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EP008: Fond Memories & Future Vision

The Divine Council Worldview Podcast

Release Date: 04/15/2024

EP025: Genesis 18 & Abraham's Three Heavenly Visitors show art EP025: Genesis 18 & Abraham's Three Heavenly Visitors

The Divine Council Worldview Podcast

In this episode, Ronn and Mike explore Genesis 18's story of Abraham and Sarah being told by three messengers that they would soon bear a son to fulfill the promises of God. The biggest shock of the story, of course, will be to hear one of the visitors speak as though he is Yahweh! Ronn and Mike consider the possible options for identifying this messenger, leaning into the relationship ejoyned between messengers and senders as practiced in ancient Near Eastern cultures. The episode also considers what Abraham likely understood by his use of the important words righteous and wicked...

EP024: Christus Victor and the Divine Council: A Church's Journey in Palmdale, CA show art EP024: Christus Victor and the Divine Council: A Church's Journey in Palmdale, CA

The Divine Council Worldview Podcast

In this episode, Rich and Mel interview Pastor Anthony Delgado of Palmdale Church, California, who dives deep into the transformative power of Dr. Michael Heiser's Divine Council worldview and its impact on his predominantly Hispanic, working-class congregation. Anthony shares how his church has woven this theology into their structure, striking a unique balance between formality and community. From addressing real-life challenges like substance abuse to creating an inclusive environment for special needs families, Pastor Delgado discusses the importance of discipleship, allegiance to Christ,...

EP023: Genesis 17 & the Covenant of Ishmael show art EP023: Genesis 17 & the Covenant of Ishmael

The Divine Council Worldview Podcast

In this episode, Ronn and Mike discuss Genesis 17 and the story of Ishmael. They explore the possibility that Ishamel made a covenant with a divine being other than Yahweh, even a god disloyal to Yahweh. They discuss the theological and historical implications of this view, particularly in relation to the rise of Muslim tradition and its attachment to Ishmael. The episode concludes with a discussion on the significance of circumcision, its meaning in the ancient world, and its possible significance as a sign of the covenant between Abraham and Yahweh.

EP022: Genesis 16 and the Angel of the Lord show art EP022: Genesis 16 and the Angel of the Lord

The Divine Council Worldview Podcast

In this episode, Ronn and Mike discuss Genesis 16 and the being known as "the Angel of the Lord." They begin by acknowledging that differences of opinion will be common when dealing with the word 'angel,' the transliteration of a Latin word appearing in the Wycliffe Bible of the 14th century. Ronn argues that 'angel' does not accurately represent the Hebrew term for 'messenger' (mal'ak) because it has become packed with unhelpful connotations of meaning over time. Ronn and Mike conclude the podcast by exploring the use of first person speech patterns used by messengers (both...

EP021: Genesis 15 and the Land Promise show art EP021: Genesis 15 and the Land Promise

The Divine Council Worldview Podcast

In this episode, Ronn and Mike conclude their study of Genesis 15. Their topics of conversation include the meaning of righteousness and its connection to loyalty and promise-keeping in the story of Abraham. They also consider the significance of the land promise as the early patriarchs understood it and how it evolves throughout the biblical narrative. They conclude with an exploration of the concept of "nationing" and the possible role of borders in the new creation.

EP020: Transforming Perspectives: From Church Teachings to Real-World Impact show art EP020: Transforming Perspectives: From Church Teachings to Real-World Impact

The Divine Council Worldview Podcast

Step into a world where the supernatural intersects with everyday life. In this episode, Mel is once again joined with co-host, Rich, as they interview Pastor Jim Bergen from Flatirons Community Church, Boulder, CO, and delve into the journey of his awakening to a worldview shaped by the Divine Council and its profound impact on our reality. Imagine the transformative power when this perspective infuses teaching, discipleship, and spiritual warfare within the church. Yet, bringing this understanding into congregational life isn’t without challenges. It demands careful preparation, defining...

EP019: Genesis 15 and Abraham's Loyalty show art EP019: Genesis 15 and Abraham's Loyalty

The Divine Council Worldview Podcast

In this episode, Ronn and Mike discuss the concept of Abraham's righteousness as won through his allegiance to Yahweh in the story of Genesis 15. They explore the idea of believing loyalty (Hebrew, aman) and how it is often misunderstood in evangelical circles when defining the gospel. They highlight the importance of understanding the OT cultural context behind the concept of faith, even recommending that we take the English word "faith" out of our vocabulary when trying to explain the story of Abraham's commitment to Yahweh. The conversation concludes by summarizing the NT meaning...

EP018: Genesis 14: Melchizedek & The God Most High show art EP018: Genesis 14: Melchizedek & The God Most High

The Divine Council Worldview Podcast

In this episode Ronn and Mike discuss the meeting of Abraham and Melchizedek in Genesis 14, even considering whether this kind of story supports the idea of divine portals or “heavenly gates” in the biblical narrative (Gen 12:8; 13:4; 28:11-12; 35:7). Most interesting to this story, of course, is their joint realization that they worshipped the same deity (el-elyon, ‘the high god’ cp. Pss 9:2; 7:17; 82:6; Isaiah 14:14; Luke 1:20, 32). This suggests that Yahweh (who had not revealed his name to either man at this point) was actively working behind the scenes in the lives of both...

EP017: Genesis 12 & 13: Undoing the Covenants of Babel show art EP017: Genesis 12 & 13: Undoing the Covenants of Babel

The Divine Council Worldview Podcast

In this episode, Ronn and Mike recommend that Genesis 12 and 13—the story of Abraham beginning to worship Yahweh while rejecting his tribal gods of Babylon—sets the framing story for the Bible as a whole. These early narratives are not concerned with sin and forgiveness, in other words, nor even the expectation of a Messiah. They instead answer the question of which deity a person needs to worship in order to be blessed and to be a blessing to others. It is suggested that a Creation/Covenants/Crisis model of the Old Testament's big story should replace the Creation/Crisis/Covenant...

EP016: Divine Foundations: Embracing Obedience in Everyday Missions show art EP016: Divine Foundations: Embracing Obedience in Everyday Missions

The Divine Council Worldview Podcast

Get ready to be inspired, challenged, and equipped to make a difference in the world around you! In this episode, Mel delves into the transformative power of meaningful interactions and the importance of open minds and hearts when sharing Biblical insights. He emphasizes putting knowledge into action in making disciples, urging listeners to share their personal stories of divine guidance in everyday moments. Mel expounds on missionary work, highlighting that it’s not just about far-off lands, but also about nurturing relationships within our own families. Amidst the discussion, Mel navigates...

More Episodes

In this episode, hosts Rich and Mel share personal anecdotes about their relationship with Dr. Michael Heiser, and reminisce on how they first met. They then delve into their shared passion and vision of integrating Dr. Heiser's teachings with the core message of the Gospel. Together, they aim to foster discipleship and inspire listeners to embark on their own transformative journey.