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4. Meditation: Find what nourishes your soul

Sacred Listening

Release Date: 05/13/2024

6. Guided meditation for busyness, urgency, and 6. Guided meditation for busyness, urgency, and "not-enoughness"

Sacred Listening

The following episode is a guide practice meant to accompany the previous episode. For context, please refer to the previous episode.    We are often driven by the insecure need to keep accomplishing and achieving things in this busyness culture. When this need is driven by the feeling that no matter what we do, it never is enough, then success becomes a constantly moving target. This guided meditation is designed to anchor ourselves back into what we already have, what we have already accomplished, and the fact that who we are, right here and right now, is already enough. There is...

5. Is burnout real? Transforming busyness and exhaustion to nourishment and flow show art 5. Is burnout real? Transforming busyness and exhaustion to nourishment and flow

Sacred Listening

Have you noticed that oftentimes when asked: “how are you?”, many reply by saying: “oh, I’ve been super busy.”  Busyness seems to be a badge of honor nowadays. There’s this constant need to do, achieve, perform, and succeed. While there is nothing wrong with accomplishing goals in healthy measures, when there’s an obsession with it, when the drive to accomplish stems from feeling insecure about ourselves, then that could be a recipe for burnout.  In this episode, we discuss the burning (pun intended) question: "Is burnout real?" We will dive into the definition of...

4. Meditation: Find what nourishes your soul show art 4. Meditation: Find what nourishes your soul

Sacred Listening

The following episode is a guide practice meant to accompany the previous episode. For context, please refer to the previous episode.    This meditation practice guides you through a body scan and a inner contemplative experience to discover what truly nourishes your body, mind, and soul. The purpose is to find your own unique self-nurture practice that you look forward to do a few times a day on a daily basis.    Elaine Oyang is an IAYT-certified yoga therapist and a self-nurture advocate. Throughout her 12+ year of teaching yoga in studios and private practice, she works...

3. Self-nurture: Redefining and revolutionizing self-care show art 3. Self-nurture: Redefining and revolutionizing self-care

Sacred Listening

What is self-nurture and how does it differ from self-care? This is the topic we are going to explore in today’s episode, and you can say is my crusade in revolutionizing the way we think about self-care, or rather, RECLAIM what self-care is for ourselves rather than being SOLD what self-care is. We will discuss why self-care portrayed by the media is inaccessible and unsustainable, and what you can do instead to take care of yourself without the glitz and glamor.    Elaine Oyang is an IAYT-certified yoga therapist and a self-nurture advocate. Throughout her 12+ year of teaching...

2. Somatic practice to tune in to your body show art 2. Somatic practice to tune in to your body

Sacred Listening

The following episode is a guide practice meant to accompany the previous episode. For context, please refer to the previous episode.  This somatic practice takes you through a slow and mindful journey in your body to hone your listening skills for your bodily sensations. By slowing down a simple movement rather than rushing through it mechanically, we get to pick up on so much more about what our body is trying to tell us.    Elaine Oyang is an IAYT-certified yoga therapist and a self-nurture advocate. Throughout her 12+ year of teaching yoga in studios and private practice,...

1. Listening to our own body's wisdom: An intro to Sacred Listening show art 1. Listening to our own body's wisdom: An intro to Sacred Listening

Sacred Listening

Welcome to our very first episode of the Sacred Listening podcast! In today's episode, I am laying out the meaning behind Sacred Listening, and how I aim to guide you to "listen IN" to your body with this podcast. Chances are, if you've been living an over-scheduled, over-busy life, you haven't listened to what your body's needs are lately. Tune in to learn more about how to return to your body's wisdom to nurture, rather than neglect, your own self.    Elaine Oyang is an IAYT-certified yoga therapist and a self-nurture advocate. Throughout her 12+ year of teaching yoga in studios...

Sacred Listening Podcast Trailer show art Sacred Listening Podcast Trailer

Sacred Listening

Welcome to the Sacred Listening podcast — a sanctuary for those who feel overwhelmed, overscheduled, and overbusy. I’m your host, Elaine Oyang, IAYT-certified yoga therapist and a self-nurture advocate. In this podcast, we explore the various paths of restoring balance in our body from issues such as depletion, anxiety, chronic pain, and stress. We do this by redefining what self-care means on an individual level as we dive into cutting-edge research, personal stories, expert interviews, as well as listening in to the magic and mysticism of our body’s wisdom. I welcome you to join us to...

More Episodes

The following episode is a guide practice meant to accompany the previous episode. For context, please refer to the previous episode. 


This meditation practice guides you through a body scan and a inner contemplative experience to discover what truly nourishes your body, mind, and soul. The purpose is to find your own unique self-nurture practice that you look forward to do a few times a day on a daily basis. 


Elaine Oyang is an IAYT-certified yoga therapist and a self-nurture advocate. Throughout her 12+ year of teaching yoga in studios and private practice, she works to help others restore balance in their bodies from their over-busy lives. She's worked many years in private practice to help clients through their journeys of chronic pain, chronic illness, anxiety, insomnia, and loss of sense of self. With her podcast, Sacred Listening, Elaine shares with a wider audience on her personal experience, and that of her clients', on how to reclaim self-care and self-love.


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This podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Information contained in this episode is not to be replaced with medical advice.