30 Days To Sell Cars Podcast Season #2 Episode #1 - The First Mental Shift Required to Build A Customer Acquisition Machine
Release Date: 10/26/2019
30 Days To Sell Cars Podcast
In this episode, we get into the final stage of the Automotive Customer Acquisition Formula and the last episode of season #2 and discuss the importance of creating or leveraging your Automotive Value Ladder.
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This is the 30 Days To Sell Cars podcast! In this first episode of season #2, we’re talking about the first mental shift required to build a customer acquisition machine – which is to stop thinking like a car person. If you want to learn how to consistently and predictably turn total strangers into car sales, you’re not going to want to miss this new episode of my podcast.
Hi, my name is Sean Cassy, and this week, as I mentioned in the intro, we are celebrating the end of season #1 of the 30 Days To Sell Cars podcast and the beginning of a brand new season. During the first 19 episodes of season #1, we reviewed together some of my favourite strategies, tools, and tactics to help you sell more cars like YouTube videos, Messenger Chatbots and ringless voicemails to name a few.
We also talked about going against the grain and why you should target non-intenders instead of people in-market for a vehicle; and how to use this strategy to double your sales in 63 days. We even talked about conquesting car sales by reaching people outside of your database using unheard-of data partners and combining multiple broadcasting technologies to generate leads in less than 30 minutes.
If you have missed any of the episodes of season #1, I highly recommend you go back and snack on some of the audio content I shared. Some of our listeners were able to apply the tactics from the podcast to generate sales in as little as a few hours and that, for me, is the ultimate testament to the existence of the podcast and the reason why I take the time to record this content for you.
Now as much as I enjoyed our first season together, I wanted season #2 to be a little different, and I didn’t want to turn the page on season #1 until I had found the exact direction I wanted to give to our time together moving forward. That’s probably why season #1 spanned over a little bit more than two years!
You see, when looking back at season #1, I felt I had pointed you in the direction of some pretty cool and cutting edge strategies, tools and tactics, but I felt it would be really hard for you to take these individual pieces and figure out how to put them all together to build for yourself, or your dealership, a customer acquisition machine. You know something that would consistently and predictably help you turn cold traffic into hot leads, and strangers into paying customers.
That’s why I decided to turn season #2 of the 30 Days To Sell Cars podcast into somewhat of a roadmap or blueprint that you could use, episode by episode, to build your own customer acquisition system.
Step by step, layer by layer, I want to provide you in season #2 with everything you need, from the foundational elements right up to the kinky stuff that will help you dominate, should I say humiliate, your competitors because of the supremacy of the results you will be able to generate daily.
But as you are aware when you shoot for high performance, having the right knowledge, the tools and the tactics by themselves is not enough. You also need the right mindset, the right routine, the right environment, plus the right people and mentors around you. In my experience, if you don’t have a holistic approach to success where you consider all the inner world and outer world pieces of the puzzle, the mind, body and soul components; you are doomed for failure.
I’ve learned the hard way that pursuing success in sales and business without also focusing on growing who I am as a person is a sure way to hit a wall.
If you’re not walking into work with a healthy body, it’s hard to push for 12 hours.
If you’re always hang-over, it’s hard to bring you’re a game.
If you don’t have bulletproof confidence in yourself and your abilities, people will pull you down because they don’t want to see you succeed.
If you’re always broke without a penny in front of you, it’s hard to walk into work with a door-busting mindset and the will to shoot for the stars.
For these reasons and many more, personal development has been a life-long journey of mine. Like Bob Proctor says: Money is something you attract by the person you become.
That’s why I want to start this new season of the podcast with a 3-part series I call The 3 Mindset Shift Required To Build Your Automotive Customer Acquisition Machine. And in this first of 3 special episodes, I want to look at the first mental shift, which is to stop thinking like a car person.