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Episode #23 Moving Beyond Codependency

Soul Healing Love

Release Date: 12/29/2021

Episode 34: What is the Story you are telling yourself? show art Episode 34: What is the Story you are telling yourself?

Soul Healing Love

We all have conscious and unconscious stories, reels, automatic reactions that are pasty of a bigger story we tell ourself. Brene brown describes a cu flight she had with her husband and from that fight forward they always say “the story I’m telling myself right now is…” So what stories are you telling yourself? That are actually part of a current neural network that you can change. Dr. Bev recounts some of the soul wound stories she heard spoken over her and how she began to rewrite her brain. And Dr. Tom shares wisdom he read of years ago that said “we view life through the...

Episode 33: Neuroscience and Neuroplasticity: Your Thoughts Have Energy show art Episode 33: Neuroscience and Neuroplasticity: Your Thoughts Have Energy

Soul Healing Love

Drs. Tom and Bev discuss principles behind Neuroplasticity, which is the ability to change and reshape your brain. Brain formation that  was once thought to be set and unchangeable in childhood - which kept Amanda from any heavy metal head banging - we now know is possible to change well into our lives. Neurogenesis, building new brain connections, is something that happens all the time. They also discuss neuroscience work from Dr. Caroline Leaf and Dr. Joe Dispenza that helps us to understand that our thoughts are powerful. Our thoughts dictate our emotions, and both thoughts and...

Episode 32: What’s the current state of mental health? show art Episode 32: What’s the current state of mental health?

Soul Healing Love

Current data trends indicate we as a culture are getting diagnosed more and more with mental health struggles. Be it Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Addiction, or anything else—so many more people are struggling today.  In this episode we share what it’s like sitting in the therapist’s chair helping clients face today’s dilemmas. Dr. Tom shares a fascinating question from a client, “What makes you happy?” that he, Amanda, and Dr. Bev discuss. Dr. Bev addresses how the stigma around mental health has seemed to lessen, as she has seen people previously...

Ep 31: How to Build your Healthiest Self show art Ep 31: How to Build your Healthiest Self

Soul Healing Love

Often, the focus in counseling and psychology is on the PROBLEM... but what are the hallmarks of a Healthy Life? Join in on the conversation as Drs. Tom and Bev discuss a list of basic needs that they have created over years of talking to people who have found these commonly missing in wounded living. This list also addresses Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: when the base needs of Safety and Security are not first addressed, the others cannot follow. Further, if you did not have these needs met in childhood, it is difficult to offer them to yourself and others, or to even feel worthy of...

Episode 30: Tools and Tips to help You Develop Healthy Self-Compassion show art Episode 30: Tools and Tips to help You Develop Healthy Self-Compassion

Soul Healing Love

Are you kind and compassionate toward yourself or do you have a harsh inner critic? We can develop a harsh inner critic from people on our lives-parents, pastors, teachers-who expected perfection while forgetting a core principle Jesus taught was how to love well. This episode talks about confronting your harsh inner critic with grace and forgiveness. Amanda is joined by Drs. Tom and Bev as they discuss tips to offer yourself forgiveness and reflect on Jesus’ story of that Good Samaritan as a healthy example of self-love received from God and then given to others. They also discuss...

Episode 29: How Does Dealing with Our Past Make for a Better Future show art Episode 29: How Does Dealing with Our Past Make for a Better Future

Soul Healing Love

A wiseman once said, “Those who do not deal with their past are destined to repeat it.” There is neurobiological proof that this can happen. In the Soul Healing Love Model we say, “If you don’t deal with your past, it will come back to bite you!” People often avoid going back and looking at past hurts honestly because they do not want to live in that painful place again. So, they avoid, blame others, get anxious or depressed. This podcast encourages you to look at the past with the help of the Holy Spirit so you can see themes, patterns or blueprints that have served us in the past...

Episode 28: What is Trauma and How Does It Affect Our Lives? show art Episode 28: What is Trauma and How Does It Affect Our Lives?

Soul Healing Love

Join Amanda and Drs. Bev and Tom to explore what trauma is and does in our lives. Trauma is the lasting emotional response that often results from living through distressing events. There is Simple Trauma like a terrible car accident, which we call a little T, or Complex Trauma which can be emotional, physical or sexual abuse that happens over time which we call the big T. Trauma affects the brain and alters functioning often leaving victims with PTSD, depression, aggravated fear response, anxiety and more. When we experience trauma our autonomic nervous system responds in Flight, Fight,...

Episode 27: What is Parts Work in Therapy and How can Soul Healing Love help me work through my Parts? show art Episode 27: What is Parts Work in Therapy and How can Soul Healing Love help me work through my Parts?

Soul Healing Love

There are certain therapies that are considered more specific “parts therapies” like Internal Family System developed by Richard Schwartz, but truly parts are as old as Freud’s id, ego and superego. Within Soul Healing Love our parts are those that hold our Soul Wounds and then live out certain adaptations. The hard thing is, often these adaptations that served a great purpose—these parts that helped us at younger ages—are not running our lives effectively now. This is where learning about these parts can help us bring self awareness and healing to live as an integrated adult in you...

Episode 26: What are the Hallmarks of Health? show art Episode 26: What are the Hallmarks of Health?

Soul Healing Love

Amanda and Drs. Bev and Tom explore How You Know When You Are Getting Emotionally Healthy. The Examine characteristics of healthy people and cover: 1.Self-Awareness, knowing your personality characheristics as well as the wounds of your past that may affect your behavior 2. Getting rid of Jealousy, and not comparing or competing with others 3. Finding forgiveness of yourself and others 4. Acceptance rather than judging yourself or others for mistakes 5. How to listen to God by walking in partnership with the Holy Spirit in your life. This takes looking at your past soul wounds and allowing the...

Episode #25 - Ownership show art Episode #25 - Ownership

Soul Healing Love

Amanda and Drs. Bev and Tom continue to explore the unconscious Defense Mechanism that inform your thoughts and behaviors. Self-Awareness is the goal as they take a deeper dive into the mind. Soul wounds from the past can create the need for defense mechanisms like the need to repress pain, project onto others things we do not want to see in ourselves, or sabotage our relationships. They explore two concepts that bring Soul Healing: 1. Ownership-the honest owning of what is going on inside you and how it affects your life and relationships. It is seeing ourselves for who we...

More Episodes
Do you put others above yourself even to the point of your own harm? Do you say "yes" when you really need to set a healthy boundary with a firm "no"? If you struggle with these things or know others who do, this will speak to you. Listen to Dr. Bev and Amanda unpack what codependency really is and how to move out of it into healthy relationships.