Bank On Her
Makenzie talks about a necessary skill needed to get to your next level — financially, physically, mentally, in relationships & life. If you know you’re wanting to get to your next level, come get our workshop: UPLEVEL special offer here AUDACIOUS MEMBERSHIP: Checkout my RELENTLESS program here: ANTI QUITTER PROTOCOL (free challenge): AUDACIOUS MEMBERSHIP: Visit me here to learn more about how you can become unrecognizably...
info_outline What It Takes To \"Have It All\" In LifeBank On Her
An honest conversation about what it took to transform from someone who felt like all she wanted was out of reach to someone who genuinely feels so blessed and like she has it all. AUDACIOUS MEMBERSHIP - UNLIMITED YEAR LONG MENTORSHIP - unlimited #confidencecoach #confidencebuilding #confidence #SelfBelief
info_outline 79. Soft Girl Era is Gone: Become Unrecognizable InsteadBank On Her
2025 isn't the year to play it safe or keep yourself in the same self-sabotaging patterns. In this episode, I'm covering the mentality to become unrecognizable and the 3 questions I'm asking myself (and you should ask yourself!) daily to build the kind of confidence & discipline that gets real results. AUDACIOUS MEMBERSHIP - UNLIMITED YEAR LONG MENTORSHIP -
info_outline 78. Transform Your Body in 90 DaysBank On Her
Listen in on the 3 shifts Makenzie used to transform her relationship with her body, stop fluctuating weight, and the same 3 shifts she used this year to drop down 2 pant sizes. Perfect episode for those who want to take their body from good enough to insane, those who have hit a plateau in fitness, want to transform without sacrificing their social lives or sanity, and want to finaaaally feel confident in their bodies every single day. AUDACIOUS MEMBERSHIP - UNLIMITED YEAR LONG MENTORSHIP - unlimited
info_outline 77. How to build the confidence to double your income in 6 monthsBank On Her
I’ve had countless clients increase their incomes 2-8x in under half a year; what each of them has in common is always that they’ve changed how they see themselves & how abundant they allow themselves to feel. Today’s episode dives into 3 ways to tap into this confidence. AUDACIOUS MEMBERSHIP - #ConfidenceCoach #confidencebuilding #confidence #lifecoaching #moneymindset
info_outline 76. The biggest block to you having what you wantBank On Her
Most people don't have what they wan't because they give up before they see the success through to the end. Today's episode dives into the biggest reason you're self-sabotaging, giving up early, and not seeing it through. AUDACIOUS MEMBERSHIP - #ConfidenceCoach #confidencebuilding #confidence #lifecoaching
info_outline 75. Is shame the problem?Bank On Her
Makenzie talks about 5 common ways shame shows itself in her clients, why shame is the number one thing keeping many from being relentless, and a method she recommends to overcome shame. 💣 JOIN RELENTLESS: 👅 JOIN AUDACIOUS MEMBERSHIP: 🚀 FREE MINI COURSE:
info_outline 74. 3 Behaviors That Sabotage Your Success - Pt. 2Bank On Her
In today's episode Makenzie talks about 3 of the 6 sneaky behaviors that she's found have gotten in her way, and her clients way, of creating success in business, health, relationships, and with money. JOIN UNLIMITED: JOIN AUDACIOUS MEMBERSHIP: FREE MINI COURSE: #confidencecoach #confidencebuilding #confidence #lifecoaching
info_outline 73. 3 Ways You're NOT Being Your Relentless SelfBank On Her
In today's episode Makenzie talks about 3 of the 6 sneaky behaviors that she's found have gotten in her way, and her clients way, of creating success in business, health, relationships, and with money. JOIN UNLIMITED: JOIN AUDACIOUS MEMBERSHIP: FREE MINI COURSE: #confidencecoach #confidencebuilding #confidence #lifecoaching
info_outline 72. Show up like it's already yoursBank On Her
Learn what to focus on to start showing up as the version of yourself who already has everything you want. We’ll explore how to break free from the limitations of your current reality, create certainty without proof, and start showing up with the confidence of someone who's already created what she wants. JOIN UNLIMITED: JOIN AUDACIOUS MEMBERSHIP: FREE MINI COURSE: #confidencecoach #confidencebuilding #confidence #lifecoaching
info_outlineLearn what to focus on to start showing up as the version of yourself who already has everything you want. We’ll explore how to break free from the limitations of your current reality, create certainty without proof, and start showing up with the confidence of someone who's already created what she wants.
#confidencecoach #confidencebuilding #confidence #lifecoaching