A Leader's Journey
When you get promoted into a role, mistakes are going to happen, it's part of the learning journey. Today on the podcast, I'm talking about the 5 biggest mistakes new leaders makes and more importantly, how to avoid them. If you're a new leader, you might be making some of these mistakes without even realizing it. Listen to the episode and then take some time to reflect on your leadership journey. Are you making some of these mistakes? If so, what do you need to implement to correct them. Are you ready to unleash your leadership and gain clarity about your...
info_outlineA Leader's Journey
There is a new era of leadership coming, and honestly, it's already started! It's exciting and incredible things will happen, yet it is change and this can leave some leaders with fear, worry, and uncertainty for the future. This week on the podcast, I'm diving into the new era of leadership. I am talking about the changes that are coming in the era of the individual, what new leaders can do now to prepare, and how leaders will need to show up going forward. Tune in and share your thoughts on the new era of leadership. Are you ready to unleash your leadership and gain clarity...
info_outlineA Leader's Journey
One of the biggest challenges I hear from my clients and from emerging leaders is a lack of confidence. They question if they've built enough skills and knowledge for a leadership role, if they'll be successful, and how to know if it's the right role. We've been looking at confidence all wrong and this week on the podcast, I'm sharing my perspective on the shift in viewpoint that needs to happen when it comes to confidence. You are going to love it and you have more control over your confidence than you might believe. If you are struggling with your confidence, then this episode is...
info_outlineA Leader's Journey
Leadership can be very complex. There's a lot to learn in the role and there's a lot that falls on the leaders plate. You can also break leadership down into 3 pillars which simplifies where to focus your development. This week on the podcast, we are discussing the 3 Pillars of Leadership and the different skills that fall under each one. You don't need to know and build all of these skills right from the start. You'll build them as you grow in your leadership. This just gives you the blueprint to start building your unique leader development plan....
info_outlineA Leader's Journey
As you are exploring and preparing for a leadership role, you are probably feeling overwhelmed by all the skills you need to work on to be a great leader. Leadership is complex. There is a lot a leader needs to learn and as you grow in your leadership, the list gets longer. This week on the podcast, I'm simplfying leadership development by sharing with you the foundational skills emerging leaders need to build as they prepare for a leadership role. Focusing on these skills will set you up for success as you enter the interviewing process and it will make the bumps of...
info_outlineA Leader's Journey
You've heard me talking about leveling up your leadership. It's going to be a necessity for all leaders to grow and level up this year. So, what does leveling up your leadership mean? Well, this week I'm sharing with you what leveling up your leadership means and how you can make it happen! It's going to be an incredible year and we are going to go through it together! Let's level up!! Are you ready to unleash your leadership and gain clarity about your leadership journey? If so, schedule a free Level Up Your Leadership session with me. During this...
info_outlineA Leader's Journey
It's about that time of year when leaders are falling off the goals they've set for themselves. The year started strong, leaders were excited about what's ahead, and then the day-to-day starts to get in the way and leaders start pushing their goals to the side. Why does this happen? What can you do about it? In this weeks episode, I'm helping you reconnect and revisit your goals. I'll walk you through assessing where you currently are in your leadership journey and how you can ensure you set the right goals to make the progress you desire this year. It's time to level up your...
info_outlineA Leader's Journey
Whose leadership journey are you really on?? That's a big question for leaders and while the initial answer may be obvious, when you take the time to reflect, look back on your leadership journey, and be completely honest with yourself, you might find that your initial answer changes. It's not too late to rewrite your story, to shift your leadership journey. In this weeks episode, I'm sharing with you three ideas to contemplate and ensure you are following your unique leadership journey. Below is the link to episode #8, Your Success Formula, that I referenced in this episode. Episode #8...
info_outlineA Leader's Journey
Happy 2025!! It's the start of a new year and a new season here on A Leader's Journey! To kick off season 2, I'm sharing with you my thoughts on the current state of leadership. It's important to know where we are, where we are starting the year from, and where we need to go! This is going to be a challenging year for leaders, and it has the potential to be one of the most rewarding and redefining years for leaders! Here's to an incredible year ahead! Are you ready to unleash your leadership and gain clarity about your leadership journey? If so, schedule a...
info_outlineA Leader's Journey
I can't believe it's the end of the year already, which means it's the close of season 1 on the podcast. In this episode, I'm sharing with you the most popular episodes, some of my favorites, and exciting things to come in 2025! Tune in because you don't want to miss this one. Episodes referenced in this episode. Are you ready to unleash your leadership and gain clarity about your leadership journey? If so, schedule a free 1:1 Level Up Your Leadership Session with me. During this time, we'll go through a process to help you define where you...
info_outlineYou've heard me talking about leveling up your leadership. It's going to be a necessity for all leaders to grow and level up this year. So, what does leveling up your leadership mean? Well, this week I'm sharing with you what leveling up your leadership means and how you can make it happen!
It's going to be an incredible year and we are going to go through it together! Let's level up!!
Are you ready to unleash your leadership and gain clarity about your leadership journey? If so, schedule a free Level Up Your Leadership session with me. During this time, we'll go through a process to help you define where you currently are in several key areas of leadership and where you want to go. Schedule your free session here.
Are you looking for practical leadership advice, tips, and inspiration? Join my private leadership community, A Leader's Journey on Facebook or connect with me on LinkedIn.