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What Is the Applied Christianity Podcast?

Applied Christianity

Release Date: 08/15/2024

Understanding the Holy Spirit Part 1 show art Understanding the Holy Spirit Part 1

Applied Christianity

This is Part 1 of a 2 part series in which Gary Morris discusses the Holy Spirit and how we can become more aware of its presence in our lives.  What is the Holy Spirit?  How can the Holy Spirity help me in my daily life?  Why should I learn more about this topic?   Gary is the host of the Applied Christianity Podcast.  Typical episodes are interviews with other guests, but from time to time, Gary will present discussions on important topics related to Christianity and our living our faith. Part 2 of this discussion will be published in February.    

Finding Strength in the Word of God show art Finding Strength in the Word of God

Applied Christianity

In Episode 7, host Gary Morris speaks with his guest, Lauren. They talk about her focus on reading scripture and christian music to deal with day-to-day challenges. Then, the discussion focuses on how the bible can help people cope with anxiety and depression.  Faith and gratitude can lift your spirit and your outlook. Our next episode will launch in 2 weeks!  Be sure to click the Subscribe button. It's Free. That way you'll receive a notification when the next episode is available.

Encouraging New Christians to Feel Welcome show art Encouraging New Christians to Feel Welcome

Applied Christianity

In Episode 6, host Gary Morris speaks with his guest, Luke. They talk about Luke's decision to join the ministry. Then, the discussion focuses on being mindful of how we welcome new Christians into the church. Our next episode will launch in 2 weeks!  Be sure to click the Subscribe button. It's Free. That way you'll receive a notification when the next episode is available.

Anger Management Through the Holy Spirit show art Anger Management Through the Holy Spirit

Applied Christianity

In Episode 5, host Gary Morris speaks with his guest, Thomas. They talk about how the Holy Spirit can help you to cope with anger management issues. Faith is a tool that can help you to overcome life's challenges. Our next episode will launch soon!  Be sure to click the Subscribe button. It's Free. That way you'll receive a notification when the next episode is available.

Overcoming Anxiety Through Christ show art Overcoming Anxiety Through Christ

Applied Christianity

In Episode 4, host Gary Morris speaks with his guest, Emma. They talk about how Christ can help to overcome anxiety. Seeking professional help is a good step, but the power of Christ is amazing. Emma is getting ready to go to bootcamp with the Navy. Gary spent 20 years in the Navy, after college. They had a number of interesting topics to discuss. Our next episode will launch in 2 weeks!   Be sure to click the Subscribe button. It's Free. That way you'll receive a notification when the next episode is available.

Don't Fight Temptation Alone show art Don't Fight Temptation Alone

Applied Christianity

In Episode 3, host Gary Morris speaks with his guest, Tucker. They talk about the importance of having a good group of friends and family members around you. When an individual is isolated, Satan does his work. When you're surrounded by people who are also on the right path, or at least trying to stay there, it's easier to resist temptations. Our next episode will launch in 2 weeks! Be sure to click the Subscribe button. It's Free. That way you'll receive a notification when the next episode is available.

Overcoming an Eating Disorder show art Overcoming an Eating Disorder

Applied Christianity

In Episode 2, host Gary Morris talks with Sabrina, a young adult who discusses how she overcame an eating disorder.  They talk about how Sabrina is has learned to trust Jesus and to rely on her faith for reasurance and hope.  She wants to be an example for people she encounters and who are having similar struggles. Our next episode will launch in 2 weeks! Be sure to Subscribe to this podcast.  It's Free.  That way, you'll receive a notification when the next episode is available.

Becoming a Christian Leader show art Becoming a Christian Leader

Applied Christianity

Welcome to Episode 1 of the Applied Christianity Podcast.  In today's episode, host Gary Morris talks with Will, a young adult who discusses his spiritual journey.  They talk about how Will is working hard to live his faith.  Will wants to be an example for others in his sphere of influence.  

We're One Week Away from Episode 1 show art We're One Week Away from Episode 1

Applied Christianity

The Applied Christianity Podcast launches in 1 week!  In this brief trailer, host Gary Morris invites listeners to join him for the launch of the podcast.   Episode 1 will be available on September 2, 2024.  Be sure to follow us on Facebook, YouTube Podcasts, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, iHeartRadio, Amazon Music and many other platforms.    

Countdown to Launch of the Applied Christianity Podcast show art Countdown to Launch of the Applied Christianity Podcast

Applied Christianity

The Applied Christianity Podcast launches in 2 weeks!  Episode 1 will be available on September 2, 2024.  Be sure to follow us on Facebook, YouTube Podcasts, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, iHeartRadio, Amazon Music and many other platforms.  

More Episodes

My name is Gary Morris, and I'd like to take a moment to share the story behind the creation of the Applied Christianity Podcast.

About two years ago, I found myself in a period of deep self-reflection, grappling with frustration in my Christian faith. I was baptized at 13, and at 55, I realized I was still struggling with the same temptations that had plagued me throughout my adult life. This was a sobering realization.

Through intense prayer, meaningful discussions, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I finally identified the core issue. The Applied Christianity Podcast was born from this discovery—what took me 55 years to uncover, I now want to share with others.

To understand my journey, it’s important to know a bit about my background. By nature, I’m a quantitative thinker. I like to get to the root of a problem and find solutions that actually work. I’m not one for overly sentimental or superficial responses that fail to address the real issues.

This mindset served me well during my time in the Navy and on the Navy Triathlon team. While training for the Ironman, I meticulously mapped out daily, weekly, and monthly goals for each aspect of the triathlon. I reviewed my progress weekly, adjusting my focus where needed to ensure I met my goals.

One evening, I found myself comparing the time I dedicated to my athletic pursuits with the time I spent on my ultimate goal—eternal life with Jesus. The results were eye-opening and, frankly, disappointing. I was putting in 25-30 hours a week to prepare for the Ironman but only dedicating 2 hours a week to my faith. The outcome was exactly what you’d expect from such an imbalance.

The Applied Christianity Podcast is all about taking a practical approach to faith. First, we need to recognize the magnitude of the challenge—Satan, the world, and our own flesh are tempting us 24/7. Once we understand the magnitude, or just how severe the problem is, only then can we offer an appropriate or successful solution.  If the first goal of an Ironman race is to swim 2.4 miles, then learning how to tread water is not the answer.  Learning to tread water keeps me from drowning, but does nothing to help me reach my goal.

It’s the same with our spiritual training.  If our goal is to overcome our struggle with Satan on a daily basis, simply relying on a church service for an hour or so each week won’t cut it.  We need practical applications and practice with the tools we’ve been given.


We'll launch on September 2, 2024.  Be sure to follow us on Facebook and YouTube.