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Fawaz Turki - Violence and Resistance in the Struggle for Palestine (1975)

The Anti-Imperialist Archive

Release Date: 06/24/2024

Radio 786, Hamid Rezk - Interview with Ansarallah (2023) show art Radio 786, Hamid Rezk - Interview with Ansarallah (2023)

The Anti-Imperialist Archive

Despite being the Arab world’s poorest country, Yemen has been one of the most active in confronting the Zionist Israeli regime in the al-Aqsa Flood operation. In an exclusive sit-down interview, Radio 786 explores the motivation for the action by Yemen’s Ansarullah (Helpers of Allah) Movement and the long-term plan as the struggle to liberate al-Aqsa continues. Guest: Hamid Rezk – Ansarullah Movement (Yemen) As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is...

Jon Elmer - The Gaza Pullout, After Effects ('05-'06) show art Jon Elmer - The Gaza Pullout, After Effects ('05-'06)

The Anti-Imperialist Archive

1: Jon Elmer reports from Palestine on the Gaza Pullout (CKDU, 2005) 2: After six months in the Middle East, photojournalist Jon Elmer discusses the Gaza 'disengagement' and the shifting dynamics of the Israel-Palestine conflict with original reportage from on the ground in the Gaza Strip, West Bank and Jerusalem. (Speech, 2006) As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at:...

Fawaz Turki - Violence and Resistance in the Struggle for Palestine (1975) show art Fawaz Turki - Violence and Resistance in the Struggle for Palestine (1975)

The Anti-Imperialist Archive

Violence and resistance in the struggle for Palestine is a lecture by Palestinian refugee Fawaz Turki, who defends Palestinian use of violence as necessary opposition to a series of violent incidents incited by Zionists. Turki argues that an act of occupying power is always violent when directed against occupied people As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at:...

Marwa Osman - Transformation of the Axis of Resistance at the Syrian Crossroad (2017) show art Marwa Osman - Transformation of the Axis of Resistance at the Syrian Crossroad (2017)

The Anti-Imperialist Archive

Marwa Osman, 'Transformation of the Axis of Resistance at the Syrian Crossroad', Syrian Conflict Conference. As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected] We have AIA business cards with QR codes - please email or DM us to have one mailed to you  

Sami Al-Arian - The Persecution of Sami Al-Arian Pt 2 show art Sami Al-Arian - The Persecution of Sami Al-Arian Pt 2

The Anti-Imperialist Archive

CAIR Florida conducted an interview with Dr Al-Arian in 2020 while he is/was living in Turkey. It is part of their EXPOSED video series - the description is as follows: EXPOSED series highlights Dr. Sami Al-Arian, a Palestinian activist who was silenced by the US government through imprisonment and “secret evidence.” He joined us from exile in Turkey. This video series was produced to further CAIR-FL’s mission by exposing Civil Rights abuses from political prisoners to police brutality. While the opinions expressed by guest speakers in this program series do not reflect any official...

Laila Al-Arian - The Persecution of Sami Al-Arian Pt 1 show art Laila Al-Arian - The Persecution of Sami Al-Arian Pt 1

The Anti-Imperialist Archive

1: Sami Al-Arian interview (2002) 2: Press Conference at the Shabazz Center in Harlem for Sami Al-Arian. His daughter asks for his release and right to return to his family. (2008) 3: If Americans Knew collaboration with the Al-Arian family / collective for his freedom (2008) 4: Democracy Now Interview with Sami - Sami Al-Arian Released After 5.5 Years in Prison After more than five-and-a-half years behind bars, Palestinian professor and activist, Sami Al-Arian, has been released from prison. Immigration authorities released him on bail on Tuesday after they failed to explain his continued...

This Week Thames TV - The Beatings of Palestinians (1988) show art This Week Thames TV - The Beatings of Palestinians (1988)

The Anti-Imperialist Archive

The Beatings of Palestinians (1988): This Week Thames Television Peter Gill Gaza in 1988: Report follows how Israeli occupation forces beat to death two Palestinian teenagers, including a Christian, following Israel's dove Rabin's orders to smash the bones of native Palestinians. Bernard Mills, Director of UN Operations in Gaza in 1988: They come to people's homes ... and [Israeli soldiers] beat the people inside... The vast bulk of the cases there has been no arrest. They have gone in. They have beaten up the young people, often the entire family. As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@), with...

Diana Buttu, Eddie Mukue - Stories of Apartheid from South Africa to Palestine (2008) show art Diana Buttu, Eddie Mukue - Stories of Apartheid from South Africa to Palestine (2008)

The Anti-Imperialist Archive

A national speaking tour featuring a South African reverend and Palestinian lawyer started off at the Palestine Center on Monday, 10 November 2008. The tour, sponsored by the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation (www.endtheoccupation.org), draws on the parallels between the South African and Israeli systems of apartheid. Apartheid, according to the International Criminal Court, refers to “an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.” Ms. Buttu...

Palestine 1930-1948 - Documentary (198X?) show art Palestine 1930-1948 - Documentary (198X?)

The Anti-Imperialist Archive

Documentary featuring commentary from Walid Khalidi, amongst other historians on the era leading up to the Nakba. Notes: This is missing the 6th track, so continuity does not totally track midway (35:35) timestamp, jumps from part 5 to part 7.  As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected] We have AIA business cards with QR codes - please email or...

Leila Khaled - International Women's Day PFLP Statement (2024) show art Leila Khaled - International Women's Day PFLP Statement (2024)

The Anti-Imperialist Archive

Leila Khaled put out a statement with the PFLP - it does come with a backing audio track that we could not totally isolate away from the speaking. Khaled is part of the PFLP international leadership council currently and resides in Jordan, released from Israeli prisons as part of a prisoner exchange. As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected] We have...

More Episodes

Violence and resistance in the struggle for Palestine is a lecture by Palestinian refugee Fawaz Turki, who defends Palestinian use of violence as necessary opposition to a series of violent incidents incited by Zionists. Turki argues that an act of occupying power is always violent when directed against occupied people

As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]

We have AIA business cards with QR codes - please email or DM us to have one mailed to you