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The Gaza Flotilla Massacre (2010) (Revised Episode)

The Anti-Imperialist Archive

Release Date: 08/01/2024

John Voll, Amjad Atallah - Hamas: Past and Present (2008) show art John Voll, Amjad Atallah - Hamas: Past and Present (2008)

The Anti-Imperialist Archive

At a recent Palestine Center briefing, John Voll, associate director of the Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal Center for Christian-Muslim Understanding at Georgetown University, and Amjad Atallah, president of the Strategic Assessments Initiative, analyzed the historical and current political standing of Hamas. John Voll argued that Hamas represents crystallization of the Palestinian nationalist movement and political Islam as they have evolved respectively during the twentieth century. Amjad Atallah, speaking next, said Hamas is linking its steps with regional events but warned that only increased...

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The Anti-Imperialist Archive

Recorded February 8, 2024 - Law enforcement officers from a joint task force that included the Atlanta Police Department, FBI, GBI and ATF executed one arrest warrant and three search warrants on two homes in the Lakewood Heights area and one in the Starlight Heights neighborhood that police say are associated with the Stop Cop City movement. At a press conference, Atlanta Police Chief Darin Schierbaum said the search warrants were for evidence related to a series of arson and vandalism attacks that took place over the last few months. The arrest warrant was for an arson against police...

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The Anti-Imperialist Archive

This ABC News special features the first interview granted by Nelson Mandela on his 1990 visit to the United States. Mr. Mandela speaks with Ted Koppel for 71 minutes and answers questions from the studio audience. Topics covered include his 27 years in South Africa's prisons, the struggle against apartheid and its eventual collapse, and the future of a united South Africa. News footage and analysis bookend the interview and place the viewer unfamiliar with events in context. Note: A good deal of laughter and applause from the audience has been edited out, alongside a number of scheduled TV...

Roy Casagranda - Dreams & Genocide: Yemen (2019) show art Roy Casagranda - Dreams & Genocide: Yemen (2019)

The Anti-Imperialist Archive

Dr. Roy Casagranda is a political science professor in Austin, Texas. As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected] We have AIA business cards with QR codes - please email or DM us to have one mailed to you

Steven Salaita - First Peoples, Palestine and the Crushing of Free Speech (2015) show art Steven Salaita - First Peoples, Palestine and the Crushing of Free Speech (2015)

The Anti-Imperialist Archive

Professor Salaita is at the centre of an international protest against academic censorship. Author of six books and many articles, he was “unhired” from a tenured position in American Indian studies at the University of Illinois when donors pressured the university because of Salaita’s tweets on his personal Twitter account about the Gaza massacre this past summer. Because this action is widely recognized as part of a broad effort to silence voices for Palestinian rights and justice, and as one incident in the long history of colonial treatment of indigenous peoples, the case has...

Mustafa Barghouti, Jumana Odeh - Myths and Facts of the Second Intifada (2001) show art Mustafa Barghouti, Jumana Odeh - Myths and Facts of the Second Intifada (2001)

The Anti-Imperialist Archive

The “brutality of the occupation is getting worse and worse,” said Dr. Jumana Odeh, director of the Palestinian Happy Child Center, at an 11 June 2001 Center briefing. She addressed the psychological dimensions of Israel’s occupation and the intifada, followed by Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi, director of the Health, Development, Information, and Policy Institute, who challenged the common myths about the origin and nature of the uprising. As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator....

Shireen Al-Adeimi - Speaking Out on the Imperialist War on Yemen show art Shireen Al-Adeimi - Speaking Out on the Imperialist War on Yemen

The Anti-Imperialist Archive

1: Clip from Liberation/Stop the War Coalition online event on March 26 2022: Yemen: A 7-Year-Long Crime – End the Conflict Now! . Shireen refers to a video in her speech Hunger War - you can watch it here: More about Liberation: liberationorg.co.uk More about Stop the War Coalition: (2022) 2: Professor Shireen Al-Adeimi explains the US-Saudi war on the Yemen people including why it’s happening, who is responsible and how we can stop it. (2018) 3: For the last six years, Saudi Arabia and its allies with American military assistance have conducted an inconclusive proxy war in Yemen...

