The Fully Alive Podcast
Everyone has hobbies and habits. The question is, are they the right ones? Join us as we unpack the differences between the two, share our favorite ones, and discuss how to break unhealthy ones and start/maintain healthy ones. Resource mentioned in this episode: - "Atomic Habits":
info_outline How to Handle Conflict | Ep. 5The Fully Alive Podcast
In this episode, we discuss conflict! We are far from perfect, but this conversation is meant to help us all grow in handling conflict better and healthier so that our relationships stay strong and unified. Resources mentioned in this episode: - "Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High": - "Fight Fair: Winning at Conflict Without Losing at Love": - "Total Forgiveness":
info_outline An Attitude of Gratitude | Ep. 4The Fully Alive Podcast
Expressing gratitude is not something we should experience around a certain time of year; it should be a perspective we choose to take in our everyday lives. In this episode, we explore the practical ways we can have an attitude of gratitude and its effects on our lives. The book mentioned in this episode is, "The Gap and the Gain" by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy:
info_outline Holidays | Ep. 3The Fully Alive Podcast
This episode is all about the holidays! This is one of our favorite seasons, but we recognize that people can feel many emotions this time of year. Join us as we discuss our past and present traditions and share how we can all get the most out of this holiday season. The book referenced in this episode is by Tish Harrison Warren.
info_outline Ask Me Anything | Ep.2The Fully Alive Podcast
In this episode, you get to see what happens when we record a podcast with no prep or planning. We go back and forth asking one another questions on the spot and nothing is off the table!
info_outline Thriving in the Political Season | Bonus EpisodeThe Fully Alive Podcast
At the time of this bonus episode dropping, the presidential election is nearly upon us. We felt burdened to help our community not only navigate or survive this political season but thrive in it and address some tough topics related to politics and Christianity.
info_outline Both/And | Ep.1The Fully Alive Podcast
In our first-ever episode, we set the stage for the entire podcast. You’ll learn more about us and the reality that we wear a lot of hats, all at once, and we don’t have the option to take any one of them off. But life is not best lived with an either/or mindset, rather it is when we embrace the both/and.
info_outline Episode 0: Welcome to the Podcast!The Fully Alive Podcast
We are so glad you are checking out our podcast. Learn why we are doing this and what we believe you’ll get out of it. Be sure to subscribe so you’ll be notified when a new episode drops!
info_outlineThis episode is all about the holidays! This is one of our favorite seasons, but we recognize that people can feel many emotions this time of year. Join us as we discuss our past and present traditions and share how we can all get the most out of this holiday season.
The book referenced in this episode is "Advent: A Season of Hope" by Tish Harrison Warren.