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011 - Bee Reel - The Wholly True Holy Truth

Bee Reel

Release Date: 12/09/2024

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Bee Reel

No one in a congregation can do it all! Evangelism takes the whole group. This week on Bee Reel, host Bee Bryant gives steps we can take that give new visitors the best possible experience, and connection to our Corps. Learn how to be intentional in how we turn visitors into members.

020 - Bee Reel - Focusing In show art 020 - Bee Reel - Focusing In

Bee Reel

Has bringing a friend to church become a lost art? Why don’t we invite people to church more often? This week on Bee Reel, we talk about inviting a friend to church and getting past our hesitations. Join host Bee Bryant as he explores the next step of evangelism: invitation.  

019 - Bee Reel - What's the Hold up? show art 019 - Bee Reel - What's the Hold up?

Bee Reel

Join us this week on Bee Reel, as host Bee Bryant talks about barriers that we may face when testifying about the work of God in our lives. Listen as we discuss ways to overcome those barriers, and how to listen for the Holy Spirit in key moments of interaction.  

018 - Bee Reel - Mr Relatable show art 018 - Bee Reel - Mr Relatable

Bee Reel

The disciple Peter was with Jesus from the start. And he is the cornerstone of the church in Acts. Join us this week on Bee Reel as we consider Peter’s testimony, and how he reached others. Listen as host Bee Bryant points out ways that we might find Peter very relatable. 

017 - Bee Reel - Paul's Plan: Less Killing, More Loving show art 017 - Bee Reel - Paul's Plan: Less Killing, More Loving

Bee Reel

Paul is one of the best known and loved figures in the New Testament. But he began as a persecutor of Christians. How did he use that transformation to evangelize? Learn how Paul’s testimony can inform how we share our story with others. Join host Bee Bryant as he examines Paul’s life as seen in the book of Acts.    

016 - Bee Reel - Say Something! show art 016 - Bee Reel - Say Something!

Bee Reel

  This week on Bee Reel, host Bee Bryant talks about testifying. Our testimony should be a living, dynamic thing, just like our faith journey. When we want someone to know Jesus, we need to share that testimony. Join us as we explore ways to testify that will connect in a real way.  

015 - Bee Reel - Clean of Profane? show art 015 - Bee Reel - Clean of Profane?

Bee Reel

What does it meant to be clean? Who can be saved? These questions are both addressed in Acts Chapter 10. Listen this week on Bee Reel as host Bee Bryant talks about Peter and Cornelius the Centurion. See what their story has to do with modern day evangelism.  

014 - Bee Reel - Spirit Fire, Not Sorcery Smoke show art 014 - Bee Reel - Spirit Fire, Not Sorcery Smoke

Bee Reel

In Acts Chapter 8, Luke tells the story of Philip going to preach to the Samaritans, and how he encounters Simon the sorcerer. Join us this week on Bee Reel as host Bee Bryant explores why this story would be included in the Bible, and what it means for us as modern Christians who want to evangelize.  

013 - Bee Reel - Ponder and Steep show art 013 - Bee Reel - Ponder and Steep

Bee Reel

After you’ve finished the busy Christmas season, take time to ponder Luke’s account of   Christ’s birth. Join us this week on Bee Reel as we take time to sit and steep in the miracle of Christmas, and what it means for us as we evangelize.  

012 - Bee Reel - Christmas Connections show art 012 - Bee Reel - Christmas Connections

Bee Reel

Take a pause in your Christmas activity to listen to this week’s episode of Bee Reel. During the Christmas season, we in The Salvation Army are busy doing the work of Jesus. But we can also take this time to reach out and evangelize others. Tune in as we discuss how to do good things, but also love actively as we do them. Don’t just do stuff – evangelize too!

More Episodes

Are you trustworthy? What does it mean to honor truth? Listen this week on Bee Reel as host Bee Bryant talks about the importance of trustworthiness when we are evangelizing. If we want people to trust us to give answers to life’s big questions, we have to be people who tell the truth about the little, everyday things first. 


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