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11: Alpha Males (Netflix) Might Be Beta Males

One Episode Stand

Release Date: 01/16/2023

23: Carol and the End of the World (Netflix) and Her Nudist Parents show art 23: Carol and the End of the World (Netflix) and Her Nudist Parents

One Episode Stand

We're back! Enjoy! More episodes to come soon...

22: Arnold (Netflix) is not Emotionally Available Enough show art 22: Arnold (Netflix) is not Emotionally Available Enough

One Episode Stand

Arnold (Netflix) is a docu-series about the body builder, polician and movie star, and one of the things we learn is that he has no time for emotions. Somehow, we also learn that Jobina and her sister were big fans of LL Cool J. We also take tangents to talk about body issues, winning the lottery, and Biggie's "Mo Money, Mo Problems." Because there were no prominent women in the documentary, Luther is given the choice to Marry, Kill, or One Night Stand Mr. Schwarzenegger. And Jobina gives an unexpected moral of the episode that all men should take heed.    

21: Shiny Happy People (Prime) Were Actually Gross and Disgusting show art 21: Shiny Happy People (Prime) Were Actually Gross and Disgusting

One Episode Stand

Man listen.... Anybody walking around calling themselves "Jim Bob" is suspicious. AND his wife had 19 kids! The cops should have stormed that house like they did the Branch Davidians! Our episode might not be suitable for kids because we briefly discuss sexual abuse, but we don't get graphic and we move on pretty quickly. There are plenty other things to discuss with this hilariously sad show, "Shiny Happy People" on Amazon Prime.

20: Queen Charlotte (Netflix) Wore an Afro so We Could Run show art 20: Queen Charlotte (Netflix) Wore an Afro so We Could Run

One Episode Stand

Queen Charlotte (Netflix) wore her afro loudly and proudly, so that little girls everywhere can be proud of their natural hair as well. And Jobina can never say that she wasn't given anything! This show was for her, and she was more than happy to discuss it. And of course we took our usual-unusual tangents, discussing everything from colorism, arranged marriage, and the royal family to how good of a gift giver Jobina is... if you are under 10 years old and were once in her belly. If you enjoy the show, tell all your friends about it. :) Peace and love!

19: The More Beef (Netflix) The Merrier show art 19: The More Beef (Netflix) The Merrier

One Episode Stand

We just couldn't leave Beef alone. We reveiwed the first/pilot episode in our normal format, but we wanted to come back and discuss the whole series because it touched on so many interesting thoughts and ideas. One of the things we discuss is the intentionality of every detail of the show, including the episode titles. Each title is a snippet from a quote by a historical figure, often a philosopher. Google each episode title to find the full quote, and spend a little time with it to gain a new perspective on the contents of the episode.

18: Beef (Netflix) Escalates Quickly show art 18: Beef (Netflix) Escalates Quickly

One Episode Stand

This is a really good show. No, wait. Yes, our show is also good, but I'm talking about Beef on Netflix. Check out our commentary on the first episode, which includes two hilarious interactions we've had with contractors. Also, please seek mental health counseling if you are considering peeing on someone's bathroom floor, unless they've specifically asked for such a service. Enjoy! The podcast mentioned on the show that discusses the making of Beef with its director and creator is here:  

17: Seeking Brother Husband (TLC) for Help With This Drywall show art 17: Seeking Brother Husband (TLC) for Help With This Drywall

One Episode Stand

Seeking Brother Husband (TLC) is about throuples (couples but with three people) with one woman and two men, often looking to add another man to the relationship. This is reality TV at its finest, and we have plenty to say about it. What we love about this episode: we talk about how parents often struggle to accept the lifestyle choices of their children, even though they themselves broke the mold when they were young. And Jobina shares an interesting story from her mother's youth as a civil rights activist.

16: Waco: American Apocolypse (Netflix) Really Really Tried to be Impartial show art 16: Waco: American Apocolypse (Netflix) Really Really Tried to be Impartial

One Episode Stand

This Netflix show tried to show the good and bad of the ATF, and the good and bad of a cult led by a 33 year old man who married 12 year olds. This is a really sad tale of what happened in Waco in 1993, but of course in our discussion of this episode we take a few hilarious tangents. We talk about the age of consent, shooting a rifle (and the 2nd amendment), and that one Netflix show where small children are sent across town to complete a task. If you enoy this podcast episode, subscribe on your podcast platform to be alerted when a new episode drops.

15: Kindred (Hulu) Teaches Us Again that Time Travel is not for Black People show art 15: Kindred (Hulu) Teaches Us Again that Time Travel is not for Black People

One Episode Stand

Kindred, on Hulu, is about a young Black woman who is violently pulled back and forth in time. Correction, pulled back and forth into and out of slavery. This show is adapted from an Octavia Butler novel by the same name. We didn't know at the time of the recording, but Octavia Butler passed away in 2006. That being said, this show provided many fun things for us to talk about. From watching Soap Operas to OnlyFarmers dot com and how much you really trust yourself to give someone the Heimlich maneuver, we really go ham on this episode and we think you'll enjoy it.

14: That 90s Show (Netflix) is about as good as That 80s Show show art 14: That 90s Show (Netflix) is about as good as That 80s Show

One Episode Stand

I’m not gonna hold you… but this show was awful. It was probably the worst show we’ve discussed on our podcast. But, that didn’t stop use from having a good time discussing it, and taking our usual barrage of tangents. We discussed the origin of television laugh tracks, “The Bill Cosby Show” (not “The Cosby Show”), the makers of Uno trying to tell Black people they can’t do stacks, judging people by who they date, getting older, and how tired we are of the reboots. Just make new shows, please. These reboots ain’t it. And laugh tracks definitely ain’t it. Lastly, of course...

More Episodes

This episode, we discuss Alpha Males on Netflix, which comically chronicles the lives of 4 friends adapting to a changing world regarding masculinity and its role in the workplace, family dynamics, romantic relationships, and the bedroom. It's a fun little show that manages lightly address what is otherwise a very serious conversation happening in almost every corner of the globe, it seems. We discuss the pilot episode, with a few tangents and more than a few laughs, and then reveal if we will make this series a one episode stand, or if we'll keep watching.