and counselors to tell the truth in front of parents, why schools are so afraid of parents, the problem with clearing the room during a tantrum and equity for the other students, how differently kids are parented now as opposed to when we were growing up, kids who take their lousy work ethic to college, how ADD is often just mismanaged anxiety… and so much more!

If you like what we’re doing, you can support us by rating us 5 stars, subscribing, and telling a friend! Also visit teachermisery.com and I just opened a gift shop… teachermiseryshop.com! Follow DeAndre @ItsDeAndreRashard and Zack @CoachKasabo.