July Update show art July Update

The Anti-Imperialist Archive

April, May, and June we've been pushing a good number of episodes a month - 12-13 average. It's a lot happening in a month, and we recognize that it can just keep up a pretty maddening pace. This month of July there will be eight total episodes - with the goal to go ahead and give folks a chance to catch up. Scroll back, check out what else is available! This is an archive - the point is not to listen in a linear format. This go, a new episode every four days Anyway, if you have suggestions, requests, feedback, please contact us on twitter @, or email ()

Radio 786, Hamid Rezk - Interview with Ansarallah (2023) show art Radio 786, Hamid Rezk - Interview with Ansarallah (2023)

The Anti-Imperialist Archive

Despite being the Arab world’s poorest country, Yemen has been one of the most active in confronting the Zionist Israeli regime in the al-Aqsa Flood operation. In an exclusive sit-down interview, Radio 786 explores the motivation for the action by Yemen’s Ansarullah (Helpers of Allah) Movement and the long-term plan as the struggle to liberate al-Aqsa continues. Guest: Hamid Rezk – Ansarullah Movement (Yemen) As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is...

Jon Elmer - The Gaza Pullout, After Effects ('05-'06) show art Jon Elmer - The Gaza Pullout, After Effects ('05-'06)

The Anti-Imperialist Archive

1: Jon Elmer reports from Palestine on the Gaza Pullout (CKDU, 2005) 2: After six months in the Middle East, photojournalist Jon Elmer discusses the Gaza 'disengagement' and the shifting dynamics of the Israel-Palestine conflict with original reportage from on the ground in the Gaza Strip, West Bank and Jerusalem. (Speech, 2006) As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at:...

More Episodes

Note: This has been updated with an additional few pieces of audio and the original audio has been corrected for mistakes.

1st: Sherif Fam speaks to Greta Berlin on launch day. The Gaza Freedom Flotilla consists of six ocean vessels bearing about 10,000 tons of vital building and living materials and 700 unarmed civilians, pledged to nonviolent defiance of the Israeli blockade of Gaza, the only land in the world being denied access to its own sea. The passenger list includes prominent activists, even celebrities and parliamentarians from the world over. One such is a member of the Israeli Knesset, clearly facing prison or worse upon arrival back home.

This exclusive historic interview was conducted and aired live from Cyprus just hours before the Gaza Freedom Flotilla launched and was later brutally attacked by Israeli gunfire in international waters, in defiance of international law and common decency. From reactions around the world, there is new hope that Israel has finally lost its impunity.

We have not yet learned the names of the dead or the imprisonment/torture situation of the survivors. Various (mostly foreign) websites are carrying update information, among them: gazafreedommarch.org.

This Week In Palestine (a weekly part of Truth and Justice Radio) is a monumentally important program of news from Palestine and discussion of issues relevant to the Palestinians' struggle for freedom from Israel's brutal military occupation and colonization, and now bombing, devastation, imprisonment, and murder, of their homeland, thanks in part to U.S. "leaders" and U.S. taxpayer funding.

It's part of Truth and Justice Radio, aired Sundays 6-9:30am ET on WZBC 90.3FM, Newton, MA, streaming (and also archived for two weeks) at wzbc.org. Our website, truthandjusticeradio.org, links to audio archives of 2008-2010 editions of This Week In Palestine

2nd: Kevin Neish, Flotilla survivor, speaks about his experiences abord the Mavi Marmara when it was attacked by Israeli commandos, and gives eyewitness accounts of the raid, and his time in detention.

3rd: Jesse Rosenfeld speaks on the media portrayal of the Gaza Flotilla Massacre
Jesse is a Canadian print and video journalist based out of Ramallah and Tel Aviv-Jaffa since 2007. He is the print editor of The Daily Nuisance and has written from the Middle East for The Guardian, The Nation, The National (Abu Dhabi English language newspaper), Haaretz English, The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, NOW Magazine, Z Net and Electronic Intifada. He has also blogged forAllvoices.com, Mondoweiss and produced video content for The Daily Beast and The Real News.

4th: Farooq Burney is the Director of Al Fakhoora (http://www.fakhoora.org), an international campaign to defend the education rights of Palestinian students living in Gaza and the West Bank. He was transporting 65 computers to students in Gaza as part of the humanitarian mission.

As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]

We have AIA business cards with QR codes - please email or DM us to have one mailed to you